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 This audio is for comfort during a panic attack to help you ground yourself and see what's true ....


Role-play: Its Ok Now! [Boyfriend Eases Your Mind][Irish Accent]

Check out my other audios! http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl Check out more audios ► Main Channel - http://bit.ly/2kSlkYl ► GaelWhispers - http://bit.ly/2ltPVyA ► GaelforcePlayroom - http://bit.ly/2kdrogT MORE! ► Twitter - https://twitter.com/Gaelforced ► Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Gaelforce ► iTunes: http://apple.co/2l3h4ao ► Amazon: http://amzn.to/2nKwxPu This was the description I used it you want it: "It's Okay Now" - This audio is for comfort during a panic attack to help you ground yourself and see what's true.


Yemaya37(Water Witch)

😍😍😍😍😍 officially stopped cooking dinner....why!?!? Why must you be this hot!?!?


As I said over on YouTube, are you an angel in the disguise of a human or what?? Seriously. Ugh ❤️ You have no idea how badly I needed to hear this today. I've had so many thoughts going through my head that were giving me anxiety. 😣 Thank you. You're the best 💞

Greek Goddess

Everything comes in the right time ❤️


Love these! Your anxiety audios are all lovely.


Ooh! This'll be a good one during testing week as a teacher with my job on line! (Ugh!!!!!)


You know, in spite of all your sexiness, I discovered your audios because I so desperately needed help with managing my panic attacks, and you've helped so much! 💕 I guess I'll just have to put up with the sexy stuff for the time being--what a hardship. 😉😋😂 Seriously, though, you're awesome. Pardon my silliness today--I'm exhausted and ready for summer break, and like a certain someone we know, I get goofy when I get tired. 😋


Thank you Gael, I haven't listened to it yet, but it's exactly what I have been needing, in particular from you. I have found quite a few, but I am certain they will pale in comparison to your silver tongue whisperings of comfort & affirmation. I have already added it to my pre-op & post-op files. You really are too good to us Sir Gael !


I'm keeping this for tomorrow but already know I will love it! ❤️ Good night.


Parts of it really helped me stay focused. Parts of it made me really sad. Either way, it was well done, as usual. Your approach to visualization and relaxation techniques is really beneficial to people like me who have not been successful with more traditional methods, I mean who the hell can clear their thoughts entirely? If I could do that I wouldn't need to meditate. 😆💕


Beautiful. Thank you!


This was great for rush hour - thanks! 💗


Guten Morgen Mädls - gals of Gaelandia! A wonderful Dienstag - Tuesday to everyone! Hope you are good?! Here it´s really cold and wet... it´s a strange year... Wetter - weather wise till now. I will ask some questions, ja as always :)... What was the most uncomfortable thing you’ve had to do out of Höflichkeit - politeness? Where’s the seltsamste - weirdest place you’ve found something that you lost? What was the strangest gift you’ve ever received? What is the häßlichste - ugliest thing you own? What food would be the best to make a house out of? What ice-cream flavor is absolutely ekelhaft - disgusting? Danke for your answers, my dears! Bis später XD Don´t forget your "Voice of Gaelandia" audio message!! Don´t be shy... send a little something for Gael or Seanie. the.frau.claudia@gmail.com DEADLINE is TUESDAY MAY 9th at MIDNIGHT (that´s nicely dramatic! hahaha) I guess most of you are in America so just use your timezone whichever that may be and I will wait for your audio. :) See all the details on the community site (scroll down a little) or the "Exciting Future" thread. Thanks!


I will listen to this before my next dentist appointment.


Hallo, Frau Claudia! It's been a bit grey and rainy here, too, so I would love nothing better than some warmth and sunshine! But I suppose all the rain will help out the farmers in the region - Summer 2016 wasn't a good crop season because of the lack of moisture. So I guess I can put up with some rain! 🤷🏻‍♀️🌂 <b>Uncomfortable politeness:</b> I spent almost half an hour in a room with a rude, entitled wretch of a woman who directed a passive aggressive speech at me the entire time. It was one of maybe 3 or 4 times in my life where I actually had to tense up every muscle in my body because I was <i>this</i> close to punching her in the face, and I've never even thrown a serious punch before. All I could do was smile and nod while thinking, <i>"Oh God, it would almost be worth it to get charged with assault if I could just give her a right hook to the face. I've never been in trouble with the law before - maybe a temporary insanity defence would be feasible? She definitely seems like someone who can literally drive people crazy. Geez, how long did she say she's been married for? 30 years? Damn, her poor husband. He must either be as bad as she is, or else completely dead inside."</i> So yes, it was pretty polite of me to not go full on Chuck Norris on her smug ass. I'm going to give myself a medal for that one: 🏅👍 <b>Weirdest place I found something I lost:</b> My bra. Like, while I was wearing it. Don't ask. 😝 <b>Strangest gift I've gotten:</b> I met an elderly fellow in hospital who tried to give me his ID badge from when he served in the Russian military a few decades earlier. I had no idea why he would do that other than that he was delirious at the time, so I just thanked him and handed it to his wife when he wasn't looking. <b>Ugliest thing I own:</b> I think there's a picture of one of my exes somewhere on my laptop - does that count? 😝 He's actually very handsome on the outside (tall, dark, and charming, with a suave Argentinian accent), but he's downright pug fugly on the inside. 🤢 <b>House of food!:</b> I'm going to be unoriginal and say gingerbread. To me, gingerbread is one of the quintessential desserts because it's good for almost any occasion (gingerbread only being a Christmas dessert is just a filthy lie). Having a bad day? Self-soothe by taking a bite out of the bathroom door. Having an awesome day? Celebrate by taking a bite out of the bathroom door. Having a "Fuck, I'm so sexy that I want everyone to check out my rockin' bod" sort of day? Finish eating the bathroom door so that everyone can check out dat fine ass while you take a long, sensual shower. <b>Gross ice cream flavour:</b> Durian 🤢


I hope things look up for you, Cayla. I sympathize; panic attacks are the worst. 😞


🙇⛅ 💟


Sirens, there are 24h left to send your "Voice of Gaelandia" audio! And I thought about something... (maybe I got a hint XD) If you are too shy, or lack the time to participate and record a message to Gael, just send a little written message. the.frau.claudia@gmail.com I will put them together with the audio, make a nice little package, tie a bow around it and deliver it right to Herrn Gael. :) Soo... if you are in the mood? Danke! XD


What I would like right now is an immediate stress relief audio. I am messing up big time today. Already missed 2 deadlines. People who trust me are mad at me because of that. I feel horrible. Anxiety attack lurking, but no time for it now. Fuck, fuck, fucketyfuck. Ok. Breaaaaathe in, breaaathe out. Yawn. Coffee. Damn. No more coffee in da house. Please, Your Majesty, could you just swallow me whole? Like, now?


I will send patreon a note cause my post to your questions is deleted again .... if they can't fix it I won't comment anymore cause it'll be deleted anyway. .... echt shade :(


Sorry to hear that you have trouble... :( but sending the Queen to devour you seems a little drastic, hm? If you insist though... Haha... Seriously, I hope you will get through it without... being eaten! :)


Well, I could be 'the voice of the underbelly' then. Always wanted to know what that feels like. I am too damn popular for my own good. In my work, I mean. Not in any other sense :) Ok, soldier, march on ... paaaa dam dam dam, padamdamdamdamn ...


This was a lovely, and much needed, audio! I have always said that I love your meditative audios the most and find them exceedingly helpful. I only wish I could be "a good girl" and turn of the thoughts when you say to. I am so glad that you continue to make these types of audios; I only hope you know how much I, and so many other ladies here, appreciate them!

Kathy M

Drifted off to sleep last night listening to this. Such a sweet sleep until my cat decided to wake me up several times during the night. Perhaps you could make a relaxation audio for my cat too.


Lol please do it! That's comedy gold. 10 minute audio of Gael meowing and purring in relaxing tones 😂


Hi ladies. I have a quick question...Is the PA a one time thing, or do you get another turn? I'm not yet familiar with the rules here and was just curious 💕


You can get into another turn when Gael is done with the current group. Like he just finished the 2016 group, now he started to make PAs for those who signed up in 2017, but I think he also went back to the 2016 group and started to do the 2nd round there! ;)


Don't worry, Madeline. I'm sitting next to you on the Struggle Bus right now. I have a stack of paperwork almost 2 inches thick (I measured it) to sort through, and then a bunch of online paperwork to review, and then a few phone calls to return. My apartment is a mess. I still have tax stuff to sort out. I feel like I'm failing spectacularly as an adult, but I'm almost 100% sure that <i>no one</i> has their shit completely together.<br><br>But it's okay to not have your shit together, as long as you're doing the best you can under the circumstances. Life is hard, even if there are people out there who seem to cope with it beautifully. We just have to try to keep going and not give up.<br><br><i>(That's an excerpt from the little pep talk that I have to give myself on a daily basis since my mood's gone to shit. I just left out all of the swear words, of which there were many.)</i>


Huh... really ruhig - quiet here... someone around? Hm?...


Hey, Claudia! It is a bit quiet here. Calm before the storm?


Guten Morgen Schätzchen - my dears! Are you good? Having a nice Mittwoch - Wednesday? I hope so! If you like, here are some assorted Fragen - questions to pass the time... What would be much better if you could just change the color of it? When was the last time you screamed at the top of your lungs? What was the last thing that you remember that made you cringe? What are some things that you’ve never bought and will never buy? What’s something you’ve done that you would try to dissuade anyone from doing? So, danke for your answers. Bis dann... XD And there are a few hours left to send your "Voice of Gaelandia" audio message. Last chance!! Come on... send a little something to Gael?! Hm?... :) the.frau.claudia@gmail.com


Hi, Claudia! Happy Mittwoch to you, as well! Tutoring online tonight, and it’s relatively quiet, so I thought I would kill some time answering your questions: Color Change: I wish I could change my hair color more than a shade or two. It is currently a goldish brown shade, but I wish I could go a little lighter. Unfortunately, if I go too light, instead of blonde I get a more reddish-orange hue – not a pretty sight! Scream at the Top of My Lungs: The last time was about two years ago when I went to an amusement park. I rode one of the wooden coasters and the seat belt was not fastened really well, so I was thrown around quite a bit; I screamed the whole way through! Cringe Worthy: Aside from Seanie’s first erratic audio? LOL (Love that guy!) I am not a very “cringy” person, so I can’t think of anything. Never Bought and Never Will: I refuse to by items for online games like Forge of Empires or Farmville. I will play the games, but I am not so interested that I will purchase things for it. Do As I Say, Not As I Do: I would encourage people not to take on too much responsibility at work and at home. At one time, I was teaching six different classes, was head of the Englishand theatre departments at my school, was directing 2 major plays and 4 minor ones a year, was going to graduate school, was raising my daughter, and was a Girl Scout leader, not to mention I had a husband and was active in my church. I realized I was burning the candle at more than two ends. I gave up most of what I was doing and focused on just doing a little; I am a much happier person because of it! There you go, Claudia! Have a lovely Wednesday, lovelies!


This was lovely and relaxing! I love that you continue to make these audios. They are very helpful to a lot of us! Thank you, Gael! 😊


Hi everyone, new patreon here (is there a name for Gael's fanclub?). I've only recently signed up but man, I am so glad I did. I used to listen to Gael way, way back and recently found my way back via youtube. Gael is truly wonderful and right now some appreciation and sillyness as well as sexyness is the best antidote for heartbreak. I've been reading the comments for a time now and I guess there isn't a better time to join the fun . :) It's amazing to see all you wonderful ladies united. Happy Wednesday from Munich! 😊


Hey, Vera! Glad you made your way here! As far as fan club names go, you've probably seen terms like "Sirens" and "Lovelies" thrown around here and there. I'm hoping that "The Sexy Justice League" or "The Sexy Guardians of the Audio Galaxy" will catch on, but I doubt they will 😝 (Although I live in hope!)<br><br>I'm sorry to hear about your heartbreak. ☹️ But you're right in that Gael's audios and the camaraderie here is good for what ails ya!


Sssoo... it´s very quiet again... How´s your day sso far tasssty humans?? And btw... Patreon has a new issue... I can only read the first comment to a posst. I ssshall slither over to Patreon HQ and eat a few incompetent employeess...


I haven't been able to view additional comments either. 😕 At first I thought it was just my Internet connection acting up, but Patreon sinking lower and lower on the functionality ladder is the far more likely explanation. Please do eat a few employees, my queen. 👍


I´m on my way!! I will sssuck on their juicy boness! Where is their headquarter?...


Patreon hasss been rather ssssucky today. Happy it wasss not only me! Highly sssupport eating the human techiesss...


as I already mentioned my entire posts and comments are gone by now and I couldn't read the additional answers or even post a comment...I'm not that familiar with Patreon cause I'm a newbie here so I thought that I was blocked or excluded from the group, for whatever reason....now I'm relieved, it's just a technical failure


I jusst hope they will be tasssty? Is the typical American technician healthy and tassty?... or stringy?...or...???


When things go wrong here, it's due to a technical failure 99% of the time. We would never exclude you from the group! 💜 Patreon is the only one who can't sit with us in the cafeteria at lunchtime. 😤<br><br><b>Edit:</b> Apparently I can't even post comments via the mobile site anymore. I can only communicate via the fucking app (fapp for short), which is the <i>absolute worst</i> 😫


@Suri -- don't feel bad! Same thing happened to me when I started; thought I was blocked, too. Realized Patreon is just crappy!


Guten Morgen Sirens! A wonderful Donnerstag - Thursday to y´all! Sunday is Muttertag - Mother´s day. What do you think about it? As a Mama, as a daughter? I think meanwhile it´s highly commercial and unnecessary... at least here it is. :) Anyway here are some Fragen - questions... What movie would be greatly improved if it was made into a musical? What is something that everyone looks stupid doing? If animals could talk, which would be the rudest? What is the weirdest thing you have seen in someone else’s home? If you were arrested with no explanation, what would your friends and family assume you had done? What would be the absolute worst name you could give your child? Danke for your answers, as always! Enjoy your day... XD Oh and thanks to everyone who participated in the "Voices of Gaelandia"! I soon will send the finished audio to Herrn Gael. :) PS: I guess Patreon is still uncooperative? So please don´t reply to my post, start a new one. At least that worked yesterday. :(


Happy Donnerstag, Claudia! It's good to see that Patreon's bad behaviour did not deter you from asking your <i>Fragen</i> of the day 👍 I'm not a mother, but I wouldn't be surprised if being a mother (or father or guardian) is one of the hardest jobs there is. So I think all of the good mothers out there who try to do right by their children deserve a day of acknowledgement. But I don't think it necessarily needs to involve buying gifts - things like spending time with your mom, or telling her how much you care about and appreciate her are much more meaningful. (But if I ever have kids, I expect both kind words and at least ONE year where they buy me some really cool shit 😎) <b>Better off as a musical:</b> Suicide Squad. It would just as choppy and disjointed, but at least we'd get to see Will Smith rap in it. <b>Everyone looks stupid when they...</b> Smoke. Contrary to the antiquated beliefs of the 70's and 80's, it doesn't look cool. And it's ridiculously bad for you. I've met far too many people whose obituaries I've seen a few months later after they've died of lung cancer or COPD. I know that addiction can be a powerful beast, but your life is worth more than that. <b>Rude animals:</b> Maybe peacocks? They seem like they might be rude in a "Ooh, I'm so much better than you because of my fucking beautiful plumage!" sort of way. I mean, the word "cock" is literally in their name - that has to be a clue, right? <b>Weirdest thing in someone else's home:</b> Hmm...I once spent a couple of weeks renting a room from an older married couple a few years back. The husband was a history professor and was really keen on collecting maps. He had several of them framed and all of the hallways of their spacious house were lined with them. And because he was so proud of his collection, he spent a good 45 minutes explaining them all to me. It was nice of him to share his interests with a virtual stranger, but damn, was it ever boring! 😴 <b>If Doctimus was arrested by the po-po:</b> My family would think I'd been arrested for involuntary manslaughter...<i>if looks could kill</i>. Because, you know, my parents think I'm awful purdy 🤗 But seriously, they would think that regardless of whatever I was charged with, it would either have to be a complete misunderstanding or else I was being framed. Or something not horrible, like maybe being arrested by an overzealous cop while attending a peaceful protest. <b>Worst name for a child:</b> Something that's both ridiculously hard to spell and pronounce, because then he/she would have to repeatedly correct people for their entire life. My name is hella easy to spell but gets mispronounced at least 50% of the time, and it drives me nuts. 😒 Or Taserface. That would be a shitty name for a child.


Come on... where is everyone?? ...Did terrible Patreon scare you away? :(

Greek Goddess

Hello Frau Claudia!Happy Thursday!Its been a while since I showed up here.How are you?


Hi Afroditi! I´m good! :) Nice to see you... how are you my dear? How´s Greece today?

Greek Goddess

I'm fine!Greece is cloudy today.I mean where I am is 😁What about Bavaria?


Today is really warm and sunny, for a change! Do you celebrate Mother´s day?


Hallo Claudia na :) yes I'll definitely celebrate Mother's Day.Thank god it's on Sunday and I can visit my beautiful and sweet Mommy.Love her to the moon and back💕


Hey, Claudia! I tried posting 3 times last night, but Patreon ate it every time! Grrr...😜


I think Gael should punish them lol


Hi Suri and Amy! Aww your Mama sounds adorable! And the Queen is on her way to punish Patreon. She ssaid ssshe will eat one employee for each eaten post! ...She must be really hungry! XP

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-19 09:12:17 先生のオリキャラだとメイドセイラ一番好きなんで完成まで楽しみです
2017-05-11 12:08:22 @Her Highness, enjoy your meal #mnomnomnomnomm

@Her Highness, enjoy your meal #mnomnomnomnomm


Hope she is hungry!! I think I counted at least five for me the past three days! Be sure to bring a good sauce to dip the meat in!!


Hi, Claudia! Trying this one more time! Here’s hoping it works! Your answers, Frau General. Mother’s Day: As a mother, I really don’t want or expect a gift for Mother’s Day. I really would much rather have a quiet afternoon where I can read, work in my garden, or just relax. My family is usually pretty good about giving me that. As for being a daughter, I usually try to get together with my mom to go for tea or visit a local garden we enjoy. Movie Musical: I really love the movie Casablanca. Be curious to see how it would work as a musical. Look stupid doing: Looking at your phone while walking around, especially when reacting at what you see on the screen. (Not that I have ever done this, mind you! Lol) Rude animals: I think gorillas look like they are thinking deep thoughts, but I believe that their thoughts, could they voice them, about people watching them would be very rude. They might even throw their poo at the same time! Lol Weirdest thing: Would the overly huge Star Wars collection my husband has count as weird? (Seriously, you have NOOOO idea!!!) Arrested: Driving WAY too fast with expired tags. (I never remember to check those things!) Worst child’s name: Tylenol – actually knew someone with that name There you go! Have a lovely day, beautiful sirens! Oh, and a huge shout out to Claudia for collecting our siren songs to give to Herrn Gael! Thank you so much for doing this for us, and for him!


Hi Claudia and all you other lovely Sirens! I feel rather horrible, so 'm not really in the mood for Fragen, Mind has gone black (nothing new), and body found a new trick. Possibly bladder infection, but without the usual complaints, but with non-typical other ones. It hurts. (But I know just the audio for that! Great medicine, Gael audios!) Luckily I have a lovely doctor: 'Did you have sex lately?' -Not with anyone else, as far as I can remember. 'Well, that's what Maria said, and she got a baby anyway' - -Yes, I've always thought she missed out on the fun part there, poor girl. His assistant is rather cool too: 'M'lady. Did you bring me anything?' -Yes, M'daaaaam, one freshly squeezed portion of pee. 'Much obliged, m'lady!' Anyway, I'm trying to be positive and strong and distract myself, but would you believe, nearly everything I do goes wrong. I dropped a tin of tea leaves, spilled coffee beans all over the place, tripped over the vacuum cleaner, the cat and my panties. (Don't ask) Note to self: Do not operate ANY machinery when in said mood and state. Drills especially. That being said, I refuse to and am going to hang up my new curtains. If you don't hear from me anymore, rejoice! And send a search party, please. oh, ok then. Kids names: I live in an area where names with extra syllables are very popular. I had a Melissima living next to me and we have a Dylano, a Kyliano, a Kayleigh, a Hayley and some more o' and y's . We also have many Jaydens (both girls and boys) and every variation on the theme you can think of and some more you'd never thought of. Arrested: Everyone would assume it'd be for actually knocking someone off their bike for being a pain in the ass in traffic. Or for Exploding because of Total Unfairness to Underdog and hurling myself at Unfair Person to Help Said Dog. Ehr, person. Now I am going to hide and let go of my cover. Later, lovelies.


Sorry to hear you are under the weather and hurting! Totally no fun! Gael audios do help, though, don't they? Have fun hanging your curtains, and I promise to send a search party if we don't hear from you. Think Seanie might make a cute, albeit bumbling, rescuer! 😉


Ohh, sorry to hear that Madeline... sending some gute - good ener-dree in your direction! :)))


Ahhhh... a miracle!! Patreon fixed the "comment reading" problem!!! Seems like the Queen ate the right people over there! Hahaha.....

Kathy M

Glad the Queen made herself useful...and full 😊😏🤔