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Happy Monday my Lovelies

This weekend flew, like!   

The draw winner for this week is Amy Mc!

have a good day, I'll be talking (a lot) at you soon!






Well done Amy! X


Yay! Congratulations, Amy! 🎉


You have a good day too! Congrats Amy Mc, enjoy. PAs are a gift that keeps on giving. XD


Congrats Amy


Aww, enjoy lovely Amy! :)) Have a nice rest of Monday Mr Mayor, and also a lovely week! :)


Congratulations!! Happy Monday. I work retail so Monday's are always catch up day.


Happy Monday to you too and all the ladies here, Congratulations Amy!


Hurraaaaah Amy! You deserve it so much! Also: coffee. Mmm, coffee. Want.


Congrats Amy!! 🎧 🎉 Have a nice day too Mr G!


Glückwunsch Amy! (psssst... see, working hard in Gaelandia pays off! Nah, OMG... just kidding!!! ) XP


Congratulations Amy MC!! 😀🚀💦. Enjoy! 🎧💗


Always posting while I am in class! LOL At least I looked after kids left. Thanks for the congratulations, and have a good day, everyone! 😊


💖Congrats Amy! Have fun with it! Happy Monday to all! 🤗 *said as I sip my coffee from my Gaelforce mug*


It doesn't pay off for the poor Lizard Queen, does it, Frau Claudia? 😝


Congratulations, Amy! Hope everyone has a tremendously great week! 😊


Whenever you're down to your last nerve with those meddling kids, just think of the PA and feel all the zen and <i>Namaste</i> flood back into your life. 💆


Congrats, Amy. ^.^ I hope everyone here has a lovely day.


P.s. I'll be doing a big draw this weekend coming so stay tuned xd


Good morning, G and lovelies! 😙 So anyone else here from Canada celebrating Victoria Day? For V Day I'm going to Niagara Falls with my dad. Long drive which I'm looking forward to, and once we get there, there will be restaurants, ice cream, and of course a beautiful Falls area which gets lit up by different colours at night. And at 10:00 pm there's going to be a fireworks show 😍 That's if it doesn't rain. Lol. I will take pictures and post them on twitter 😋 So that's my long weekend. How about you guys? Anyone else celebrating Victoria Day? 😁


You tell us on Monday to stay tuned till the weekend? You just live to tease... hm?? ;)


when it's morning for everyone, here's almost midnight. well, not really bad. as Tuesday coming. Congrats Amy MC, Hope you enjoy it ;)


Niagara Falls!! What a nice trip! It's one of my dreams since I saw the movie 'Niagara' with Marilyn Monroe. One of my favourite movies!


I'm one of the lucky chosen ones who has today off (i.e., us Canadian folk), so I decided to get my procrastination done and over with earlier in the morning before going about the rest of my day doing assorted paperwork, cardio, and household chores. Today's procrastination time was spent perusing some of the older audios (2015 and earlier) on the Wordpress website since I haven't actually listened to most of them yet. I'd deliberately been avoiding listening to "Fucking Doctor Gael" because I thought that it would be nigh impossible for me to suspend disbelief long enough to really get into it. But I figured I'd give it a go today because why not? My prediction was correct in that I couldn't help but keep a running tally of the medical inaccuracies/unlikelihoods in the audio, as well as try to pinpoint the exact moment where the <i>Comhairle na nDochtúirí Leighis</i> would've had grounds to swoop in and revoke Doctor Gael's medical license 😝 But other than that, I thought it was pretty decent. And I do have to give Gael props for not using a bunch of cheesy medical pick-up lines (<i>"You're giving me a raging case of priapism, baby!"</i> or <i>"I'm going to administer an injection of 9.25 inches of Vitamin D now."</i>) I also listened to the recording that's listed as Gael's very first attempt at making erotic audios. Although I was at a complete loss of words for most of it, it was still very <i>D'aww-</i>inspiring and cute because he sounds like he's nervous but trying his best, and how can you <i>not</i> cheer on someone in a situation like that? 😇👍 (Plus it was still miles better than Seanie's first go at creating erotica.) This audio also contained what is now in my Top 10 List of Favourite GF Lines: <i>"My movements are becoming faster now, and I'm fucking you with long, deep strokes. <b>I slap your ass to acknowledge that you are fucking me back."</b></i> 👈(YAASSS that sounds like something I would say! 😃) It does go to show that Gael has come a long way and made so much progress with his audios, though. I think it'd be really interesting if he made a sequel or reworking of that original audio (<i>"Meeting Again - A Second Taste of Gaelforce"</i>, perhaps?) just to show the contrast. You know, something that might inspire budding audio artists who are just starting out and might be unsure of themselves, to not give up and to keep practicing and learning. Who knows, maybe it could be what motivates Seanie to refine his craft until he one day ends up being the king of Literotica 😯


Congratulations, Amy! Happy Monday (or almost Tuesday, as the case may be), fellow Lovelies &amp; Mr.-behind-the-mic!


My Monday is almost over, thank heavens! (At least, the working day is done). But more importantly, every time he says/writes "my lovelies" I get the warm and fuzzies. 😊


I get the same way. It's cute how he calls us his lovelies ☺️🙈


Congrats Amy, you lucky lady!


Congrats, Amy! :D :D


Lucky Lady!


Amy Baby💕💕💕💕


Congratulations Amy! 😄


Congratulations Amy Mc!!!