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See can ya make it!






That orgasm was intense Mr. Mayor. Nicely handled.👏 I love the way you edge!❤😘


Challenge accepted! *while blushing*


Shit - This Friday just got 2000 times better


It's no challenge when you're at home... well, I'm gonna challenge myself to write my portfolio then... XD


Perfect timing, just walked in to the office. 😜🎧❤️💋


Well this will be an interesting walk through the office heading to the conference room for a morning meeting.

Kiara. B

in the car right now with the family around me trying to not move as much! CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!


Ooo challenge accepted!


Going to listen later today. I will make sure there are people around. Challenge accepted 😏


dammit Gael, now my body feel like really crazy *///*, I am challangenging myself while finishing this stupid drawing I madee


Yummy yummy yumMay 😊


I . . . just . . . can't. I mean, I was melting at the first words. I think this is better enjoyed in private until I can pull myself together.


I love a challenge. Glad I invested in a Bluetooth wireless headset. Gael you got me. Just tried to focused on a conversation with 3 colleagues as we're waiting for a meeting and I had to excuse myself. Maybe i failed the challenge, but the flushed grin on my face right now says otherwise. 😊🎧💋


That cock sounds so damn fuckable...makes me growl to hear it...damn....😏

Greek Goddess

Mission accomplished!I just listened with my mother and my two aunts in the same room 😂😂😂😂


Attempting challenge while at work in 3...2...1...


Me: Finishes hour long session of pleasuring myself. Gets up to do something productive. Gael: May challenge. Me: gets back in bed. Challenge accepted. Just the neighbors around. Let's see if I can give them a good laugh.


💖 I like when you make up for not having time for yourself! 😜


I see you "not Gael" I see you.


I couldn't finish the audio 😂😂 at least not in public but goodness! Lol I failed..saving the rest for later


It's so amazing to be able to witness someone's unrestrained pleasure like this. The internet is an amazing thing.


"The month of May wass come, when every lusssty heart beginneth to blosssom, and to bring forth fruit."


Challenge completed. Wish I didn't have about 8 hours until I can touch myself. 😞

Kathy M

In my office, people ALL over the place, doing the earbud check thing, getting shivers, trying not to squirm and my face is flaming red. I aced this challenge! Sorta. 😳😘😊😍


Nearly dropped the mail I was sorting a couple of times! When I go out to deliver I'll find out if I cased it in order lol o.O


Why do these always show up when I'm in a classroom full of kids? Sorry, have to wait til later! 😊


God! I was crying like a child over a "i miss you mom" post i saw on facebook... And i see a "May thing" from Gael... I thought it was about mother's day, since i was in that mindset (and he is adorable when he talks about his mother)... And what a surprise! That's a mood changer! I am all for "allowing pain and sadness" but i guess distraction is okay too! Good job Gael... Sorry i cheated... I was home... But i will take this masterpiece somwehere i swear... ;)


My office is freezing! Thank you for warming me up😆Im the only one not wearing a sweater!


No work for me today (yay!), but I will take this challenge at the grocery store. It's going to be a tough one, I bet, especially after the dream I had last night (it was a doozy! 😏) but I'll give it a shot.


Aye dios 😶


I have to thank you for making a liar out of me, naughty Gael! Was just saying yesterday I only allow myself rambles at work and then you post this (always when I am in the middle of class, too!!). Has been such a spectacularly craptastic day (even with your song stylings and Seanie's banter on Twitter) that I said screw it and decided to take the challenge. Listened during lunch with a pod full of people -- men and women. Must say I passed with flying colors, but am very thankful my planning block is 2 hours long. Need to breathe for a bit!! Bravo on another fine audio, and happy Masturbation Month to you! (Seriously, it's a thing?!)


Does it count as a challenge if I'm comfy at home in my PJs, with hot tea while it rains outside? 🤔 😝


Good. Heavens. There should have been like... applause at the end of that. Sheeesh! We're gonna be walking around today like <br><img src="http://i.imgur.com/190wz.gif"><p>Look out world!</p>


My mum passed away this morning from a long battle with cancer, she was a good age and was surrounded by family, definitely need something to make me feel better, I'm sure this is just the thing 😢


On the bus trying not to grin or bite my lip. Jesus this was 👌👌


So many interesting, new Gael sounds in this and I love them all 😻!


Oh dear God Gael! So freaking turned on right now! This is so NSFW 😋


Challenge accepted. I'm home but I'm trying not to umm, do anything, while listening to you. It hurts so good.


😳🔥🔥🔥 Holy moly. This left me weak kneed, blushing, trembling, perhaps even cross-eyed? My bottom lip may also have permanent teeth marks, too, so thanks for that. I love how completely satisfied you sounded at the end. Made me wish I were there to give you a snuggle and a smooch. 😘


One more thought: I just have to add that if someone had told me a few months ago that I would be online listening to a strange man masturbate, I would have said they were bonkers. I still don't really understand it, myself. Yet somehow what you do is just beautiful, dirty only in the most delicious way. Before listening to you, I would have thought the very idea of listening to that was repulsive. And yet somehow, because you're so honest, respectful, and yes, sexy, it really is art, what you do, and it has helped me be more open, confident, and in general more comfortable in my own skin. Thank you for being brave enough to share your beautiful self with us. It is so appreciated. 💋💕


Sounded like you were about to pull your dick off. Very nice


Does someone remember where I left my metal saw ... ? My body hurts but I'm distracting myself by bringing down the house. Actually trying to get my new curtains up but none of the effing custom systems fit and I had a great idea only it didn't work and it looks like some people had a huge fight in here. Btw, do not wear short skirts when hanging up curtains and balancing on the window sill. Passersby look strange at you, Right, I'm throwing off the big independent woman guise, I'm going to my bed and pretend the world doesn't exist.


WOW!!!! First thing Gael.... I think men normally get paid for the service you just provided me (... and in case you were wondering, yes I am at work, and yes I'm now praying to the Gods it did not show on my face! ) Second.... those men definitely get paid more than my pledge per month is, I will have to revisit your pledg summarily. So, hands free, at work &amp; undercover to boot, and free delivery! What do you think that kind of service goes for nowadays ladies?


You know... I really like these just fapping audios. I listened in my shop... but it was late and nobody came in and disturbed me. :) I heard you cum so often by now. But you never disappoint, on the contrary you are getting better and better still...(how alarming!) Haha... You really are a master in the art of masturbating and cumming... I just hope you make some extremely stupid faces while doing it, else it would be really unfair... sexy faces and THOSE damn über sexy sounds... XP


I'm saving this for bed. I agree with Frau C, I hope Gael is making stupid faces while fapping. Or wears Disney underwear. Or his dog comes in while he's at it (I don't know about you but I prefer my room pet free when having self time!). Or the doorbell rings just when things get hot.


Disney underwear?? 0.o Oh mein Gott! Pleeeease nooo!!! Though maybe he has some weird special moves while wanking? :))


Yes, Frau C. Ironman underwear.


Holy shit, I'm convinced that your growl is a trigger switch hot-wired to my brain's pleasure centre, because wow, (and apologies for my crudeness) I'm absolutely sopping wet 😈😂. I think I might have to listen again though, see if I can pick up some tips on edging oneself... I tried and failed (three times) during this, so I've got a lot to learn. Oh, the hardship!


I believe there's ultimately justice in this world, so anyone who sounds like <i>that</i> when they explode must look like this as they do it (it's only fair):<br><br><img height="185" src="http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view/987434/jizz-in-my-pants-ii-o.gif"><br><br>With a bit of this for good measure:<br><br><img height="185" src="https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1410122524ra/11064785.gif"><br><br>I bet it makes a lot more sense now, why Gael doesn't want any of his listeners to know what he looks like 😝<br><br><i>(Nah, just kidding...stranger danger's a legit thing and privacy's important, so you keep on keeping your Bruce Wayne separate from your Batman 👍)</i>


Listening to some of Gael comfort and reassurance audios, saving this sexy one for another day 😊💗


Thank you again for the kind words today x


Wow. Just wow. One delicious handsfree big O, courtesy of the mayor. Yay! I didn't know I could do this!


Well, it's mighty brave and strong of you to be up and about during such a difficult time. This community works hard and plays hard, but we also care hard, too 💖

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

Yummy. Where do I sign up? *Faint* 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears. A wonderful Samstag - Saturday to everyone! Hope you are good!? Have you planned anything special for today? It´s really early here, but I´m in the mood for cake :) ... maybe you wanna share your favourite cake recipe with us? Or an interesting cake story in general? And no Fragen - questions...`cause the last ones were not properly answered! How langweilig - boring and a little traurig - sad... :( *sigh and sniff* Nah, we will try again tomorrow, ja? XD Enjoy your day... bis später XD


A happy Samstag to you, Frau Claudia! There's still about an hour left in Freitag for me, but I'll be glad to see it end since it was a crummy day. Life can sometimes feel thankless, and I'm currently going through a period of feeling that despite my best efforts to be helpful and supportive, I don't seem to be having much of an impact. Either people keep asking for more or more (which at least suggests that I'm doing something valuable), or they're not acknowledging anything I say or do at all. Now, of course we should strive to do things not for recognition, but because they're the right things to do. But we're all human, and it's nice to feel appreciated from time to time. 😔 Enough of that, though, because it's the weekend and weekends are (supposed to be) fun! I'm almost always in the mood for cake, so I know exactly how you feel. I can't bake worth shit so I'm afraid I don't have a cake recipe to share. But I do have a cake story that I think is funny, although my dad would disagree. My mom likes putting candles on birthday cakes, but we're all of an age where it's infeasible to put the correct number of candles on the cake (i.e., we're all over 20). So she's taken to buying those wax numbers you can get in grocery stores, with a few small candles to put here and there. The first and only time she did this for one of my dad's cakes was some years back on his 72nd birthday. We weren't able to finish eating the cake that same day, so my dad packed up the leftovers to put in the fridge for later. He doesn't have the greatest eyesight, but it didn't occur to me that he might pack the wax number candles in with the rest of the leftover cake. But in retrospect, the candles were the same colour as the cake. My mom and I went out the next day, and when we got home, my dad said, "I hope you didn't pay a lot of money for that cake yesterday. I ate the rest of it today, and it tasted like shit!" My mom: "What are you talking about? It tasted fine yesterday! It wouldn't have expired overnight." My dad: "There were parts of it that were really tough to chew, too! I took a few bites that were so hard that I thought I would lose a filling!" My mom was still confused at this point, but I started to put two and two together. Me: "Dad, do you remember those numbers on top of the cake yesterday? You didn't eat those by accident, did you?" He didn't say anything, but his face and ears turned bright red, which usually means that he's either about to flip out in anger or that he's hella embarrassed. My mom had plenty to say, though, and she launched into a tirade that was equal parts <i>"What were you thinking?!"</i> and <i>"OMG that's hilarious, I'm going to lose my shit laughing"</i>. Needless to say, he wasn't thrilled with her response and they ended up bickering like only a couple who's been married for 30+ years can. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And that's the story of why my dad refuses to have number candles on his birthday cakes ever again. 🎂 I'll reluctantly admit that I have inherited some of his obliviousness, but I'm not so bad to the point that I've eaten wax before without realizing it 😝👍


I think the standing ovation I gave you for that spectacular finish may have given me away in the coffee shop. I don't think that should count as a failure on my part though...JK 😛💕


So I listened to this once already, and it was hot, but I was kind of in a bad mood then so I didn't fully appreciate it. Anyway, I was feeling a little turned on tonight, so I listened to it again just now while pleasuring myself and hooooly moly. Lmao. It left me physically shaking from the amount of pleasure I was feeling. That was the best feeling ever 👅😍 Now I'm laying in bed, unable to move, trying to get my breathing under control. Hah. 😜😅🙈 Ladies and gentlemen, the power of a Gaelforce audio 😏😂😂😂🙈


When I initially began listening to erotic audios about 5 years ago, one of the first artists I found was a guy who went by the name of Rockstar. I had the chance to listen to a few of his audios on YouTube, although they were promptly taken down after some anonymous online spoilsport flagged them. He kinda disappeared from the audio scene from a little bit, only to return a few months later on Tumblr.<br><br>All of his audios were initially masturbation ones, although he did describe the sorts of things he would want to do to the listener. Yesterday's Friday Challenge, with the resulting discussion of why people tend to enjoy those kinds of audios, made me think of Rockstar, and I Googled him to see if he was still on Tumblr. To my delight I saw that he still was, and anyone who's interested can check out his work here:<br><br><a href="http://voiceofrockstar.tumblr.com" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://voiceofrockstar.tumblr.com</a><br><br>I'll say up front that he won't be everyone's cup of coffee with a shot of liqueur. He's not the best audio artist out there by any means, and artists like Gael, Cardlin, and British Filth are far more skilled in terms of acting, composing scenarios, and sound quality. In contrast, Rockstar has a low, gravelly voice that's actually pretty monotone for about 90% of any given audio. In fact, he essentially uses the same tone whether he's doing a rough audio or a gentler audio, and the content of what he says doesn't change a whole lot either (at least based on some of his new audios that I've listened to). But he does have this little quirk that comes out in every audio of his that I've heard, and it's the reason I have a spot for him in my little audio heart ❤️ The 10% of a Rockstar audio where his voice reverts to what I suspect he naturally sounds like is the at the very end, when he faps himself over the edge into an orgasm. His "O" sounds themselves aren't very theatrical, but he will, without fail, let out what I think is a genuine and adorable laugh after each orgasm. So when I read some of the comments on the recent Friday Challenge about how people liked the genuineness of the audio, I can understand where they're coming from. The majority of erotic audios portray fictional scenarios where the artist is just acting out a role, and they presumably go on with the rest of their regular lives once they're done recording for the day. But for masturbation audios where an artist isn't faking anything, the, uh, <i>grand finale</i> tends to be where they drop the actor/actress mask and expose themselves (in a manner that won't get them arrested). Sometimes I feel a bit awkward when I listen to these kinds of audios - part of me can't help but feel that I'm intruding on an artist's personal space, even if he/she posted the audio with the intent of having people listen to it. And I don't feel any sort of personal connection to the artist even if I am listening to something quite intimate and private. But at the same time, it's nice to hear someone genuinely enjoy themselves, especially if they do inject a bit of who they are into it, like with Rockstar's "cum giggles", as he once phrased them. In fact, I usually find myself nodding in approval after the end of a masturbation while thinking, <i>"Good on you, my friend! Well done! I'm glad you enjoyed that."</i> 😎👍 <del>(Plus it's nice to know that I'm not the only person in the world who tends to giggle after the sexy bomb goes off #notforeveralone)</del>


Greetingss, juicy femaless. I see it´s quiet again... Herr Gael is absent (probably lost in Seanieville XP) Let´s have a little chat, hm? How´sss your Saturday? Do you have to work?... are you planning a spectacular exciting Saturday night? Or just a ssspectacular boring one, just asss I ?


I have to say, I love to laugh and kichern - giggle during and after sex!... Well meistens - most often. It´s just great to let go and laugh or cry or hisssss or whatever, isn´t it? To let your partner see your innermost feelings - without the fear of appearing stupid or unattractive. :)


My Queen, seems like we have to spend a boring evening together... just the two of us. We can sort your treasures or something? XD


Weekend plans ... does making my apartment a place fit to live again count, my Queen?


It sssseems the Queen is not amused.....


In the merry, merry month of May, Our man Gael's tapping away!


Make that FAPPING away. He sighs and he moans. His warrior has grown. And now the beast roars and sprays. ( I was inspired. Love you, bad boy.)


Guten Morgen Gaelandian girls! Hope you´ll have a great Sonntag - Sunday. Especially all the Mamas out there, enjoy your day! :) I´ll try and ask some Fragen, maybe I´m lucky today and get some answers...Hm? Okay here we go... What is the most impressive thing you know how to do? What was one of the best days of your life? What is the healthiest and unhealthiest thing you do on a regular basis? Which historical figure wins the award for being most hardcore? How would the world change if super heroes and super villains actually existed? Danke for your answers...? :P See you later... XD


So what did everyone think of the new horror audio on YouTube? I thought the creepy voice was cool and the accompanying background music was fantastic, but I was hoping to get more of a storyline out of it. Of course there are limits to how much plot you can squeeze into a 6-minute audio, and maybe it was more intended to be a trial run for different voices and sound effects. But it would've been awesome to get more of a sense of who or what the creature was. (At first I thought it was the complete version of the werewolf clip posted a few weeks back, but it doesn't seem like that was the case.)<br><br><b>[SPOILER ALERT]</b><br><br>I'll admit that I pouted at the <i>"And it was all a dream!"</i> ending because I thought it would be <i>Thriller</i>-esque with Sweet Gael's voice suddenly reverting back into the creature's before the audio faded to silence. Kind of like the ending to "The Night Terrors", but with the roles reversed. Of course the tender, protective ending was nice, too, but I wouldn't mind getting another horror fix 😱<br><br><b><u>tl;dr:</u></b> Please do more horror audios! It doesn't matter if they're erotic or not (Incubus Gael, anyone?) 😝 - I just want more scary stuff 🙊


Guten Morgen, Claudia! And a Happy Mother's Day to all the moms here, biological, adoptive, foster, or otherwise! 🙌 <b>Most impressive thing I know how to do:</b> Hmm...I'd pick being skilled in <del>the ways of the Force</del> <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_cardiac_life_support" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">ACLS</a> and <a href="https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_trauma_life_support" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">ATLS</a>. <b>One of the best days of my life:</b> The day I found out that my dad survived his second emergency surgery for a traumatic brain injury and that he was in stable condition. <b>Healthy stuff I do regularly:</b> Exercise, whether it be through cardio or weights. <b>Unhealthy stuff I do regularly:</b> Stress out and cope with said stress by drinking way too much coffee ☕️ <b>Hardest of the hardcore:</b> As a Catholic I'd say Jesus, because I don't separate my spiritual understanding of him from him as a historical figure. But if I had to leave faith and religion out of my answer, then I'd pick Rasputin. Just listen to the Boney M song and you'll see that he was a fucking <i>beast</i> when it comes to all of those assassination attempts. <b>Superheroes and supervillains:</b> Well, things probably wouldn't change much here in Canada because all of the awesome superheroes and supervillains seem to live and operate in the States 😝 I imagine there would probably be a lot more destruction, but also probably a lot more bravery to stand up for what's right if you have some Marvel and DC heroes on your side. With that said, I think superheroes and supervillains already exist, even if they don't wear elaborate costumes or have otherworldly powers. Those who work to uphold good in the world are the heroes. Those who work to deliberately cause suffering in the world are the villains. We all have the potential to be a hero or a villain - it's just a matter of which side you choose. <i>(Hint: Choose being a hero. Unless you plan to be one of those villains who isn't really a villain, like Megamind or Gordon Ramsay.)</i>




"Kissing you in bed", just loaded onto Youtube, is the sweetest thing and made my day! So snuggly and cuddly! A little head's up for any lovelies in need of some TLC today.


I'm hereby dubbing it "The Morning of the Rustling Bedsheets". Or "Gael and the Amazing Technicolor ASMR Bedsheets". $10 says he mounted Magic Mic 🎤 in bed to record this 🗣👂


Yay! I love this kind of recording!!!!


So... how are you Mädls - girls? Good? I hope so!... Anything interesting to tell? Or even anything uninteresting? Hm?... :)


Lurking and procrastinating here...even been doing laundry to avoid writing! LOL How's your day?


This was posted on my birthday 😊 *rawr*


I'm going to regret doing this challenge in my work place


Just when I think I've found an all time fav he goes and does this. Omg.


The calendar says 24 July, but it's 12 May in Austin. Grocery shopping, but I seem to be stuck in Produce......