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Here's a recap of what we did last month!

The word of the month is prep! Prep and more prep.

We're in the middle of prepping for next month's shoot. A fresh batch of videos is cooking! Here's a sneak preview of one of the episodes: 🐀🍝

After announcing Cinema Therapy Studios (check out all the details here), the team was hard at work getting everything in place to formally launch in March. For Patreon, that means a new Patreon tier! The Supervillain tier and a post about it are launching today, the same day you're reading this!

Did someone say more prep? We tested a new video series idea. Cinema Therapy Reviews! Cinema Therapy episodes take a long time to make, and sometimes we wish we could talk about a new movie right away. New movies are so exciting and we want to share our excitement fresh out of the theater.  More info coming soon!

Outside of Cinema Therapy, we reunited with our college comedy group, BYU Divine Comedy, to perform an alumni show! We had a blast performing live comedy again with an amazing group of performers,  even if we might have forgotten a few of our lines... (cut us a little slack - we only had one rehearsal!)

Here's a sneak peek of what's coming next!

The month will start with a huge highlight, our panel at Emerald City Comic Con in Seattle! We're there as you're reading this, so look out for fun snippets from the con over on Instagram.

A lot of projects are in the pipeline with CT Studios, CT Reviews, and the March shoot. So the rest of the month will be spent on those projects. Wish us luck!

How was your month? What are you looking forward to next month?




I'm looking forward to CT Reviews! Often I wonder what you guys think about a new movie so this is a wish granted, yay!