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Hi everyone! How are we!

I think its time for a shout out ramble! Tell me what you would like me to say! Oh and one request per person or I will be here til Christmas LOL!



Kelly S

Just a fun hello to me would be nice! 💚


Me tooo!


Just say hello! And maybe a nice compliment or 2. Lol. ❤️


meee please, just tell me how much you adore me and that 💁🏻

Meghan McDonald

Please say I am sexy and worth it.


Can I have a shout out in Gaelic? Please and thank you💖


Id love you to say a bit about you, fav colour, food and any pets? 😊 xx


Oh, pick me, pick me! 😂 Can I have a hello and a kiss, please? You're so good to us. 💋 And can you tell us if you have ever read Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte? It's my most favorite book ever!


Say "how much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood" three times fast. In Gaelic. Mwahahah. Okay. English is fine. But bonus points for Gaelic. 😂😂😂


Well you know I gotta hit you with them Spongebob quotes 😏 Can you say "We shall never deny a guest even the most ridiculous request." Pretty fitting right?


Hey! I was just listening to one of your old rambles. I could listen to you ramble on and on for hours 😂😂 And just a hello would be nice 😋 And maybe a compliment or two? 🙈 Please and thank you 🙈


Hey Gael! Would you do a phrase in Gaelic, then what it means? Something you haven't said before. I love learning it straight from the horses mout!


Say...How much wood could a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood. Say It really fast 5x. Or sally sells seashells down by the seashore. LOL. OR just say Hello. I also don't follow the one rule. Ha! Oh, I forgot...You have 2 say it in the growly voice. Tyvm.😏


Crikey! Look at that fine Sheila over there!


I want a cheesy pick up line! 😜 🧀


I'd like you to say "Lucy, you are the sunshine of my life, I can't live if living is without you and the first time ever i saw your face, I saw the sun rise in your eyes, PLUS I wanna suck your big bad boy tits" thanks


Hi G. Just hit me with some vampire seduction. Have a great day 😙

Rose from Ash

Saving my place until I can figure out a good request XP


Edited* Gimmie kisses!! U can say romantical things or silly things or filthy things in between. 😁


Edited - Things have been really difficult for me. I need to hear someone say something nice to me. May I please have some cuddles & kisses with some sweet, sexy ear whispers? BUT....you can't use the words sexy, amazing, or beautiful.😛 And to make me laugh...I want to hear you sing a few lines of your favorite Taylor Swift song...😁 Pretty please and thank you.💕💋


Bite me neck and tell me you want me!


I want you to smack my ass and growl my name in my ear!


Hi! It would be amazing to hear you say something nice to me, I know how good your improvisation skills are so say what you want ☺️hope you have a really nice evening!


Me too, please! Anything that you think of.... lets put those 'cold reading' skillz to the test 😜😂. EDIT : and if you throw a 'good girl' in there I won't be mad!!!


Just a simple hello and maybe something nice? Something in Gaelic is always fun, as well! I'll leave it up to you! (adding in -- Just finished grad school this week and graduate this weekend -- a congratulations would be greatly appreciated!)


My first time participating in a ramble so ...... just a mention and a compliment plus a kiss or 2.... 💖💖 😘😘 woops... my real name is Joan!


I'd like you to take a few moments to say hi and a few words to the ladies who'll read this thread and *want* to request something, but feel too shy or anxious, or feel they can't think of anything suitable.


I've been lurking here for a while with those same thoughts.....


I'd like to hear some more beat boxing 🥊 You were good! Is there anything you can't do? Something about Sage 💋

Gloria Adz

I would like you to sing a bit of this Kenny Rogers song "Lady", but instead of saying Lady, you must say Gloria. Pretty please? I would love to hear the beginning of the song in your voice. 💋


Seduce me with whispers and growls in my ear 😘


Hi Gael! Wishing you luck and stamina for the upcoming ramble ... this thread is getting longer by the second! Could you say something sexy to me as a werewolf? I love it when you do sexy horror. Especially your growls.

Greek Goddess

Hi love!A corny joke would be great! 😁

Rose from Ash

After careful consideration, I have decided that I would like for you to give me a good slap on the ass and tell me I'm cute when I blush ^.^ (bonus points if it's in Gaelic, and extra credit if you say my name <3)


Oh my god, please say something nerdy. I think my heart would stop. Mm, talk nerdy to me, baby. 😍


A get well wish or something funny to make me smile, it's only a cold/sore throat but I'm feeling sorry for myself & have no one here to give me any sympathy lol


Yay! It's been a while but I'm glad you're doing this again. Hopefully you get down to me so I can get a shout out and...a Gaelic poem/saying of your choice.


Can you sing me a quick verse or chorus of Elvis' "Can't Help Falling In Love?" Pretty please 😁


Just a little 'Bonjour' would be nice 😊


Hi Gael! First of all, thanks💜 and also thanks to the awesome community, their posts encouraged me to leave a comment 😆 (I'm usually here but like... watching in the corner, I'm a bit shy 😅) I would absolutely love a little bit of gaelic and a kiss Saludos (greetings) from Chile 😘


I'm your sick friend then! I have pharyngitis again, the 4th in less than 6 months, I'm tired of this. 🤒


A big squeezy cuddle and some lovely words please, thank you muchly 😺💜 I'd be quite happy if those lovely words could include the affirmation that even though you love to see women in tiny, sexy, stringy pants and mine are the "outdoor party marquee" of the pants world... it's actually the curvaceous, gorgeousness inside that you crave... or something similar 😂


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/Ci2nkj9yQQ2eT5ip4GKn3Yy3ZMQlpP7uktElWHKNtqFXV1rig18T0TjJfFMjFjg6.png?token-time=1642982400&token-hash=XLTuPt9aeLLg83yJYeZDA-G2GwTa3TqWWTiJxd__g1s%3D"><br>


I think I'd like a surprise shout-out please. Something that'll sing to my southern roots like XP


Jussst finally tell me what you did with my Cock Key... I really missss it! Don´t teasse me human, elsse my revenge will be really really really... creative!!


Pineapple_y goodness like


I love when you speak in Gaelic &lt;3 I would love you to give me a compliment and positive affirmation about my physique/face/smile. Whatever you can think of (you can just use your infatuating imagination). Followed by an explanation of what you said. You know I'll relisten to it a million times like the rest of your audios. :p


Wow it seems you have enough stuff to talk about....I'll just enjoy it with a cup of tee☕😊


Lmao! With all those responses, you may be there till Christmas anyway ;)


PATREON! This is NOT the moment to start eating comments! My Queen, are you hungry by any chance? Does Patreon scan these comments? I only asked if Gael had tasted his own cum, that's all!


Thanks for limiting to one! Here's my request: my name (pronounced Gene) plus your sexy growls and whispers. Tell me what you want to do to me or have me do to you. I'm a giver. 😀


Can I have sexy whispers with some ear nibbling.😉


Hmmm, I'm so conflicted! How's about a quick answerphone style message telling me exactly what you want to do to me when I/you get home... With sexy growling, please? And maybe a "good girl" and some belt buckle action if there's time? (See, I have manners and everything so that means I'm a good girl, right? 😉 that being said, I'm a firm believer that good girls are just bad girls that haven't got caught yet! 😈)


Hi Gael, if you get down this far, would you please say my name and call me your good girl!


Gael! Please say my name ( Rachel faith ) give me a nice growl while you say something about my plump lips. My mouth I mean, you perv. 😉


Hello love! I'd be happy with a simple moan or growl of my name this go around. I'll think of something bad and naughty for next time. ;P

Kathy M

I'm editing, changed my mind as women are wont to do. May I please hear my name with some of your luscious kisses with those shiver inducing growls you do so well? Please and thank you xo!


💖Dearest Gael...thanks for the merch! My morning coffee is much sexier being sipped from a Gaelforce mug! ☕ I don't mean to be in any way morbid and this is purely hypothetical but if one of your patrons, as a 'final wish', were to request a face to face chat with you, would you oblige?


Gael is getting cocky when it comes to that cock key.


Since you sound so good doing it...my request is that you sing me a little song in that folky/country voice that you do, pretty please 😊👨‍🎤🎙🎶


I think they would need to be verified by the Make A Wish foundation otherwise there would be alot of "final wishes" all of a sudden. I'm feeling a little sick right now. (I beat u in being morbid😛)


Aww, hooray! Hereby requesting whatever you'd like to say to me 'as Gaeilge', please. It doesn't have to be long, or anything specific -- "the voice's choice," as some of my fellow Lovelies say. And if you could translate it after you say it, I'd be super-grateful! Go raibh míle maith agat, a chara!


I would really enjoy having you ask me to get into the shower with you and be your dirty girl.


Same haha I can never think of anything good :')


@Gael,now you're definitely going to stay here till Christmas....maybe you need Seanies support @Her Highness, let's bet he's not as fast as a little tassty rabbit?!


How about you try your best chat up line on me?.....myn would be: "Hi Gael, were those trousers youre wearing bought in the sale?.....because they're 100% off at my house" 😉😉😂


If you could calmly say that eventually everything is going to be okay, I'd really appreciate it 😊 That's it, no naughty things for me today ;)


Herr Gael! Guess what I wanna know? ...Ja! Exactely!!... what´s the colour of Seanie´s cum? Bahaha... Nah, eww... I´m kidding! What I really want... Tell me about the Cock Key or alternatively about the Lizard King´s damn cock! If you don´t wanna talk about either... which is highly likely... you teasing langer, just hisssssss for me and make a Lizard King split tongue sound. Danke!


I am so bad at making choices when it is important!!! God help me!!! Ok... Let's say i stole your keys and i am not going to give up easily... Can you : kiss me and say "cours, ma chérie" (run my love, in french)... I'll just imagine the rest of the scene by myself... ;) thanks! :)


Holdin my place til I get my brain sorted! 😆


I got it! How bout some encouragement to make through the end of the school year? Not sure if I'll make it the 23 more days! 😱😭😆


Could you whisper in my ear that I belong to you? Please and thank you!!! 😋

Misa Amane

A "Welcome home" would be very nice. Thank you! ^^


Hello, can i please hear Bobby if he is not asleep or mic shy


I would love it if you were to whisper my name and tell me something naughty you would do to me in Gaelic. *shivering with anticipation*


I need you to tell me what you said towards the end of my PA in Gaelic. Two phrases start around the 17 min mark and the other one is at about 18:40. The others ones earlier in the audio I got. You could wish Mark and I a Happy Anniversary (it's on the 28th). I'd tell you how many years we've been together and how many we've been married but then you'd know just how "OLD" we are. lol Take care and don't over do it with all you have going on this week.


I just want to hear one thing and one thing only... Han Solo: You like me because I'm a scoundrel. There aren't enough scoundrels in your life. *drop mic That's not just for me but for all the ladies


Wonder if u can spell my actual name right🤔. Erlia, thats the name. And kind of growl and give some kisses 😙... hahaha, thx and ur the best Gael *muah


Just in case, how to pronounce my name, first start with 'Eh', then in the middle like 'early', then end with AAh, like how doctor asked u to open ur mouth ans said Aaaa...


Well I would really love to hear you say a few words in Arabic..if possible?...just a simple hello would be awesome...can you say...."keefik habibti Anna, ya helweh" ☺️ ...thank you 😉💛💛


No Chewbacca growl with that? Han and Chewie are a package deal! 😲


I'mma just borrow this one. For a friend. Who may or may not actually be me.


honestly, you could just say may name and incorporate a growl and I'd be done... It's "Caitlyn" irl.


You asked for it: What would Gael or Seanie do if hay🐴🌾 got stuck in his ass while making love in the barn? 😆 btw, Stephen Hawking...?


Dia dhuit! 😊Shout out to Quala from Florida. The weather here is always HOt for Gael and Seanie too


Hi, Gael! Wow this my first time to participate in a ramble and though requests are just typed, i'm still shy! 😶😶😶 Hmmm... I'd like to ask for a shy guy "hi" and a song you'd recommend I listen to in my evening runs. 😶😶😶 Thank you!


Never commented on a ramble, so how's about a "P.S. I love you..." at the end?


Hey there! I'd love to hear a howdy and one of your corny jokes! That would make my day! Thanks Gael! 😃


Just a hello and a joke! 😀


Just saying my name. And something sexy in Gaelic. ❤️


A lot of sexy Gaelic whispers and maybe incorporate my name in there lol You can use my nickname it's Nusi (new-see) ;)


Pls meeeeeeeee ~ give me something inspirational and inspiring and life changing to get through the rest of this semester at uni 😹


its been a while since ive asked for a shout out. Can you say my name in the most creative/sexy way you can think of? That would make my day ❤️😊


Hello, all!! First time ramble participant...just got home from a long night of playing waitress, so I need a moment to think of what I want Gael to say...


Hey Gael! Can get a hello along with something that will give me tingles, please? Thanks😘


No names please, but tell me it's all going to be ok. I need the biggest hug you've got right now, along with some sweet whispers and maybe a kiss. Thanks 💗


Say my name 10xs in as many different ways as you can (like ur 5 min of fu@k audio) just 4 a laugh 😂 Thanks Gael!

Gri (Sassy_One)

Ok, if ya make it this far, a big, loud shloppy kiss would be nice😊☺️😉🙃


💖 Gael, I know you said only one request per person but I'm gonna be a bad girl and go for two. 😈 Get right up in my ear in a breathy, deep voice and say something naughty to me. 😊😊😊 What are ya gonna do about me being greedy, hmmm? Hold me over your knees and spank me?? You wouldn't dare! 😛😛😛


Hey Gael!! I finally graduated (got my Bachelor of Arts in English Lit this past Monday) and a lil' celebration with you would be lovely!~


Gael!!! 💚💚💚 Will you please whisper my name into my left ear? I swear, there is something about the entire left side of my body that drives me MAD when stimulated. I have fantasized about how you might sound saying my name...so many times. Please, please, please? And...thank you 😘


Ladies, take it easy on the man, there's only one of him. 😂


Okay, I've had time to think and I think I know what I want... Gael, I would like you to hug me from behind and kiss me behind my right ear (I get serious tingles on my right side)...then I want you to whisper the following: "Chantelle (pronounced Shan-tell), I know that times are hard. I know you're tired from working so hard. I know you're finding it hard to keep going with the same old routine, but I have faith in you. Whenever you feel like life is getting you down, know that I am always here to make you feel better...both inside and out." Then if you wanna improv some naughty stuff after that, go for it. (Spoiler Alert: I have big boobs and hips for days.) Bonus points for Gaelic, and if you can add in a sexy growl or two. P.S., I know this is a lot to take in, but I'm a bit of a sappy romantic...😝😝😝


I think everyone's been pretty good about the "one request" part, and this isn't Gael's first rodeo in terms of rambles - I think he knew what he was getting into 😝


Please say this in your sultriest voice (not my words, I wish I was this eloquent) It's you. Every single time it's you. I want to hold your hand in my hands as my lips brush against the softness of your skin and I know you don't need me, but you want me and I want you back and there's nothing in the world that will stop me from choosing you every night before I fall asleep and every morning when I awake because there's magic in the choice and I promise every single day I'll choose you. Always you. - k. towne jr. ~S


Herr Gael! I know it´s late but... May I request something for a friend of mine? She´s too shy to ask... ahemm... (The Noodle Ninja XP) She secretly longs to hear Seanie call her "His pretty, pretty, good kitty"... or however Seanie would phrase it? And please say it as fast as you can. And laugh your bestestest Seanie laugh at the end. (Omg, I´m gagging as I write this... ) She said she will instantly cum from that... (Tss... Those naughty Asians, right??) Danke for your efforts! XP


Pineapple-y flavour? A double dose yes?


Of course, good old pineapple *rolls eyes* Open wide my dear!...


Hello all the way from sunny Australia Gael! Although it's not very sunny at the moment but it's lovely to snuggle up in bed and listen to your audios ❤️


Would love it if you could give me a sexy shoutout 😍


Ooooh a ramble. I hope my request comes through. Can you sneak up on me and wrap your arms around me while giving me neck nibbles? Also, you 'accidentally' find out the right side of my neck is extremely sensitive😘


Hi Gael and everybody, new here, first ramble! I'd love to get a hello and a corny joke if you haven't run out yet.


First time taking part in a ramble! Fun! I'm all about the 5 senses. Sight - You've left us with quite a few Easter eggs of your appearance. Most memorable, can you say #Elf-ie 😉 Sound- Smouldering voice. On point! Taste - Pineapple was it? Touch - Chiseled chest, hard biceps (got those gainzzz) and hot hot stubble on that face of yours. Smell - ..... One very important sense is missing. What cologne do you wear?


Hello from all the way in Alabama, USA. Just a sexy shout out to a nurse would be awesome!


I know I'm late as crap, so just in case I made in time... I just want a bear hug :)


💖Hey hey Juliet! We're in the same Sweet Home Alabama! Howdy neighbor! 🤗


Hi there - I'd love a hello and for you to growl my name, and um perhaps call me your good girl........ ☺ thank you


"How much wood can a woodchuck chuck..."? How about saying this 5 times really fast with your manly Gael voice: "toy boat, toy boat..."(faster). Thanks Big Boy 💋!


Lose to me in an arm wrestling match. Express your awe at my superior penguin strength in any way you see fit ♥ - Christy xD


Much too much cuteness on the Han Solo 😝