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Wear headphones like a good girl...




The only one I actually dare to listen in public... and even then it leaves me all bothered. What is it about silk ties and leather belts you ask? EVERYTHING


The breathy whispers, naughty giggles, sexy moans...the slapping and sliding sounds...absolutely delicious.


Mother of god Gael is life!!


The sensations I got from this was divine, so many lovely tingles. I am very sensitive to sounds and these were all extremely pleasant. Sorry I'm 3 years late 😆


I listened to this 5+ times in a row because I was just amazed what he did with his voice, a silk tie, and a leather belt! 🔥🔥🔥 🤤 The combination of his whispers, growls, giggles, voice, breathing along with the belt and tie was perfection! 💗


Fuckin hell


Ok, i'm ready... already wear headphones like a good girl and listen


Isn't it past your bedtime, Gael?


Oh fucking fuck. That moment when you're trying to be chill and checking your phone in front of your extended family and suddenly you're blushing.


Shhh dont send him away


Yes, sir. *goes & gets headphones like a cailín an-mhaith*


Trump diverting tactics, huh?😂


This definitely yielded a raised eyebrow..in a good way! Looking forward to listening...and following instructions.


it's 1:25am, i should be asleep..... *gets earphones straight away*


*still wary of trolls* 😆 thanks for not leaving us hanging with the last one. 😊


Relax! It's just a tie and a belt


You are evil. I think I'll wait until later to listen. In case you uploaded the wrong one...😑


Whhhaaat!!! Oh hell, he posted another one. Forgive me for ever thinking you would leave me hanging..sir. Ok putting on headphones like a good girl.


See, this is why I'm always walking away with an attitude...tease...ammunition G...ammunition..

Gri (Sassy_One)

Leather belt...gahhh just go to bed already, ya murderer!!!😵😵😵


1:30am and about to sleep but a belt is involved sooo what can you do.

Gri (Sassy_One)

BTW it is NEVER just a little belt...🙊🙈


Never thought ganna like the sound of silk tie and the belt 😅


"I want you to feel how strong I am... growwwl!" 😥Can you say that again please?


Did someone finish already? Is it safe? 😂😂😂


You. Are. Such. A. Tease! *goes cailín ana-dona* *girl-growls* *pounces* (... but you know we love it.)


No Seánie takeover, if that's what you mean. Otherwise... define 'safe'? ;-)


That's not funny. You're entirely too pleased with yourself. I'm still not recovered from double gael and now you post one with both of these...i don't think I'll survive this one.


Goodness this has been one Gael of a week for me. You've been a very busy boy. You get us so turned on, then leave us wanting more as always. I'll just sit tight and wait for the pay off.🎧💋😰


A tie??? Really?? Ok...that's a good start. But it takes a little more than that to hold me down. As you well know.

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Gael: "Wear headphones like a good girl" Me: "Yes Sir...." *Puts headphones in, sits on a chair and blindfolds herself for imagination purposes* 11 minutes later.......💦💦💦💦💦 Will repeat process every 11 minutes....😍😍😍


So good girl is cailin an-mhaith? (Thank you @Brigid's Ember) How do you say....satisfied girl, soaking fucking wet girl, happy girl??

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Aaaahhhh!!!!! If this were the 1800's he would have a entire brothel mansion.....we would all never leave!


Ohhh Damn! Love this! What is it about a silk tie and leather belt you ask? Mmmmmm it's about the "ANTICIPATION" of the deliciousness behind that tie and belt and getting to enjoy it all when those items begin to come off!!!! Yessssssssss!!!! 😋 😻


LOL!!!! I told you to stop faking the funk, you know that lit a fire under that ass!


I was a VERY good girl! Listened with my headphones that I have to wear for work as I am tutoring online tonight (no one online as it's 10:30 pm on a Friday night!) Can I say that this audio was yummy? The sounds of the tie and the belt were so suggestive that my imagination went into overdrive. The fact that you let that happen -- and acknowledged it by asking what I was thinking -- is what made this audio that much more effective! Isn't it amazing what a few sounds can make you think, and that the imagination is often so much more powerful than being told what you see or will experience? The fact that you get that is what makes your work so special. Well done!


Yes!!!! this made my spine tingle. That sound that sound that sound...and that belt buckle drives me up the wall 😥


Hi Amy, your comment nailed it, well said👍 No wine tonight as I'm drunk on belt sounds! Have a great night.


So so so good. 3m22 to 3m28s.......breaks the 4th wall and makes it clear that <em>the listener</em> is being spoken to, not just an imagined woman in the scene. So powerful. It reminds me of........I think it was called "Bound" on the old website? It hasn't been posted again so I can't check. (I'd love to get my hands on that audio again!!) But I think it's the one that also had a very clear 4th-wall break, which was super sexy. As for this audio, there were a couple of moments where the belt buckle was let dangle freely for a moment or two, like at 11m15s. I don't know how that's so damn hot but it is.


The leather belt and the silk tie 😱 I already find them sexy by themselves. But together?? 😍 So hot 😋


The words and that tone? 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 I'm dead


Darn, I already blush every time my husband takes off his belt since I started listening to you. I have been totally corrupted. 😋


Mmmmm woke up to this 💖 ...staying in bed 'til I've listened. 😍


Woke up to see this had been posted and I don't know what to do!! Do I listen at my daughter's gymnastics class, or do I wait 12hrs or more til tonight?? 🤔 I'm guessing option 1 lands me firmly in the 'bad mother category' for listening to erotic audio when I'm meant to be watching my kid do gymnastics, right?


I love this, the tie, up close whispering, the belt, the teasing and alpha Gael, this could be my PA with just a little extra added. So hot it made me blush. Thank you for this. 😘 ❤️❤️❤️


You can "listen" and watch at the same time....but rather you than me! Wait..the anticipation will be worth it. 🙂


Wow, my interpretation and experience with silk ties and belts are very different from most! Hey, that's okay right? It's about taste and men...imagine rolled up sleeves, strong forearms, 3 buttons down (maybe 4), manly buckle, great cologne...sigh! Then you finish the story!


Happy Long Weekend to Canucks and everyone else too!


OK, not to kill the mood or anything, but when you asked what I was thinking about, I'll admit I was thinking "I hope he's not using normal knots in that silk tie... They can end up being too tight to untie after a decent amount of pulling against them... Hopefully he has scissors handy?" This is a clear sign I need to silence my brain with alcohol of some description! When the belt came out to play and you asked what I was thinking, I was definitely more into it and thinking it would look lovely around my neck... Especially when viewed/held from behind 😈


I'm a sucker for tingles!


Oh god, that belt around your neck bit scared me for a second, it sounded really dark at first glance 😱


Wonderful ASMR audio! So many tingles and tickles all over!! Amazing job as always ❤️❤️❤️


<img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> Although the tags are helpful for categorizing these recordings, I never fully know what to expect when it comes to any given audio. So when I saw "BDSM" and "Alpha" listed as tags, I thought, <i>"So, is this going to revolve around control? Is it going to be rough? Well, I suppose Gael would've tagged the audio as being "rough" if it was rough, but what if he and I have completely different ideas of what constitutes "rough"? Oh, screw it, I'm just going to listen to it while I eat some rice cakes. If I hear anything I don't like, I can just drown it out with the sound of my own ASMR chewing."</i> Luckily there were bucketloads of ASMR in this audio, especially when the silk tie was involved. From a tactile stimulus perspective, yeah, I'd prefer a silk tie over a leather belt. But the sounds made by the tie were a bit <i>too</i> overpowering for my tastes, though I suspect ASMR purists would've loved it. Merely a case of different strokes for different folks, and at any rate, the ASMR part wasn't what caught my attention most in this audio. During my first listen, it felt like there was something about the audio that made it sound a lot different from other BDSM audios I've heard before. But I couldn't quite place it. Although it certainly wasn't as intense as a Shibari scenario, it still had some bondage. And although Gael wasn't in full blown dom mode, there was still a D/S dynamic. It wasn't until my second listen (sans tasty white cheddar rice cakes! 🤤) that I figured out why it sounded different to me. My initial view of BDSM was pretty warped since my first introduction to it was through an asshole of a fake dom (I label him as fake because no reputable dom would actually do this) who used BDSM as a way of intimidating, manipulating, and instilling fear in anyone in the submissive role. Of course actual BDSM isn't about fear and intimidation at all, but this guy would get mad at me if I questioned anything he said, insult me if I did something he considered wrong, and get way too rough for my comfort level. (If any of you guys read my comment from a few weeks back about the time I was roughed up in the bedroom, this was the jerk who did it). So it didn't take me long to view facets of BDSM as something to balk at. (i.e., <i>"No, you don't get to dominate me because you don't have my best interests in mind. No, you don't get to pin me down or tie me up because then I won't be able to fight back when you try to hurt me."</i>) Fortunately a few months later, I had the opportunity to discuss my experiences with an actual dom, who proceeded to inform me that what had occurred was definitely <i>not</i> BDSM, and probably more in line with being emotionally abused. So my current view of BDSM falls in the realm of neutral to "Yeah, I think I can get behind some of that", but I still have a tendency to "NOPE!" my way out of audios where things get particularly rough or aggressive. And there a lot of BDSM audios that can get rough and aggressive, (although there's not necessarily anything wrong with that because some people are into that sort of thing). If you're wondering, after this long ass segue, what roughness and aggression have to do with this audio, the answer is nothing. As in, there is none in it. And yet I'd still consider this a BDSM audio. Not just for the light bondage and D/S dynamic, but because it emphasizes what BDSM is <i>really</i> about, which is mutual respect and trust. Well, insofar that you can convey respect and trust through a fictional scenario. Gael calls the listener "bad", but obviously he means sexy bad, not "You're a bad person" bad. But details like mentioning that he's not going to tie the knots too tight, or that "it's just a leather belt" (which is a nod to how inanimate objects are ultimately just inanimate objects, and it's the people who wield them that give them an air of sensuality), create an undertone of safety and being mindful of the listener's "vulnerability" in the scenario. It shows that a person can exert control without being <i>controlling</i>, and be dominant without being a 20-tonne steamroller of douchbaggery. Or at least that's how I interpreted it. I could, as always, be overthinking the audio, but I'll admit that I was Kermit flailing at the whole <i>"OMG gentle BDSM audios are a thing? Why aren't there more of them out there?!</i> bit. <b><u>tl;dr</u></b> Me likey the audio <i>this</i> much: <img height="190" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/T3o2jSO7mf7Ta/giphy.gif">


Yes!!! Sometimes, to be dominant, people think they have to be their scarier-meaner-rougher self and i really don't enjoy that. I like giving willing compliance, i want to feel this desire to submit to something "greater than myself" (it'almost a mytic, religious experience, a trance state...)... And i love when Gael's softer-caring self shows through the d/s dynamic in place ;) because you can't give yourself when you don't feel safe...


OK, I thought I wasn't going to like this one... I thought I was going to be bored with it... I was so wrong. Especially at these parts... 3:24 - I actually thought 'Is he gonna tie me up...?', and then I hear "Yeah, I'm talking to you." Holy balls! I know the listener takes on certain roles, the sub in this case, but right there, it felt like he was actually talking to <i>me</i>. I almost wanted to hide! 6:29 - I was NOT expecting that sound to make me shiver! 7:07 - Jesus...!! It was the <i>way</i> he said that! Unf!! 10:22 - Oh, honey, you have no idea...! All right. I'm not really a BDSM person myself, but certain BDSM audios I do like and enjoy, and whoo boy, this is one of them. If I had listened to this with Gael's icon looking right at me, I would've been a sheepish mess.


The eye icon is a bit jarring, isn't it? I'll be browsing Patreon, minding my own business, and then BOOM! Gael seems to be staring at me at in every post. Scroll down? There he is again! Scroll up? Nope, can't escape the all-seeing eye!<br><br>That first day that he changed his icon, I looked directly at it and said, "It's not polite to stare, you know. Things can get uncomfortable when someone stares at you, can't they? Maybe I should challenge you to a staring contest, just to show you what that feels like!"<br><br><i>(Obviously he won because live human eyes can't compete with an uploaded JPG.)</i> 😔<br><br>Maybe if he wants to have an icon that shows only one body part, he could choose a different anatomical area to display. My votes are for smile, chest, abs, flexed biceps, or clothed ass. Hell, I'd settle for an ear since it would still fit with the audio motif, but not give the <i>"I'm seeing what you're doing there!"</i> impression 😆


Holy hell this was intense! Wasn't prepared for all the tingles. You may make a belt buckle fan out of me after all.🙊


Holy hell that was a sensual overload in the best way possible! and the "I want you to feel how strong I am.."? Good lord, yes! the only thing this needs is a part two! ( How is it possible that 11:32 could go by so fast! I am so glad I logged in and saw this, especially since I've been off the grid for a while! Exellent work!...now about that part two... haha 🤔👂👔💫👅🍑🍆👉👌⚤🏆


Pretty much the most erotic thing I have ever heard. I am dizzy.


Please make a part 2 of ir!!! OMG that's the most sexy audio I ever listened. I'm dizzy.


*smashes the "heart-button"*


I have no words to describe this audio! 💖💖❤❤💥💥💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦💦


Perusing older audios on Patreon. This one is lovely. Anyone else have the involuntary reaction of clenching their thighs and thrusting their hips a bit at the sound of the leather belt when he cracks it? That quick "POP" sound. *sigh* I just want to be laid out on his lap and feel that leather across my backside. 🤤👋❤️