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 I started a series on the Playroom Youtube channel; 'Bedtime Stories' and this is a sneak peek at the newest instillation!

The other audio is here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UQKy8obYek&t

sleep tight XD

(this is a reupload - the first one had a corruption in the file :O)




So I had to change the names in these little stories and I actually under exaggerated what happened with the pie lmao I made this while very sleepy So the giggling is me before I sleep 😜 Hope you enjoy! And thanks so much for all of your warmth this weekend It's been really awesome for me to watch the bantz and the encouragement... not to mention your support ❤️


Ooh I love a bit of corruption 😂


Sweet ❤️


The pie story was under exaggerated? Does it get funnier? I loved this audio...sleepy Gael is adorable ❤


😚😌 that was a quick reupload


It actually clung to the ceiling I thought it too fantastical of a tale tho


Yay, another upload!


Pie clinging to the ceiling like that Three Stooges episode?


Are u talking abt the one where everyone is throwing them at one another?


This has been such a great treat the last two days, waking up in the middle of the night to audios. Love listening to sleepy, giggly, loopy Gael...so cute. How could you not want to snuggle up with that? Thank you for the bedtime treat Gael. It's like a warm hug. 🎧❤️ 🤗🤗🤗


Perfect ❤️. Love this new series idea, and looking forward to more.


Bedtime? Herr Gael I just got up... what time zone are you in?? Hmm.. I`d guess "Gaelandian Standard Time", ja?? Where every time is bed time??... XPP


I loved the first one and was hoping you would make some more! Such a fookin' cutie. Oh my god you're so mumbly and giggly! I wanna hear the real version of the pie story! Nothing is too fantastical in Gaelendia honey. 😂💕


Yay! You finally changed the pic!... Look at that eye! Blue as a Bergsee - mountain lake... :)


Awwww you made me wanna sleep again 😴and I have things to do 😂You sounded sleepy it was very realistic.You are so sweet ❤️


Gottdammit, now I gotta see that eye every time I come in here.


The all seeing eye!!! Noooooo... Yessssssss... 😶😶😶


I can't even with the cuteness of this audio. *pulls covers over head*


Bedtime stories and pillow talk has always been something close to my heart. I love the closeness, how you can be intimate with someone like this, how honest and open. And your giggles are like the cutest thing ever. ❤️ Thank you for the lovely audio!


I absolutely agree with you Angie,that's perhaps what we love about him.He is so real,pure, intimate and passionate and very respectful......just perfect!!!!


Ok, now I'm properly awake... and all these astute Lovelies have said everything I could have said! (GMTA) Loved the stories, the humor, the intimacy of the sleepy rambling, those insanely adorable giggles*, the surprisingly coherent musings on culture & "characters", just all of it. Lovely audio to drift off to, or just have a giggle over doomed November pool projects & exploding pies. * From Pleasure Key Part 1 to those sleepy giggles & warm, soft bedtime voice in 1 day... impressive range. Love that you share so much of the spectrum of positive relationship dynamics with us in your role-plays, and you seem to inhabit them all w/equal talent & acting skill. No one-trick ponies here!


I just noticed that you've changed your pic here to your pretty blue eye 👀 Blue eyes are so attractive 😍🙈

Yemaya37(Water Witch)

I am stuck on Gaelandian time....I was supposed to be finished with work at like....7am...but listening to this audio has delayed me!!!!

Kathy M

Tales of Misery! Love it and I may have to use it 😄


I love your sleepy self, you sound kinda vulnerable and adorable. The sleepy/pillow talk audios are probably my favourite kind of audios. ❤️


Three audios in one weekend? You are definitely spoiling us! This was so sweet, thank you! There is nothing better in the world, I think, than being a bit loopy and talking together as you fall asleep -- have had some of the best conversations that way. And now I understand the pie gifs and discussions flying around Twitter this morning! Thought everyone was going a bit mad!


That was lovely ❤


Are you all sstill asssleep girls?? Did he ssedate you?...with his cute cuteness?? Hmm.... that eye!? I alwayss imagined Herrn Gael as a true Irish ginger with a masssive sexy afro... disssappointing... Gingers tastes the besst... sspicy...


Hmm, maybe you are right?... generouss as I am, I´d give the creamy partsss of his body a try.


I'm the same with the hygienic preference, the upkeep is a bear though! As for the guy I'm cool with whatever he's comfy with as long as he's nice n clean lol


Those kisses at the end with the teeny tiny moans are gonna be the death of me.


Deep sigh ... I thought the heartbeat was gonna do it but this sleepy time giggle kissy cuddle me to sleep thing is just mean.


Exactly! I wish I can fall asleep like that every night!😍😍


This was too precious! The cuddling, the stories and the joke, plus those adorable soft kisses at the end... You're cute when you're loopy, you know? :) Also, I knew you would change your icon! That beautiful blue eye is everywhere >///


You're beyond cute. 😘 I hope life brings you everything that could possibly make you happy. Because karma. 😊 PS - Another ramble soon? I love your cute sexy hella hot posts but your rambles = insta smile. xx


East sounds good


A sweet and lovely audio to end the weekend with! Loved it. Like dessert after a satisfying meal😋 Adored the stories, and nothing better to end the day with than snuggles and laughter. Have a great week everyone!


Time for bed, equals time to check out this Bedtime story 😏 Night Xx


Just loved this and needed this. It's so cozy 😴


this is amazing


I saw this posted this morning and knew I had to wait until tonight to listen. I got all snuggled up under the covers and was not disappointed. It was so cozy and intimate--felt like you were right here with me. Love the good night kisses, too. You are magical, as always. Thank you for all the love this weekend, Sir; it is much appreciated. 💕


Happiness is a simple bedtime story 😍🌺




Can't remember if I already commented and I don't want to look back through the thread 😂. I love this new series - such a great idea. Also like how you are ending each so that it feels like an actual sleepy time scenario with your lover (heartbeat, breathing, etc). Very cool idea 😎. Great job - looking forward to the next one! 💗


I know I already can moment but must reiterate: I absolutely love this series as well! And I agree with Vacker, such a great idea. Felt very real and comforting. Would love to hear a bit of maybe sensual cuddling in there as well. ;) sexy spooning maybe hehe.


Also sexy sleepy voice Gael 😍


This is a really cute audio. It made me smile and, it really did help me fall asleep.