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Just a quick reminder that you have just over 24 hours to get your submissions in, either story/character ideas, or to work on this year's short! The submission forms will close at 11:59 pm Pacific time tomorrow, Sunday the 10th!
We've seen some really great submissions so far, and we're really excited to get to work on crafting a story that (hopefully) we can all be proud of, interested in, and helps people feel all the feelings!
Story ideas form.
Crew submission form

Cinema Therapy Studios launches today!

We have a bunch of cool news, so let’s make sure you all know what’s going on!

  • New tier (Supervillain) is live!
  • Submit ideas for this year’s short!
  • Submit to work on the short!*
  • Join us for a livestream TODAY at 10am Pacific time to discuss the Studio!

What does this mean for you, Studio Executive? Well, you can up your support to the Supervillain tier, if you’re so inclined. Check out the additional perks and contact you’ll have with the team! Is it worth it? That’s subjective!

You can also submit ideas for this year’s short film, its characters, and/or the mental health topics it will be thematically covering, using this form!

A few caveats:

1) We may not be able to use your idea in any of our pitches. Doesn’t mean it was a bad idea, just that we couldn’t find a way to fit it in to any of the stories we decide to bring to the pitch stage.

2) By filling out the form, you agree that we are legally able to use this story idea. Basically, we don’t want to get sued. We’re not going to make any money on this short (it’s actually going to cost us a lot) but you filling out this form is an agreement that we’re able to use the ideas.

3) The writers/producers/director are not getting paid for this short film. This is the very definition of a passion project. So there won’t be any monetary compensation for story ideas.

Basically, if you think there’s monetary value to your idea, don’t submit it! If you just have an idea that you think would be cool to see us make, and that’s the only motivation you’ve got, submit away! Both of those options are good!

We think it would be cool to get you all involved in a real tangible way in these films, and again, we will not be making money. There is no way to make money with a short film. That’s why Hollywood studios don’t make them.

Also, we have a form where you can submit your expertise and contact info if you’d like to work on the picture in a crew capacity! We’ll be paying our crew members, so if you have interest, skill,

*and the ability to get yourself to Utah, USA*

in (probably) early July for a week or two, we’d love to have you! Or if you’ve got art chops, or storyboard expertise, or a VFX background, and want to work remotely, we’d love to get to know you too!

So please, get your submissions in as soon as you can. The submission forms will close Sunday, March 10th at 11:59pm Pacific time.

Megan, Jonathan, and Alan will spend the next week reviewing submissions and generating ideas. Supervillains will get access to their first exclusive BTS livestream during that process! Then they’ll come up with 3-4 pitches, pitch them to the Supervillains for feedback, and then present them to the entire Studio (all of our Patrons!) to vote on a greenlight!

Our current plan is to have that pitch video up for you all to vote on by April 1st.

If you have any questions, we’ll be livestreaming on YouTube at 10am Pacific time today to discuss this with the entire Cinema Therapy community and answer any questions you may have. If you’ve got one you really want us to answer, be sure to let us know you’re a Patron in the chat, we’ll prioritize your questions, because… Capitalism?

On a personal note: This is in the top 5 most exciting things I’ve ever done (Alan here). The fact that we all get to band together and make movies is literally the only thing I’ve wanted out of my entire career. I’m SO excited for you all to go along on this ride with us! Now, hopefully, we make some good pictures. Guess we’ll see, huh?


MAKE movies!!!



I am German and would love to help with subtitles, can I apply through the crew form or will there be an extra form for that later?


(Insert comic book thought cloud above my head here) "Are they gonna say my name this time?"