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Hello my Lovelies,

How we doin?  It's been a busy week here, but all of it good.

There is one week left in the campaign for the mugs and things. 

Once May 18th comes they will start shipping out the orders.  I think we had enough for everything to be printed.  I hope you all enjoyed this little sale.  

Depending on what you all want we may do other ones in the future.





Yay! Excited for my shirt to come. Happy almost Friday! 😘


Good evening Gael ❤️


Fourth? Fourth

Kelly S

I'd love fun, different designs, if you're up to that. I still need to order a sticker. One of my water bottles separated (inner section from outer clear part). I can put a sticker on the inside before gluing it back together. Haha


Hmmm maybe when we do this again, we could have Gael's "mug" on a mug or t-shirt? Oooohhh or how about his "willy"? lol J/K Gael. I too can't wait for my shirt to come.


♥ This campaign only let's me have one design but I'm looking at some options! Some people wanted Seanie items too... who knows why....


Tracking says "out for delivery" maybe it will be waiting on the porch when I get home.


Hmm... Herr Gael I seriously wonder how much money do you get per "lovely "mug?... maybe we could make a deal?? Maybe something like a naughty special edititon? ...hm? XD


Belt buckle bracelets with changeable designs: good girl, bad girl, siren ...


Earphones!! With early bird extra: a sleep mask saying 'Go away! Listening to Gael!'


Collars... With cailin go maith on them... ;)

Kathy M

Stuffed crows, seagulls and hyenas.


Oh, I really like the belt buckle bracelet idea! Cute but secretly sexy--no one would know what it really means, what the buckle sounds do to us. 💕 I would totally buy one! 👏🏻


Yeah! Looking forward to my shirt arriving!


Can't wait till it gets here!


I ordered a blue tee and a sticker for the car. Maybe I will meet another Gael fan in RL.


Guten Morgen Gaelandia! A pleasant Freitag - Friday to y´all! Is everyone somewhat good today? I hope so. :) And I hope Patreon is a good boy today and won´t eat posts and let us read the comments! Right to some silly questions, `cause I wanna go back to bed (and to my man... hehe) Would you rather... ...have one nipple or two Bauchnäbel - belly buttons? ...never have a toilet clog on you again or never have the power go out again? ...wake up each morning to find that a random animal appendage has replaced your non dominant arm or permanently replace your bottom half with an animal bottom of your choice? ...have a bottomless box of Legos or a bodenlosen - bottomless gas tank? ...the aliens that make first contact be robotic or organic? That shall be enough. Danke for your answers my dears... see you later XD


Happy almost Friday, ladies! I'm officially done with school until August. 😎 Yay!! I would rather have two belly buttons than just one nipple. I breastfed two babies--nipples are too useful to give up! 😂 I would rather never have a toilet clog again than never lose power. There's not much in the way of storms where I live, so on the off chance we get a storm that does make the power go out, it's sort of fun--we light candles, snuggle, and talk. I guess my husband and I don't allow ourselves those "luxuries" when the power is on, but now that I think of it, we should have a "power's out" date night soon. 😍 Oh man, this one is hard...I guess random animal appendage? I can't imagine permanently having the lower half of an animal. Maybe a fish tail, and I could be a mermaid? Still no. 😖 I have two young kids--I already have (and regularly step on) unlimited Legos! 😂 I'll take the bottomless gas tank, please. Hmm...are the aliens friendly or hostile? If friendly, I'd want organic; that seems like it would make a relationship easier. If hostile, I would think robotic would be easier to shut down/fight off. Interesting questions this time, Claudia! 👍🏻


Merry Freitag, ladies! I was looking forward to having today off, but then someone who needed to see me in my office ended up falling too ill to come in. So I shall go to her instead, although she lives in a different town. It's a bit of a downer, but such is life and I go where I'm needed. <b>Nip or navels:</b> Two navels, for sure. I'd probably get them both pierced just for the hell of it. Plus the girly pokes on my lady lumps are a hot spot for me, and I'm not giving 50% of that up 😝 <b>Toilet clogs or power outages:</b> No more toilet clogs. The former happens far more often than the latter, and the panic that ensues when you accidentally clog a toilet at someone else's house (and you can't find a damned plunger in their bathroom) is #8 on the list of Worst Feelings Ever. <b>Animal appendage vs lower body:</b> I'd go for the random appendage because I like variety and there's more comedic potential with the first option. A massive lobster claw on Monday? Badass. The elegant wing of a butterfly on Tuesday? Beautiful. The impressive 8-foot long penis of a blue whale on Wednesday? I probably wouldn't be able to lug that thing around, but it'll make for one hell of a story to tell at the dinner table the next time I see my family 😆 <b>Bottomless box of Legos or gas tank:</b> Does the gas tank come with a never-ending supply of gas, or can it just store an infinite amount of gas that I would have to buy myself? Actually, nevermind, that doesn't matter. If it's the former, then hell yeah, I never have to buy gas again and I could probably make a pretty penny selling the stuff myself. If the tank came empty, I would patent it and make millions. <b>Robotic or organic:</b> Ahh, this is a tough one. I'm sure most of us have seen The Matrix and The Terminator, and if those movies have taught us anything, it's that robots are fucking tough to destroy (and Keanu Reeves' acting range, God love him, is sadly limited). But if they're not self-aware and end up being hostile, then they could potentially be reprogrammed so that we could all get along. We probably wouldn't be able to reprogram (well, brainwash) organic aliens, but they'd be more likely to have some kind of physical weakness that could be exploited if they attack us. You know what? I'm going to pretend that the aliens would be benevolent because they're almost always hostile in books and movies. So if they were good guys, I'd pick organic aliens. Humanity already has a grasp on robotics and I'm more of a biologist than an engineer at heart, so I'd find learning and interacting with a whole new species fascinating. Except for tribbles. No one's allowed to send tribbles to Earth, okay? That would be an adorable disaster of epic proportions.


I'm for some funny Seanie items🕺looking forward 💕

Lois Geal

I need these merch! Love you as always, Gael. Stay fabulous and handsome ❤️❤️


I got my sticker, just waiting for my shirt. 🎧❤️


Got my mug. Waiting for my shirttail!!😍


Got my mug today!!!! Can't wait to use it.