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Some silliness and good news stories!





YAY! First!Ramble Time!


Friggin' LOVE story time!


Do I have an hour for this...? Yes.


Yeah! Something to listen to at lunch today! 😁


Something for me to wake up to..*sigh*


Think I am going to be late for my appointment today!

Kathy M

I'm a grown woman at work and when this notification popped up I actually did a mental squee and a little chair dance. Seriously Gael? Seriously.


Yay! Rambles are my favorite. Excited to listen later today! 💕


An hour!!! Can you do a bullet point summary


Me, too! Trying to be quiet as my kids are taking a test...


Well my Monday just got better...Thank you Gael!! 🎧❤️💋


Yay! I've missed your rambles. I could listen to you ramble on and on for hours 😍🙈


Yay! Ramble and I'm off today too.xx


Gael: Hello, everyone! Me: *instant smile on my face* 😂😂😂💞


God, I love the stories about your family XD


You made my day. 😚 Animal stories, human interest, and family stories...a trifecta of humour and warmth! Ramble on as long as you want! Loved hearing your thoughts on news stories as your innate goodness shines through in your perspectives. Please please do the Seanie and Vader skit...geez you have me begging you again, and it's not even an erotic ramble! Enjoy your day off!

Kathy M

I'll take a 🐑 🔔 every day and twice on a Monday! Wonderful company as always! Thank you 😘


Finally got to the end of it. Whatchu saying that you think your rambles are boring?? They are never boring. They're full of laughs 😂😂😂 I was laughing through most of it and I enjoyed it. I always enjoy listening to your rambles. As I've said before I could listen to you ramble on and on for hours. Even the most boring things in the world, you could make them interesting. 😚😙 Thank you for your rambly self 😁 Enjoy your day off 😋


These rambles are certainly not boring, especially when your tell your own storiesof family, etc. Thank you 💖💖


perhaps she is a die hard Seanie fan .... like me ..... maybe ..... who knows :D


I too want to be trained in irish! Lucky dog! ;)


So Gael didn't use to be a social media person? Cool to hear. I went off FB myself because I found it didn't add much to my life. Also, FB eats your soul.


Hey!! Look at my selfie that was taken at the perfect angle in the perfect like with my professional make-up.. the one where I am standing next to my awesome husband and my eight gorgeous and totally obedient kids! Yay

Kathy M

The bullying thing, I thought you were referencing bullion as in gold and I thought that's strange he's talking about the decrease in the price of gold 🤔😳😂💕


Coffee instead of tea?? Someone's living on the edge c; Thanks for the awesome ramble video, Gael 😌😊


What a nice way to spend my lunch today! I think I love to listen to you ramble and tell stories about your family and growing up in Ireland the most. Your mom and dad sound like such characters! I agree with Cayla about the Seanie thing. Interesting how anything we see on the Internet becomes real to us, that Gael and Seanie (and now Seanie's dad) are living, breathing people, whereas if this were on television or the movies, people might be less likely to assume such things. Luckily, it seems the vast majority understand that these are characters you play, something you've told us repeatedly in your rambles. We call you Gael only because we don't have anything else to call you; someday we may call you "the Artist Formerly Known as Gael" (wonder what the symbol might be for that? a key, perhaps?). And, Twitter...never used it before, had no followers, and now I use it all of the time. The banter there is WAY too addictive, I agree! Thanks again for sharing your stories and a little piece of yourself! Helps to make the day a little brighter!


Lol at "the Artist Formerly Known as Gael" 😂😂😂


Wait... whaaat?? Thisss Gael is not a real man??... But all the othersss... e.g. Indiana Gael and the Lizard King... and even I??? We are, right?... at leasst here in the kingdom of Gaelandia!... ;) (There iss a bright side though... Seanie isss not real too!!) XPP


Omg, "not Gael" your mother is hilar. And the shade of bathing washing and combing the hair of that child and sending her home is EPIC. 😂😂


I just can't with your comment about responding to the name Gael 😂😂😂 I can just imagine me calling you Gael, you running over to me, laying on your back and giggling as I tickle your belly. That's just the cutest thing ever. Lmao 😂😂😂😂💞

Kathy M

I've no delusions about the character you portray but please tell me the belt buckles and unbuckling are real and more importantly in an utterly non-objective way that your orgasms are real and not some fantastical imaginary figment 🙏


I think they are real. He's said in his rambles I think, that he doesn't record unless he's turned on 😉


I think it's good to remind us all that Gael (or Seanie) is only a character, from time to time. We can say that we 'know' Gael and how he is, but not exactly the real guy behind the character, and I think the difference is clear for most of us here. Even if we have to call you Gael when we talk to you... well, for me it's Gaël, not Gael 😝

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

To me, Gael has many beautiful facets to him. Being real and raw as what the human condition should be. A soul as beautiful as a rainbow crystal. It enchants, provokes, sings and relaxes. The energy that he has, makes him UNIQUE. Plus, being a clairvoyant and empath I pick up a lot of unique people. It's what keeps me coming back.


Oh yes, FB makes a certain kind of interaction possible and it can be rewarding and great. Be that as it may be, it still eats your soul and then sells it to the highest bidder. FOMO or even FOFOMO (I just made that up. or maybe I didn't, didn't check) or the feeling that you lose part of your history if you delete your account feel real, but in the end, I am not my profiles. I still exist if my profiles are gone, I still have friends, people I can help, people who like me as much as I like them .I believe in the sincerity of people, but I don't believe in the sincerity of FB ... sometimes it seems I'm almost alone in this but live and let live. Hugs to all who can't seem to find their niche in the digital jungle! Be kind!


Gael is a character that is infused with my ideas and thoughts.. Gaels mind is my mind and my mind is Gaels.. But he is a fantasy character and can mean and look like anything you want him to be I..the guy behind Gael love women sooo much and show it through him He's just a way for me to take it easy...someone to take the flack :D


Congratulations on your new professional narrating work! You sound very happy about it. It's lovely to see Kharma get it right for once and for all your hard work to start paying off for you in a way that gers you closer to your goals. I've been hoping for another good news ramble or regular ramble in general. And it is nice to hear stores about your family and experiences or your thoughts on things not related to the audios. You are always so positive and happy in the rambles. It encourages me to try to do better in that area too. Lord knows I need it, especially today. I normally try to avoid saying "I needed this,"when I comment because who doesn't need more positive influences or get giddy when they get the Gael notification??? I'm also just not big on talking about my issues to a lot of people, it makes me feel whiney. I knew today was going to be a shit day and was dreading it all weekend. And it has been excruciatingly shitty. So, I needed this and thank you for all you do for us and for being such an awesome guy. 💕


Love to you on your 💩 day. Hope the worst is over now. 💜


But the most important question here... what about the 9.25"??? O.O Real or fantasy??? Hm??... hahaha...


Gael: Just popped in to say Heelllooo.. Just imagined a ghost version of Gael


I'm baffled!💀😩😂


Thanks for sharing your thoughts "Dude" 😎. Of course most people are aware that Gael and Seanie are on another plane. Being experienced in martial arts, no doubt you are always cautious of your surroundings and that includes people like stalkers, etc., I had an experience where someone created a disturbing fantasy from me just saying "Hi" to this guy. Nice thing about social media is that it's relatively anonymous. You bring a joy to people so do what you love and bring joy to yourself


Btw, best of luck to you on your new audio gig🎤. Have some fun🎢💜🎉


Nice ramble - I like it when you do the Good News thing. I still think that would make a great podcast - just sayin' 😉 Thanks for a great start to my morning today 💋


Check out Akashic Field Theory Gael... that is, if you're jot already familiar, I think you will find that in relation to your "curiosity" in regards to gentic memories being accessed after head injuries or trauma. I think you will find many things it talks about may resonate deeply with you.


Okay, I finally listened. Like you could ever be boring--ha! There were so many cool things you talked about I wanted to take notes so I could remember what I wanted to say in my response, but then I realized no one wants to read my long-ass responses anyway, so I didn't. 😂😂😂 And as a side note, I kinda love the little tongue clicky noises you make to fill the silence while you're looking for the next story. Made me smile every time. Who knew, right? 🤷🏻‍♀️ Anywho, thanks for the ramble, and for putting up with our assorted foolishness. 😂


Congratulations! I've only been here for a short time but from everyone else's response you have worked very hard for this chance so good luck to you! I beginning to love these rambles and I don't find them boring at all lol. Seanie is a riot I love his character so much and Gael as well. Gael is like that geeky boyfriend who suddenly has a sexy switch and always keeps me on my toes lol. Hope you have much more opportunities from now on! I actually looked up that math teacher video and got a good laugh. real clever


Another good ramble! (Lol hasn't been a bad one yet) Thank-you for posting it ☺ they're never too long. As for Gael (character and Mayor of Gaelandia) vs. The real you- I can appreciate your reasons for adopting a character name and not giving your real one even when we chat. I'm sure it's frustrating when people don't realize your characters are not real... although, for lack of a name, I have mentally refered to the real you as Oisín a time or two! 😂😂😂 lol I googled Irish boys names and that's the one that stuck. Congratulations on the narration gig!! 😊 all good news


Love these rambles! Story time with Gael is the best 👍🏻


Yay! A ramble! I love your ramble posts as much as the sexy ones. Sort of keeps me grounded after several erotic fantasy posts. :) Congratulations on your new project! I hope more good things come your way!

Monique (Mimzz)

Hi I'm Monique. New member for awhile, just haven't commented much. I love the contents Gael have to offer and its nice to have updates on him about his life. One thing I have in common is the bullying, which happened to me during elementary school. From the 3rd through 8th grade I was bullied, mostly because I learned from my old friends because of my looks, even though as a child I never seen myself as good looking, always thought I was fat and ugly. But here I am, married with two beautiful children and a loving husband. This goes to show that no matter how many try to put you down, know that there's someone or something special can always keep your heart in a special place. Thanks Gael for sharing that story ☺


I am a new Patreon and I am so happy I came over here. These rambles are so sweet! Your personality is so bubbly and I very much like this! Although I am rather new to the Irish accent and at times it's a challenge for me to understand when you speak super fast because you are so excited (that's because I'm a slow stupid German potato) BUT I just have to smile along because the tone in your voice is so excited and it makes me happy. ♥ Thank you for sharing the story and we will cheer for you! Hugs from Germany~


Hey Monique....well you're certainly not ugly , I see an absolutely gorgeous woman in that avatar 😉! Yea it is nice when people share bad childhood experiences, you realize you're not alone and most people experienced hardships as children and turned out just fine! I was badly bullied too at school because of my ethnicity, though I didn't look any different but just knowing what I am made me a target! At the time it felt like the end of the world for me..but you grow and learn and become stronger! Gael said that's why he learned martial arts and things got better for him! So every experience starting in childhood, good or bad is a learning experience in life and helps shape you as a person! ❤️


Welcome aboard! His rambles are the best, aren't they? I think you'll find that all of us here agree with that as well. His enthusiasm and humor are just infectious; gives me a smile every time I listen. Hope you enjoy your stay here! It is a wonderful place to be!

Kelly S

I'm finally getting a chance to listen. Loved hearing about the guy who couldn't park having some serious issue... While trying to park and having to straighten out five times... In the parking garage at the hospital... Where I'm coming to my neurologist appt. Fun times, lad. Fun times!


Ugh the bit about bullying was something of a trigger for me, as I was bullied from 5th Grade until somewhere in my junior year of high school. As a parent, it's horrifying to consider how much more intense it has become over the years. Hearing that there has been a decline in recent months is a source of comfort, albeit minimal. In other positive news...I live for these rambles...your tone is quite upbeat, which is certainly always welcome 🙂Now, if I could just luck out on a PA, all would be right in my world...


Small Like captain America before he got bulky as hell Haha


anyone else curious as to what his day job is now? ahha


I am now curious of what your day job is and thanks for giving us more good news stories there awesome :) xxxxxx