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Have you had time to think about what a bad girl you were?  Have you learned your lesson?

Trigger Warning: Same note still applies!  If you enjoy rougher play, this is the audio for you.  If not, please stay tuned for more audios coming very soon!




Gael, I'm yours!🔥 🔥 🔥 💋


Yay!!! Thank you, sir! 💕


You don't want to know what I've been thinking...thank you Sir. Will post my feedback later.


Can't listen now. Looking forward to listening later on.


aahhhh....I wanted this so bad but now I'm going to CHURCH for a thing and all I can think to myself is how I can still listen and not get caught......................


Just my cup of tea. Thanks awfully. Although to confirm, the toy I was fucking myself with in the last audio wasn't a Hatchimal was it?


Is it safe to come out of my bomb shelter? Been holed up all day eating from a can 😳


It's about time c;


Awww poor ting. 🤗 No. You have to stay in there until I get to listen to this. Seanie or no Seanie. 😛😚


That was worth every second of the wait. 😊

Kathy M

Not a thing! Ain't it awesome?!


Part 2 was just as sexy and delicious as part 1. 🔥I think a part 3 is in order. She needs to get her revenge for keeping her "Locked up" for so long. 😏😏


Actually my only bit of constructive feedback is that it would be nice to be told to beg you in the audio and call you Sir/master. Personally I think it adds to the fantasy of being totally dominated and controlled.


Lost the ability to find the correct words. Send help.

Kathy M

Ok, here's the thing Gael, you simply devastate me in the best of ways. I have tried listening to other male erotica and they do not compare to you in the least, speaking solely for myself. You'd think after hearing multitudes of your audios I'd get jaded but no, not even a little. You keep me firmly in your grip and I don't want it any other way. I don't know how you do it just please keep doing what you're doing. Kthxsbai! 😊💕😚


I hear you Kathy, just tried listening to another author the other day and yeh....tapping my fingers waiting for something to happen and nope...not a thing!


I woke up at the crack of dawn this morning, and Gael heated things up immediately with part 1. I've been a baseball mom cheering my son's team to victory, and as soon as the game is over, Gael is waiting for me with part 2. I can't wait to get home OMG the anticipation has been sooooo delicious though 😎




I've had them in mine, since I commented on the first one.I would have pinned him the second he said "Come into my arms" 😈


Mmmm, Bite me hard!!! OK, this is the one time that you dominated me. Your sweet surrendering moans down my neck and that damn belt buckle did me in. I'm spent! I think I'm ready for Vader now ❤.


Should have made us wait longer. Part 2 deserves a long long wait 😏😏😏💦💦💦


I know what Gaels song of the day is. <a href="https://youtu.be/Kt91rG311OM" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/Kt91rG311OM</a> He's got the key, he's got the secret. It's us doing the ah ah ah thing though.


What a way to wake up from a nap!! Holy Pete's!! I need another nap to recover from this.


G...GAEL.....FORCE....GAELFREAKINGFORCE... I lost feeling in my ass and legs....I came so hard...extremely so. You can ask Frishawn, she was on the phone with me. I can barely type this up and doing it slowly. My body is shaking... You Sir... You have completed my fantasy. Sensual and Dominating....Forever your Good Girl


Daaamn Gael...well I've had time to think about it🤔....and I'm still a bad girl lol 😏 😈 nice try tho. Maybe I need another lesson? Or maybe u do? 🔑


I won't be able to listen until later so I'll swing by and help you. Be there shortly, hold on!!!! 😆


Lucky Sirens, I have another 5 hours to go before I can listen!


I know, I know, it's surrendering yourself! It's incredibly hot knowing a man finds you so desirable that he can't help unleashing his you-know-what (I'm shy)🍆 to show you his virility. Man, I need a cold shower 🚿!!!


Hold on...part 2!? There's <b>two</b> parts?!? Dang it, I can't listen to either of them right now; I don't have time D: I'll be ready for my punishment after work!


You are waaaaay too nice Gael!!! Shoulda held out longer!!! make us crave and beg for it !!! ;)


Oh my. Two parts? 😳 Saving them both for tonight. Ty 😋😏


So, I listened. I must say it´s really well done. A good, intense audio... and I detected some hot new elements and some old ones (Gael evergreens hahaha). You sound extra sexy-alpha and turned on... the scenery is gut durchdacht - well-conceived. It´s authentic, a good piece of work. Aaaber - buuut I have to admit... the "good girl - sub" theme is not really my favourite thing to hear from you... maybe if your girl would put up a little fight now and then, I could mich einfühlen - get into the spirit of it a little more. ? But that´s just my point of view and my preferences... :)) And ja, maybe I was distracted or a little trotzig - sulky, ´cause I thought about the damn key... hahaha XD


Uh 😳👏🏼🙊😁

Kathy M

The only thing I was wondering if you'd go there with is some double penetration and use the toy to play with her backside. 😊☺️😄


This audio and Part 1 before it have rescued what might otherwise have been a very unsatisfactory Saturday. This two-part series has shot pretty much to the top of my favorite audios. Every time I think that nothing can top what you've already done, Gael, you blow my mind......in the best ways. Funny thing, I was thinking just last week how much I'd love it if you could revisit some of your older alpha-y audios, and take on the same scenario now with your far more advanced skills. And then this shows up, and I definitely remember this theme from your early audios. There are more I'd like to hear redone, too!!! please more? 😚 For this part 2, the whole thing is (obviously) amazing. But somehow my favorite part is the up-close calm and intimate talk from 0m40s to 2m12s. Your voice clearly communicates that you won't put up with any nonsense, but it's mixed with kind of a gentle, calm patience, which ends up being so much more powerful, in every sense. (And the sound effects from 0m42s to 0m45s sell it SO well!) You know, eventually you're going to have to stop improving. I say this because I am growing concerned that you've ruined me for most men. If you're not careful, you'll set the bar so high (and I think not just for me...I've seen other Sirens say similar things) that no one else on earth will be able to compete!! 😆 (I'm only halfway kidding, too.)


Exactly, Cayla. I sometimes lurk on various amateur erotic audio sites, and the vast majority of bdsm-ish audios have a flavor of mean-ness and cruelty and dismissiveness about them. I've given some thought to why those are so distasteful (I can barely listen to most of them, and getting off on them virtually never happens), and Gael's aren't at all (although some of the early ones, before he hit his stride, verge into that territory), and I've given some thought as to why I—a very independent feminist—can still love this kind of audio, and it all comes down to how the backdrop relationship is portrayed. It's always clear that there's respect, tenderness and genuine affection in this imagined relationship that's painted for us, and it's clear that the overlay of bdsm never takes away from that foundation. Gael's special, to be sure.


I had some of the same thoughts, Claudia..... while he was asking for "her" agreement to be a good girl from now on, to say that the lesson has been learned, I definitely sensed that saying those things would be lies, if it were me in the situation! What's the fun of <em>always</em> being good? After all, if "she" had been good, this fucking awesome scenario would never have happened. 😜


Cayla, that is how he gets you hooked 😉. And then ruins you for anyone else. Trust me I got my first PA and I was a goner....forever a Gaelforce girl !! Cannot help myself...and it isn't just the accent. It is his masterful way of keeping us in the moment, he is literally a Master Story Teller. No one else comes close to making you feel exactly how he wants you too....


I decided to wait and listen to this while at the laundry mat...it wasn't my smart idea but definitely the funnest.


Yes! Listened to Part 1, then went &amp; chaperoned a school play... trying not to blush or let on at all while I "had a good think" about my impatience, lol! Part 2 dropped during intermission, forcing me to wait &amp; squirm... well played, Cosmic Timing (tm) -- well played!

Kathy M

Annnnnnnnnnnd another thing, *I'm feeling very chatty today* I truly hope that your orgasms are as phenomenal for you to physically experience as they sound to us.


Waited longer than I planned to listen to this...my GAWD, was it worth the wait. Being Gael's good girl never felt so naughty. It took everything in me to keep quiet during this car ride with friends who thought I was just listening to music. But now I've got an exhausted grin on my face that might need an explanation. 🎧❤️💋😊


Jesus H. Christ *sweats* This was amazing! Trying to keep a straight face during this is damn near impossible. Simply hot, maybe I should be bad again


Oh my god. Still haven't listened to part 2! I may have to fake sick just to go to bed early to listen! 😣😓


Two audios in one day – we have to be the luckiest ladies in the world! Of course, trying to find privacy twice in one day is getting to be a bit tough for me! What can I say after listening to both audios today? I don’t usually comment much on the erotic ones, but I really wanted to say something about these. I almost shied away after I read the warnings, but I decided to give them a listen anyway (getting a little braver the longer I am here, I guess!) After experiencing both audios (really, it’s more of an experience than just a listen!), the only word that could describe how I felt was undone. I’ve read 50 Shades (which we’ve all established is pretty crappy!) and have tried other audios with punishment or bondage (more out of curiosity than anything), but I never felt so completely involved, protected, or cared for. Odd feelings, I know, but the other audios made me feel degraded or ashamed, taking away any enjoyment I might have had. As always with your other work, I never felt anything less than respected and valued – tough things to accomplish with the style of audio you were creating here. Those feelings allowed me to let loose and really enjoy the whole experience. I am continually impressed, Gael, with how you have developed – and are developing – as an artist. Your early audios were sweet and nervous, and I enjoyed listening to them as you gained confidence and experience through the years. I have enjoyed watching you really hit your stride these past weeks as I have been on Patreon. Your confidence, your ability to control a crowd (brilliant, by the way!), and your continual willingness to listen to all of us with an open mind and try to incorporate that into your work, makes your audios that much stronger. Bravo, sir! I am so glad I am along for the ride!


I've finally listened, and I greatly, thoroughly enjoyed them both! I know it was probably said before, but what I liked the most about this is that you were disappointed with "her" and shiver-inducingly dominant (I could feel it in your voice; you may have been angry, but you didn't let it show too much), but like Cayla said, you never degrade or belittle "her" in any way for going solo. In fact, you took back what was yours just by being there; you didn't even touch "her" until pt. 2. That's incredibly hot!


I finally had a chance to listen to these audios. Let me just say they are so hot 😍 The end of the audio was so sweet too. I liked them both 😍😋 I am going to sleep well tonight 😏🙈


This 👆🏻! Amy took the words out of my mouth and put them together way better than I could have ever done!


Annabelle...I totally agree! He speaks to women in a way that most guys could ever dream to do. Alas, I think I will be single forever cause there CANNOT be more than one like this out there. Smh 🙇🏻‍♀️


Finally got to listen to part two--that's right, I spent the day with my kids, took them to the movies, made brownies, had pillow fights, all while knowing this was waiting for me when they went to bed--now that's restraint; I earned that Good Girl title! 😂 All of the other ladies have so eloquently stated already what made this so special, so I'll just say "What they said!" And I may have died of a sexiness overdose while listening to the last few minutes....I'll need someone to volunteer to come feed my cats. 😂


Gael, I'm yours. I'm your dirty little slut. And I fucking want it. 💕 When you said, "you're mine" my whole body shook. *dead* Mmmmm my mother fucking belt! Ohhhh my fucking god, yes, yes, yessss! *dead* 💋 Listening to your spectacular finish and then the tenderness at the end was perfection. *dead* I loved it. I loved all of it. Including you. I'm a very happy girl tonight. Thank you so much, Sir. I'm yours. 💕💕💕


I think I should just start posting this pic whenever I'm about to delve into one of my needlessly long commentaries. If a picture is worth a thousand words, it'll increase the length of my comment by about 10% 😝: <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> I hesitated about whether or not to listen to these audios because the really rough stuff isn't quite my cup of coffee. Although it can be flavourful, it's often a bit too strong for my tastes, like that time I drank a large cup of coffee that was about 75% espresso. But my curiosity won out in the end, and I decided that if I absolutely hated the audios, I wasn't allowed to complain because they came with trigger warnings. (I'll point out now that I didn't hate the audios - in fact, I rather enjoyed them.) BDSM can be a tricky topic to tackle in an audio because it encompasses such a wide range of activities and mindsets. I mean, that's even implied by the acronym - bondage and discipline, dominance and submission, and sadism and masochism. Some people's interests may lie in only one of those domains, while others may enjoy all of them, but to different degrees. So it's essentially impossible to make a BDSM-themed audio that will 100% please the masses. (To provide personal context to my perspective, I haven't dabbled a whole lot in the real-life application of BDSM. I'd say I enjoy some bondage and light masochism as much as the next lady, but I don't like inflicting pain on other people. As far as a D/S {I'm deliberately capitalizing the "S" because I believe they're <i>equal</i>, though complimentary roles} dynamic goes, that can vary. Edging and orgasm control? Sure, I can give that the good ol' college try. TPE? Not a snowball's chance in hell.) To be honest, I thought Part 1 actually contained a lot of elements of some of Gael's previous work. He's done audios where he instructs the listener on how to tease and pleasure themselves, and he's done audios where he'll have the listener "watch" him go to town on himself. I've liked those past audios before, and I liked how he combined both aspects in Part 1. Probably the main distinguishing feature was taking on the more dominant role, which I think was something he handled well. Even though the audio is a work of fiction and not something to read too deeply into, I'd argue that potentially "nitpicky" things like word choice and tone are crucial. Unlike BDSM-themed films, audios don't give you the benefit of seeing an artist's facial expression or body language, so almost all of the emotion conveyed in the scenario is going to come from <i>what</i> they say and <i>how</i> they say it. From what I recall, there's a line in Part 1 where Gael says, "You fucked that up for the both of us." Given the context of the more submissive partner disobeying the dominant one, that line is perfectly fine by me. But if he had said something like, "You're a fuck up", I probably would've taken issue with that. Although consensual humiliation and degradation can fall within the BDSM spectrum, I've never been a fan of that, and I think a lot of people would have a similar mindset.* But I think the issue of disobedience in a D/S dynamic is likely better handled by being critical of the transgression the more submissive partner made, rather than being critical of the partner themselves. <i>*I'm not implying that there would be anything wrong with Gael (or any other audio artist) making an audio with consensual humiliation or degradation. But I would definitely slap a trigger warning on it using specific key words like "humiliation" and "degradation".</i> As far as the tone of Part 1, I also thought that that was handled well. I suspect that the vast majority of us who listened to Part 1 are already aware of the sort of person Gael is (or at least how he's always portrayed himself to be): friendly, considerate, and basically the antithesis of a douchebag. But I found myself pondering, <i>"What if Part 1 was the very first GF audio I had ever listened to? Based on how he comes across in the audio, would I still want to listen to more of his work?"</i> And the answer is yeah, I'd listen to more of his stuff. Although Gael comes across as firm and a bit stern in Part 1 - which I would expect to some degree from any audio artist playing the dominant one in a BDSM-themed audio - he never sounds spiteful or batshit insane with power. Even for listeners who aren't entirely into things like power play, I doubt that they would've walked away from this audio with a sour taste in their mouth. As far as leaving the listener handcuffed to the bed at the end of the audio...well, thankfully this scenario is again a work of fiction. The most common feedback I've gotten from doms during my own forays into BDSM is that I'm too much of a brat for my own good, and that I can only stay submissive for so long before committing the apparent no-no known as "topping from the bottom". So in in a situation like this, if Gael left me handcuffed to the bed, I'd humour him for maybe all of 5-10 minutes, then start singing at the top of my lungs. Good luck trying to go back to work recording audios with <i>that</i> craptastic background noise. 😝 'Twould be a thousand times worse than the gulls 😈 Sheesh, I went on for a lot longer than I thought. 😕 To avoid making anyone's eyes bleed, I'll post my rambling nonsense about Part 2 separately and - to correspond with the timed releases of the audios - several hours from now 😝 <img height="185" src="https://media.giphy.com/media/APcFiiTrG0x2/giphy.gif"><i>(Muahaha...but no, really, I actually have errands and junk that need to get done first 😔)</i>


Doctimus, your posts are the highlight of my day! Handcuffed to the bed, singing at the top of your lungs -- priceless! 😂😂


Hmmmm Here's a different scenario Gael. What if or when your bad girl starts to push back against the alpha Gael ??? Hmmmmmm??? Better be careful!! You don't know what she is capable of doing! ;) hehehe


All right, Super Friends, I'm finally back with Part 2! Which was written while I waited for about 3 weeks worth of laundry to finish in the dryer because I'm just <i>so</i> good at adulting and I <i>never</i> procrastinate until I'm down to my last fucking pair of underwear before I wash my clothes. 👙👚👖 <img height="190" src="http://photos1.blogger.com/x/blogger/1148/2088/1600/575272/264113001_f1ed3fb11e.jpg"> So I hesitated even more to listen to Part 2 than I did with Part 1. Part 1 had been reasonably tame, so I figured that Gael would probably go balls out <i>(har har)</i> primal/Alpha/rough in Part 2. With that suspicion in mind, I decided to try to hone in on the more technical aspects of the audio since that's usually the safest and least emotionally charged aspect of a recording. It's also worth mentioning that I do try to visualize most audios that I listen to, although how detailed my mental pictures get depends on the type of audio and how much I'm enjoying it. I deliberately conjured up vague mental images to correspond to what I was hearing in Part 2, mostly because I had no idea how far Gael was going to go with it and I was poised to tap out at a moment's notice. From a technical perspective, there were a few points in Part 2 where I was a bit confused by the sequence of what was happening. I certainly don't think it detracted from the audio in any way, and I probably wouldn't even have noticed it if I wasn't focusing on the technical aspect. But it did make me wonder how much the recording that was posted differed from the original, unedited version. <i>(Note: I could be completely wrong about all of this if what I heard was just an artifact of my Internet connection lagging, rather than something that was actually in the audio. I looked through the comments and I haven't seen anyone else mention this, so maybe it's just me and I was mishearing things after all.)</i> This format might look weird, but it's probably the easiest way to explain what I was thinking as I simultaneously listened to the audio and visualized the scene: [Start]: "Okay, I, as the listener, am lying down on the bed. Gael's going to come over and open the handcuffs. $5 says he's not going to let me take a quick bathroom break because although it's entirely natural, the elimination of bodily waste isn't exactly sexy." [2:28]: "So I have to go over to the edge of the bed and grab little Gael with my hands. Gotcha." [2:48]: "And now I have to start paying lip service to little Gael. Sure thing, boss!" [3:22]: "Get on my knees? Like, on the bed? Or on the floor? He didn't specifically say to get <i>off</i> the bed, but it would make more sense if I was on my knees on the floor, wouldn't it? I mean, he would have to be 9 or 10 feet tall in order for his junk to be at mouth level if I'm on my knees on the bed! ...or he is on the bed, too? I guess if he's sitting on the edge of the bed, I could technically be on my knees, but just have to lean down to reach that good ol' Irish willy. Yeah, that's probably it. That makes sense. Okay, what's next?" [3:49]: "I have to touch myself at the same time? I mean, I'm grateful for the opportunity, but if I'm already on my knees, leaning down, presumably with one hand already on Gael's junk, if I have to use my other hand to go to town on myself, I'm going to have a hell of a time trying to keep my balance. We are venturing into 'Doctimus toppling over' territory here. <i>Thank God this isn't real!</i>" [4:39]: "So, he's going to reach down and slap my ass from behind? Okay, that sounds physically possible if we're both on the bed. But if I'm actually supposed to be on the floor and he's standing up, I mean, that's just not going to work. The only way he could reach my ass, without having the wingspan of an NBA player, is if he bends over at the waist, and that just sounds really uncomfortable. Damn it all, why do I always overthink these things?" [6:26]: "Huh, he actually referred to himself by name just then. I remember reading in comments recently about how he doesn't do that very often." [10:02]: "Wait, what? He's suddenly nomming on my lady lumps now? Again, not that I mind at all, but something about that seems a bit abrupt. As in, I think I actually heard a pause in there - did he either take a section out or splice a section into the recording?" [11:10]: "He's going to get on the bed with me?! Wasn't he already there <i>the entire time?</i> How was he nomming on my boobies if he wasn't lying right next to me to begin with? I'm getting confused now, which means that I'm clearly overthinking this." [11:22]: "There's that pause again. Did I imagine that, or was something edited out?" [13:07]: "Another pause! Maybe my Internet connection is lagging and the audio is skipping ahead a few seconds." [13:24]: "<i>Again?</i> Nah, I must be imagining this. Congratulations, Gael, you can now add 'can induce auditory hallucinations' to your audio artist resumé!" [17:17]: "There it is again..." [17:36]: "And one last time. What a head scratcher this is. Hehehe...<i>head</i> scratcher 😆" ********** I actually went back and listened to Part 1 again, and I heard similar pauses at roughly 1:06, 3:41-3:44 (that period of silence), 4:02, 8:36, 14:02, and 15:47. If what I'm hearing is actually where edits were made to the audio, I'm wondering whether it either originated as someone's PA, or if it was a reworking of a previously recorded but not yet released audio, or maybe something different altogether. As I said before, I don't think it detracts from the audio, other than perhaps baffling me a bit with Gael how potentially has freakishly long arms or else possesses the ability to teleport from one location to another. All my Doctimus word vomit aside, I thought this was a sexy audio. My favourite part was, of course, the ending. Not just because I like the sappy tender stuff, but because it emphasized a part of BDSM that often isn't portrayed in erotic audios - the aftercare. Just like in a real life BDSM dynamic, aftercare is how partners really demonstrate that trust and care that they have for one another's well-being, and it shows that neither one of them is a means to an end or just a tool to use to get someone's rocks off. So kudos for that one, Gael 👍 Fuck, this was a huge wall of text. Sorry about that, Super Friends 😦But hey, at least my laundry's finally done in the dryer! This audio may have left the panties of many listeners wet, but mine are officially bone dry 😝


Ok, I'm glad I'm not the only one who was tripping on the logistics of this one. I became confused from the point where he asked for a BJ.

Anton’s Becca

When people listen to this they automatically think the whole scenario is for his satisfaction that he gets control over the listener and he gets to be the one who decides to cum. BUT this is my first time listening to both audios. And from what I’ve heard and what I’ve absorbed from this, is not even in a single moment was it about him. Nope. The second he walked into the space in part 1 where you were caught, to when he came at the end of part Two. He walked in an immediately knew “I’m going to make sure she cums so hard that she can’t fucking think straight” because clearly she had some needs that had to be addressed. And he addressed them all in a way that showed her that he loves to play; he loves make you see that he is it for the whole experience with you. Not just the sex. The risk and reward of it all. You risked touching yourself, and he STILL rewarded you with multiple orgasms and even in the end he made your body was worshiped, even if he had you in every position and ruined you in the best way. He never took away the option to be like “I don’t want this.” There was never a moment where it was “he’s just in it for himself.” He was throat fucking you and he still made sure you were playing with yourself so you got something from it as well. God damn Gael is a fucking genius. The raw sounds of his jerking off his cock with the belt clanging softly just showed you that he wasn’t committing to himself he was still fully dressed even as destroyed as you were and when He came back he was tender and welcoming and absorbed in you. You were is only focus, his light. In the end when he came, his painting of our body with his juices was the only time in his primal state he made it about him, he wanted his pretty little canvas a mess for him so everyone knows who belongs with him. And even then...he made sure it was okay he pulled out and did so..😩💜 he’s a god damn genius and I’m so glad I found this audio...all I can imagine a part 3, of Gael locked up at his desk his arms behind his chair as listener ruins that pour man playing with him edging him and making him cum multiple time. Our good little pet.” Thank you Gael!! 😇😇💜💜💜


Any body know where part one is ?


Right below this post ♥ (or click the NSFW graphic and it'll show all of the erotic audios)


🔥🔥🔥😈Thanks G

Andy Tyler

Both were amazing. 😍 sounded like you out a lot of effort into those 😉😅 love ya Gael ✌️