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Why is it important to sit with sadness? How do you sit in sadness with others?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are returning to a very special film, Inside Out. This time they are taking a look at the theme of navigating change, and this time they are joined by three very special guests: screenwriter Meg LeFauve, editor Kevin Nolting, and producer Jonas Rivera. Pixar legends! Jonathan talks about Riley’s struggle with change and how Joy and Sadness navigate that journey within Riley. Each of our guests shares insights into writing and story developments and why Pixar works on one project for so long. And you bet both Jono and Alan are crying in this one. Damn you, Pixar!

This is a very special episode, and our original Inside Out episode is the video that made us. Thank you for watching!






Ooohhhhh I can't wait!!



Alex Boynton

BRUH!!! THIS IS THE BEST NEWS IVE GOTTEN ALL MONTH!! IT IS LEGIT MY FAVORITE MOVIE PIXAR HAS MADE! I run a top 10 podcast and it made #1 on my pixar list easy

Darcie Daniels

This movie left me a blubbering idiot when Riley reunited with her parents after she got off the bus.

Marie-Soleil Cha

Oh my oh my oh my! This is going to be awesooooome!


YES!!!!! So excited about this!!!

taylor garrett

The only question I have is do I stay up until 01 or wake up to watch this?

Ara Raven

My immediate statement to such folks would be, "First of all, thank you. Second of all, how dare you." That movie messes me up in all the best ways!

Alice Hoade

We are definitely gonna have a cry with Alan episode 😢

Alan Seawright

So, just an FYI… This DC is 75 minutes long… Whoops!!!!

Alice Hoade

I feel like that is half of the cinema therapy episodes though the ones on katniss always make me tear up

Lauren Frey

Yay, I’m finally here on time for one of these!! 💜💜💜


This was my first Cinema Therapy episode - and I think the first one that went viral

Loki Dokey

Bing bong 😭😭

Alan Seawright

True! It was the first one that really took off for us. This is a different, all new episode though!

Alan Seawright

SO STOKED for you all to see all this! We got to have such cool conversations with the crew!


First one of these I’ve ever been to ever. Yay! 💙💙 I’m pumped.


I loved revisiting this film. The circle is now complete

Alice Hoade

I'm already crying darn it


This is the first video I saw saw it I. Therapy it has helped me so much


Oooooh My Father’s Dragon

Alan Seawright

I’m actually really interested to revisit The Good Dinosaur. I saw it once, and kinda… eh? But I’m curious to see how I’d relate to it now. Her podcast is GREAT, btw.


No way to watch this outside of the app?!

Lauren Frey

I love that scene with Sadness and Bing Bong.

Alan Seawright

Not during Drops. It’s a new feature, Patreon is still working on it. Be sure to leave them feedback and let them know you’d like it on the web! We would too!

Erin Brown

I taught preschool, and did the same thing. I was the only one who did it at my program, because it wasn't part of the approved curriculum, but it was astounding to see the differences between my kids and the others. Emotional intelligence is SO important to teach to children early.

Lauren Frey

I know I’m in the minority, but… Bing Bong was a bit much for me, I didn’t cry when he left. But I still loved that scene, let people be sad when they wanna be sad.


I love that Bing Bong looks felted. And the little fuzzy details on the characters’ faces.

Loki Dokey

Man, I love this movie

Erin Brown

To me, the lesson in this movie about sadness. Sometimes being an essential part of moving through a feeling reminds me of the way that I often see parents interacting with their children. When kids are upset, I have most often seen fathers trying to tickle and laugh their way through the feeling, but I'm more often seem mothers embracing the sadness and trying to just sit with their children in that emotion. I know that's how my own marriage also works, and it's interesting to see it in the movie.

Rob Foster

This is one of the few Disney movies that brought me close to tears.

Lauren Frey

I would love to know more about Joy’s development in the writer’s room. I’ve heard that in first drafts, the way she was written made her a villain which obviously was not the intention. How was it that she became who we saw in the movie, someone who needed to learn the lesson of the film?

Pam Jackson

My neighbour passed away in December after a long illness. He wasn’t talking with his family. I’d go over and just sit and have lunch with him to give company. He’d often cry. Turns out it was because he was pretending to be happy with everyone else. I wasn’t sure if I was doing the right thing.

Loki Dokey

Feelings/emotions just are.

Lauren Frey

Lol, I worked in a movie store when Inside Out came out. My manager gave me a talking Anger toy. I asked her just what was she implying, and she said I knew good and well what she was implying.

Loki Dokey

Noooo we broke Jono again. I see you Jono.

Alan Seawright

I hope this is as fascinating for all of you as it was for me. I could spend YEARS just hanging out with Pixar folks to learn how to movies good!


This movie saved me when I was severely depressed. I wanted to hurt... And this movie taught my family about the importance of sadness.

Lauren Frey

What she said. Seriously, you guys cry, and it’s like “it’s okay to cry, it’s safe.”

Pam Jackson

Up. My favourite movie and worst ever first date.

Loki Dokey

I'm so happy that you have all these amazing people on the show. You've came so far 😊

Alan Seawright

It’s SO WEIRD. But yeah, we’re really proud of the show, and what it’s done for people.

Austin Bell

I have a Inside out lounge fly bag and sometimes when I get emotionally flooded and people ask ask me how I am I’ll just point to an emotion because it’s a lot easier than taking about it at the moment. I absolutely love this film.


This show gave me a way to talk to my parents about toxic positivity. I'm forever grateful.


The console greying out gets me every time. I know what that can feel like.

Alan Seawright

I still don’t understand that woman’s comment.

Pam Jackson

My mums comment on my brother’s music is often ‘why don’t you write anything happy?’ Maybe she can’t face sadness


I cannot handle how amazing this episode is

Loki Dokey

Can I please jump through the screen and give you both a hug? I'm in need of hugging when seeing people cry.


“What am I supposed to tell my kids; because the movie said everything”??

Alan Seawright

Me neither. I’m still freaking out about it. Just wait till you see what we have coming working with Pixar folks!


Damn you Pixar!! *laughs* I love his reaction.

Loki Dokey

Oh good here you go 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗. I can't wait to do that for real.

Austin Bell

Please make that catchphrase into a t shirt. I’m 100 percent sure I would buy it, I will even wear it to my next Disney trip lol.

Alan Seawright

SUCH a cool guy. Immediate rapport with him. Makes sense he’s such a great producer!


I literally have butterflies right now! I can't wait to see what's to come

Alan Seawright

Geez. Nearly an hour already. How’s everybody doing with our first feature-length episode… 😵‍💫

Alex Boynton

The existence of this movie changed my life. it explained the way emotions operate for me in a way that therapy didn’t at the time. It’s what made it the greatest pixar movie of all time. i went through something very similar to riley when this movie came out, and the effect it had on my psyche cannot be understated. it made the hard times feel that much better because i had to accept that things wouldn’t be the same, and it’s ok to let the pain come out.


This is amazing! Even though it means work is getting very little attention 😅

Alan Seawright

Coming up is my favorite filmmaking observation/conversation we’ve ever had on this show.


Joyful memories can be changed, and multicolored memories are a part of life.


That “Please don’t be mad” gets me every. Single. Time. “Damn you, Pixar!” Indeed.

Lauren Frey

Why the FRICK do no mood apps out there understand that emotions can blend??

Loki Dokey

Oh damn you Pixar now my eyes rain.


Oh, that's so beautiful!!

Lauren Frey

Alan almost cussed!


“Oh sh- we’re running outta time.” The last minute realization of creatives everywhere. Lol


The 5 man band is a common trope.


I mean… I’m not saying it best ideas happen 6 hours before a big project is due, buuuuuuuut…


I saw a interview with Pete Docter and Dacher Keltner on a Wisdom 2.0 zoom during Covid isolation and they talked about how they Dacher helped Pete with the reality of the emotions. Are they still working together?


Loved this episode. Thanks so much guys. 💙💙

Loki Dokey


Lauren Frey

This was absolutely fantastic. Thanks, guys!

Alan Seawright

Inside Out 2 is actually not being directed by Pete. He’s the creative head of the studio now. But the new director is working with several people. Not sure if Keltner is still consulting or not.


LOL oh boy. This was incredible. Thank you so much!

Pam Jackson

Awesome episode. Thanks v much :)

Loki Dokey

That was super cool


Love this episode! Loved all the guests too. What a great movie, ill be taking my son to the theater when 2 comes out. I think I'm more excited than my son lol

Alan Seawright

So… Can’t officially announce anything yet, but this will not be our only episode with Pixar guests. Stay subscribed for LOTS more! And uh… there’s a new Pixar movie coming out in June. I’m sure those 2 things are unrelated.

Alan Seawright

Thank you all so much for joining us! We only get to talk to people like this because of all of you! So be sure to give yourselves a pat on the back!

Michael Charboneau

I was kinda eh on it too. And it wasn’t the interaction between the main characters so much, it was more the world building didn’t make sense to me. I couldn’t understand how the world we were in came to be.

Josh Jones


Manic Thiccsy Dream Girl

This was phenomenal. I want to go watch this movie again with my kids.

☮️🪬Sonar IllusionFox🪬☮️

Absolutely incredible to see 3 Legends of Pixar you guys are awesome, I hope you and Alan had a large order of tissues , I remember you saying Jono Sadness through happiness I saw in one of the videos can’t remember which Pixar depicted this absolutely beautifully 🥹 sorry I was late to see this drop heart issues 🥴 huge Pixar fan myself Wholesome , Beautiful and Inspiring is the 3 words I’d use 😄☮️💚👌⭐️🪬🌈 “ You Rock You Pixar Legends “ 🤘

Marie-Soleil Cha

Wowowowowowow!!! What an amazing (long!) episode! We are lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky. Their inputs were all so interesting and diverse. Thank you for doing it and congrats to the folks who edited that 1hour+ long video haha!!

Stefan and Erin S

You guys are trying to make me cry with all your videos lately. And it’s working, lmao. I had a traumatic move as a child when I was 9yo and this movie really gets to me. I’m so excited to watch this video. -Erin


This movie is my kryptonite. The first time I watched it it took me 2.5 hours to stop crying. I love it so much.


This was so good. I found you guys with the first inside out video, it just popped up on my feed one day, and I’ve been watching your videos ever since. Damn you Pixar.

Justine . PERRIER

What an incredible episode! Thank you.

Emily Snell-Salvaggio

Oh wow, TOP tier episode this was. I’m so happy you guys were able to get *three!* interviews with so much valuable information. Thank you for asking those Patreon questions too! Like many people out of the 5.5M viewers… Inside Out is what got me into this permanent rabbit hole that is CinemaTherapy and Mended Light… my very own core memory. 😂 I’m so excited for the sequel and all of the emotions we’ll all share together in the aftermath- and that’s a lot coming from me who first saw Inside Out during a time in my life where I was *terrible* at processing and understanding my own emotions. This film is timeless.


Great episode! I remember watching this for the first time, and my husband looking at the house they were moved to with no yard, being a midwesterner who loves open spaces :) , he says, "Dad must've got demoted. Look where they live now compared to the house with the big yard and the pond. No wonder Anger's in control!"


Yes!!! Meg is so on point. What an absolute gift that Pixar published this movie and had so many dedicated partners. I am now a huge proponent of conscious discipline/gentle parenting -- what a radical concept, assuming kids have feelings and should be treated as such 😅 It's a huge shift and it's worth the effort. All the feels 💗💗😭😭💗💗


Hey i just got my patreon because i really love your channel. You ever think of doing videogame therapy? If you do i think you should do ichiban kasuga from like a dragon. He's who i aspire to be, a person who cares , helps, and sees the good in people no matter what


Hey, thanks for joining! It's unlikely but we haven't ruled it out. Who knows what the future holds!


I’m lucky enough to know people who work at Pixar and they are just amazing, creative human beings. The care they put into storytelling through both art and sound is beyond me. Loved this episode so much!

Arya Kaiba

I think like a lot of us, I'm often just marveling at how many talented people are out there who are so good at their various crafts, and one of my favorite things about this episode and others like it is the look into just how much care, detail, and thought goes into every single aspect of creating art and an experience like this film. I can't even fathom how they go about things like the editing or the storyboarding or the musical choices that create certain emotions or expanding a concept into a story and a script. It keeps me up at night just thinking about how people even came up with the methods that these amazing artists use at every level of a project to achieve the level of storytelling and connection that they do, and get emotional thinking about the millions of people out there who work both behind and in front of the scenes to share that with the world.


https://youtu.be/cCt54BO6fCQ?si=cVOE4b1W24Wl1Uh7 Here's the interview I referenced in an earlier comment between Dacher Keltner and Pete Docter and Soren Gordhamer from Wisdom 2.0 back in the spring of 2021. It's one of my favorites.


On the surface, it seems like the emotions are driving Riley from the inside-out. But this video made me realize the depth behind each visual how it’s truly what a person feels from the outside-in. For example, the scene where the blue started to bleed into the happy memories and then Joy rushing over to clear the sadness out of them was symbolic of Riley repressing the sadness that was creeping in when recalling those old memories so that she could stay the “happy girl.” Joy constantly pushing sadness away was Riley not letting herself feel sad. She lost the happiness and wouldn’t let herself feel sad, so they both got shipped out and she was left with a numb mixture of anger, disgust, and fear. Wow. This video shed a whole new perspective on it for me, which is why I love this channel!

Katie Sanderson

This movie takes me back to 2005 when I was 18 and my family sold our house and we moved to my grandmother's house just ten minutes away. As if that wasn't difficult enough, I also graduated high school at the same time, so I was trying to manage my emotions and say goodbye to not only the house I was raised in for the first 18 years of my life, but also all of my classmates that I was a part of for 18 years as well! Unlike Riley, I didn't take the drastic step of running away behind my parent's backs but I did go off to college a few months later. Even though I visited my parents on the weekends, it took years before that house felt like my home. Inside Out brought back all of those emotions which is why I when I first saw it in theatres, I was crying my eyes out as hard as Jono and Alan were when they did this video. Thank you to Jono and Alan sooo much for doing this episode and I can't wait to see more videos on Pixar movies on this Patreon channel!


I felt for Riley in that her moment of vulnerability. the music is absolutely perfect. The power of family and truth breaks thru to what’s real