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I come home to find you pleasuring yourself... taking what's mine.  You know who that pussy belongs to... you've been a bad girl... and I know just how to punish my bad girl...

Trigger Warning - This is an highly requested BDSM themed piece.  It has some rougher language and themes.  If that is something you feel will trigger you, please avoid this audio.  There will be more audios coming this weekend!

See you later for part2! XD




I actually teased myself with this vid i made myself want it and the wonderful Gael for hours. To the point where I could feel my juices running down my thighs. Edging just for him til I HAD to listen and get off with him. It was so fucking amazing


"I'm yours to keep... and I'm yours to lose. You know I'm not a Bad Girl, but I'd do bad things with you..." 😍💚


Those belt sounds😍 🔥 🔥 🔥🍆💦💦 I'm your bad girl❤❤


my favourite audio 😳


Holy Shit just in time! Thanks!


Hmmm I wondering when I should post part 2 🤔




Muahahaha 😈 Sounds HOTT! 🔥🔥

Greek Goddess

Good morning Gael ❤️


In about a hour if you want to be really helpful 😉


That rumbly bass in your voice.... rawr!


Damn...immediately would be ok.


Glad I'm up early.


Not sure that listening to this just before I go to work for 10hours was the best idea I've ever had. Deliciously wicked though, I love this kind of play 😍


Oh sweet punishment. 😍😍


You can keep me here all Night Long G. But Just you wait Until you Fuckin Release me! JUST YOU FUCKIN WAIT!! My punishment will be your punishment! 😏😈 #TrustAndBelieveThat


I think Cat was right. Right about now would be perfect!😈


Now would be nice...😠😏😅


He has to make us wait for it now...

Rose from Ash

Dammit, Gael! I have to work for 3 more hours! This doesn't seem like something I can listen to and keep a straight face. Screw it; I'm listening anyway. Wish me luck! XP


Well Gael, I'm torn between being a good girl and waiting to be rewarded...or being bad and waiting for that sweet punishment...ugh!! 🎧💋


Holy shit dude 😍😱

Kelly S

OH.MY.GOD... This was fucking amazing. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you... I LOVE dominant Gael! And this kind of thing... So fucking hot. 😥💦




Every hour he makes us wait...Is every hour worse 4 him in the long run.😏😏😈


I thot we r gonna find the Lizard Queen's key 😂😂😂




<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/usfiAsWR4qU" width="560"></iframe>




No...no...nooo..no....i need to cum baby....please? I'm so sorry (not sorry) please?


C'mon Gael... if it's aching, you have to rub it. 😌


Gael is gonna leave a line of girls begging and I likey 😈😋


Gael? Baby? Sir? Papi?


Gael... Come back. Please! Post again!


I actually think some of your older BDSM stuff were a bit more rough, but who cares when this was like the sexiest fucking thing ever. 😍 But yeah, for a moment I thought this gonna be about abother key... 😂😂❤


Gael! Grrr. Fuck! When have I ever been good! When?!!


My favorite word! STOP!


Four am after a bartending shift to come home to this. Ahh, suddenly ten hours on me feet alllll worth it. Lol


Making your girls wait &amp; beg... I love it when Alpha Gael comes out to play w us 😘😈

Kathy M

When you said stop my eyes bugged out of my head! 😳😂😄😂


I wanna cum too😳


Gael?...I mean um...Sir. I'm sorry for my behavior. I can hear you down there; working at your desk, making calls, the timbre of your voice, the click of your fingers against your keyboard, every sound reverberates through my body like a tsunami of sensation, increasing the heat and absolute river of wetness between my thighs. Your voice whispers across my skin, like a caress of your hand, driving me mad. Please come back, I promise to be good (Yeh right, not a hope...not when your punishment is so sweet) 😏



Gri (Sassy_One)

Fuck!! This, just yeah!!! The 'stop' was so painfully delicious, ya tease!😱 Part 2, please...I'll even ask like a good girl should: Sir, please punish us with part 2, we still have soooo much to...learn😏


Aaahhh... can´t listen to this.... that´s my trigger-word... KEY!!!! :(( Bahahaha........


Oookay... I was brave, I listened! *pats her shoulder* It´s quite good... (and thanks for sparing us an annoying, buzzing vibe XP) ... but when you mentioned the key at the end... I wondered how it may look like and laughed my ass off! (Seems KEY is a trigger now - a LOL trigger) Bahaha.... Btw... do you have a secret key fetish? Hm?... always hoarding, stealing and hiding them... weird... XP


wowow this was one of my favs 😍 I'm going out for the day, all I will be able to think of is part 2 😣😣 the anticipation...


<img src="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/08/2f/09/082f0928b341b41634d04f30e8f0653d.jpg">


....I need to wake up to this more often. Thank you Sir.


These lovilies have made an easy choice for me. Just don't listen until part 2 is posted. Sounds like I have something amazing to look forward to. 😉


Oh. My. God. Yes.


The aching and waiting is part of the experience. Don't cheat.


What's with all the keys, hm? Highly suspicious. My Queen! HE's at it, again!

Kathy M

Since he knows we're all eating out of the palm of his hand, how long is he going to make us wait?


Gaelll not fair... I can only imagine that I already cried and felt guilty inside.... guve us Part 2.... release the pleasure


Well, I hope you at least check up on your bad girl, you know, it's not nice leaving her for 6 hours tied to the bed... at least bring her some water, you busy Sir! ;P ...even if she was bad, that's the least she deserves.


Right Angie, IRL we moved past playful and gotten to "well I guess u better keep me tied up cuz when u let me go I'm kicking your ass". 😂😂 I actually love that he's making us wait.


Ohhhh you deliciously nasty tease!!! I want revenge!😍


Please, Sir, pleeeease post Part 2 today! Pleeeeeaassseee. I'll be a good girl, I promise. Anything you want. Thank you, Sir. 💕💕💕


Part 2 better be worth the wait. Waking me up at yawn A.M., no breakfast, teasing me with that clinking belt buckle sound the whole fucking time. And now you're about to make me quote damn Taylor Swift...why you gotta be so mean?! I expect a second series where the tables are turned. You need to be put in your place mister. 💋💋💋💋


Lucky for me even cuffed, I could still cum if I wanted.😋 So go "work" if u must, you'll have to turn right back around before u got started.


Me too girl. HFO FTW! I'm trying to figure out how these women don't cum just because he says don't you dare cum. You can tell me to stop but once that train leaves the station it's not stopping. 😂😂😂


In my opinion, this is on a different level than Tied to Our Bed. That was more playful teasing and adding a little excitement (and pleasure. 😆) This is about dominance and submission, establishing who controls the power and who yields to it. It is much more psychological and requires a lot more trust. And devotion. So I don't see this as revenge from the other one, which means clean slate and he needs to get his cumuppance (hehe see what I did there). 😂🤓 When he yelled "stop" I was feeling a couple of things, laughing wasn't one if them...😂😍😈


Dominate me? In your dreams Pal! I always carry an extra 🔑👅. Let's see what you dish-out for Part II. woooh...feeling Sassy when challenged, but unbuckling that belt 😗 omg!!!

Gri (Sassy_One)

⌛️⏳Tick tock, tick tock...we got it, you're really enjoying the begging, ain't ya...a little too much, imo😏 It's time, your good girlz are ready for the whole...lesson. Post part 2😉Sir


OMFG!!! I was already wound tight from listening to my PA. It shows this was posted at 3:31 am. Anybody want to guess what time it was I checked in here before going to sleep? 3:30!!!! And now he's teasing us about when to post the other part???? I think he needs to be locked in the attic WITH Seanie!!!! :p


You know. you could answer the daily questions while waiting for Herrn Gael? Hm?...


I liked this more than I should have. Your voice...you were in total control, and it was so sexy! I never would have guessed I'd be into being told what to do, but my response was immediate and complete. 🔥🔥🔥🔥And when you said "Stop"...hottest thing ever! 💕💕 So I promise to be a good girl, Sir, because I want so much to show you that I trust you, that I'm sorry for displeasing you. And I know that my reward for waiting will be even sweeter than the delicious torture of my punishment. 😘




Definitely should listen again just to be sure. 😉 I didn't miss the instructions, that's one of my favorite parts. It's so sexy to me, that whole take charge manliness. And is a man. Such. A. Damn. Man. 😂😍


Tssssss... lowly, underdeveloped humanss... A simple cuff wouldn´t sstop me from pleasuring mysself. I could easssily use my long tongue... or cum handss-clawsss free. And you dare teasing me with keysss!!?? Watch out mortal... I have plansss....


I'm on the ball and already answered your lovely questions, Frau Claudia! So I will bore you with more of my tales from South America instead.<br><br>I was searching the abandoned resort for more clues as to the location of the Lizard Queen's key (perhaps Gael will throw in a hint in the Part 2 that everyone is salivating for?) Unfortunately all I could find was a notebook that Seanie was apparently using to write down lacklustre rap lyrics and...uhh, "interesting" ideas for erotic audios. With his poor penmanship and inability to spell or use proper grammar, it's taking me a long time to try to decipher what he's written. But I <i>think</i> the following is one of his attempts at rap:<br><br><i>Alright, beour What's the stor-y Have ya heard I'm spittin' words And droppin' beats Like dogs drop turds It's so absurd I'm cool like ice, but not vanilla I'll thrill ya And show you my gangsta's paradise I may not be the smartest But a great audio artist Is what I am Just ask me mam And she'll tell ya That I'm the best From east to west Girl, I'll impress The pants off ya And maybe we can go have sex In Gael's attic He'll be dramatic But he's just jealous Like all those other fellas Named British Fifth And the one who wears those Cardigans For some reason But now's the season For yours truly My name's Slim Boy Seanie And I will be Taking Gael's fans from all directions With my massive erection There is no fuckin' question About it So just go shout it From all the rooftops 'Coz I will never stop Until this mic drops <del>Like me balls finally did last week!</del></i><br><br>While Seanie's lyrics are getting longer, they certainly haven't gotten any better. In fact, they seem even worse than before, for these rap stylings were truly and utterly shitty. May God have mercy on our ears if he ever releases another song, that little rapscallion 😱


Direct and to the point. And let me add, "Jaysus fucking christ!" *dead*


Gael is so wicked!! He needs a spanking ! hahaha old school style !! LOL ;)


It's usually the ones who don't like being told what to do who love being told what to do in the bedroom. That's part of the dom/sub appeal. Or so I've heard...🤐😂


Yesssss draped over my lap! ha haaa We'll take turns with the cane ! lol


Count me in!! I wanna hear him hisss in pleasure and pain...


<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/IkdmOVejUlI" width="560"></iframe>


Gael. I just. Gael, you had me trembling with imagined guilt within the first 30 seconds, and the anticipation and tension just grew (deliciously) from there. One of my all-time favorite things is edging/denial, and your masterful control of the situation (with so little effort, too) basically made it so I stayed up far later than I should to listen to the audio twice more. And indulging in some play-along edging, too. And <em>OMG</em>, the key in the mouth......just about blew my mind. How you got up close, and maintained your gentle, calm demeanor even while keeping the situation's tension (among other things) amped up, fuck yes. You see, I'm no fan of <em>angry</em> anger, or anything that suggests that the situation is out of control. But this situation? Not the slightest bit "out of control" from the moment you walked into the room!!! You're a genius whose ability to poke every single one of my hot buttons grows consistently by the month. So yeah, the key. *shiver* And then the kiss? Perfect and gutting, all at the same time. Now...... <em>please</em> can we have part 2? Waiting on pins and needles here. I'll be good....... (maybe good-ish. Sometimes punishment is just so sweet.)

Kathy M

How about now? . . . Ok now? . . . What about now? . . . C'monnnnn!


The loong wait will make you tender and juicy, my dearessst... And I like your begging! *writes Kathy M on her list*


Look at us shamelessly begging for part 2 while you sit with your finger on the button, laughing your evil laugh. Well, I am not going to beg you for it, I can wait as long as you can....really, I can!....*whistles, taps foot*....yep, I can certainly hold out as long as you want us to....Ahh, hell, who am I kidding! *bats lashes, pouts* PLEASE post part 2? We've been good...Please?!? We can't wait much longer! (Just look what you made me do, naughty man!)




I'm not a good girl. I'm a bad girl. Now what?


Exactly!!! That one word...the control he has over us with that voice...just gets better all the time. But that "stop" deserves an award all by itself! ❤️


I came when u said stop. I win!😋😝😝😝

Rose from Ash

That was the most powerful edging I have ever experienced. And though I didn't get off at the end, I was still so fucking thrilled I don't even know what to say holy fuck...


That strict and solid "stop" though... sheesh. And the key sounds sounded so real, in a weird way, I felt the key on my teeth... what kind of sorcery is this?!


Mmmm! My favorite!


My kind of nasty. Oh so exciting to watch you.


Just discovered this one! AllI can say is WOW!!!!! So very naughty! I Love It!🥵❤💋💦