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Hey Heroes!

January is upon us. So of course, I got sick (not COVID) and it was miserable (just like COVID!!!) Which slowed me down a bit on watching/reading. But uh… I’m feeling better now! So, here’s the stuff!

What I’m reading!

  • For Christmas, Megan got me The Lost Metal, the final book in the second Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson. So I decided to re-read all the preceding Wax and Wayne books. 'Cause I’m a HUGE NERD. But seriously. Just adventuring in the world of Scadrial with a couple of misfits in a magical steampunk world that blends the old west with Gilded Age riches. It’s a gas. The og Mistborn trilogy is still my white whale though. If I can ever get Brandon Sanderson on board (and rustle up a couple hundred million $$$) you’ll all get to see the greatest movie trilogy since LotR.

What I’m watching!

  • I finally got around to watching Andor, and you know how everybody said it’s an extremely excellent show? They were right! You know how everybody also said kids wouldn’t like it because it’s really heavy, pretty talky, and doesn’t have a lot of shooty-shooty-bang-bang-boom? They were wrong! My kids loved it! We had a lot of good discussions about how sneaky Fascism can be, and what we can do to resist it. But really though. It was exceptionally good. Very different tone for Star Wars, but the right feel, if that makes sense.
  • I had the amazing opportunity to go see M3GAN with Jonathan and Rebecca Parham! Holy crap, that movie is so much fun! Apparently, when it comes to streaming/home video, it’s going to be bloodier, but I honestly thought it was kinda perfect as is! Hilarious, weird, self-aware, but not navel-gazing. It’s just really, really fun. I laughed way too loudly at all the wrong (right) moments. 11/10
  • Also checked out Strange World, which to me felt a bit like a missed opportunity. A lot of things lacked subtlety, which is forgivable when there’s a really compelling narrative. Which it didn’t really have. What it had by the ton was a great world! I figured out really early on that they’re inside a (spoiler) but the design just had me hooked the whole time. And most of the characters were fun. Just wish it had all gelled a bit better? I don’t know. I hold Disney, Pixar, and Dreamworks to a very high standard. Maybe I’m just nit-picking? Let me know in the comments!

What I’m playing!

  • I’ve literally played zero video games this month. Though The Last of Us just started on HBO, so I’ll almost certainly replay it sometime soon. I also never played Part II, and I guess this might actually get me to do it, finally.


Watch Movies! (And television, and read books, and play video games)


Recently I watched Zach Snyder's DC trilogy, as I'd heard that the director's cuts of Batman v. Superman and Justice League drastically improve both of those films (neither of which I cared for in their theatrical runs). Turns out, there was a pretty decent story and solid characterizations waiting for me there, and I enjoyed them more than I thought I would. I've been watching Netflix's Wednesday and the global kids' sensation Bluey and enjoying them both very much. As for reading, I just finished On Grief and Grieving by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and David Kessley and am now revisiting Dr. John Van Epp's How to Avoid Falling in Love with a Jerk. I definitely recommend all of this to anyone who is interested, it's good stuff!

What have you been watching and reading this month?




I'm playing TLoU 2 right now. I love it. The f-ing ratking still scares me after 3 playthroughs.


I’ve been watching Bluey with 5/7 of my younger siblings and its been such a treat. Not only has it become a sibling bonding show for us but more importantly its definitely inspired me to put more effort into actually playing with them. As well as trying to improve my communication and patience with them. I really hope we get some more tv like this. Animated shows like adventure time, steven universe, etc are great in their own right but sometimes I just want to have a wholesome, informative, and chill time with all the ages in my family


I love Bluey! It’s a wonderful show to exemplify “Yes and” play :) the parents are healthy and show love for their kids in beautiful ways. I’m glad you saw it Jono ^^


Pssst my favorite episode is “Veranda Santa”. And “Unicorse” if you haven’t seen those episodes yet - go watch them!


Just finished Sanderson's Alcatraz series and Dare to Lead by Brene Brown. Currently reading the Junkyard Pirate series by Jamie McFarlane. Starting The Making of the Atomic Bomb by Richard Rhodes. I always try to have one serious book and one fun book. :) Edit: also reading a few books on Complex PTSD, which is... Definitely in the "not fun" book pile..... You guys should write a book - "how to make therapy bearable through cinema and watching Alan cry"

Ash D

I would like to recommend you guys do Some Kind of Wonderful just so much about self love, infatuation vs real love& even the typical misunderstood dangerous type vs the good guy villain type there is just so much to it I find so influential


Recently read “I’m Glad my Mom Died” by Jeannette McCurdy. Could not put the book down! Also, just played through What Remains of Edith Finch (again). Guess I’ve been in the mood for compelling narratives lately.😊 Debating on replaying Last of Us again to keep up with the show….we will see on that one.

Alan Seawright

I still haven’t gotten to it. I loved the first game, but didn’t ENJOY it, if that makes sense. It’s just heavy, and the gameplay is so stressful!


I totally get it. They improved the gameplay a lot for the second one and added a lot of nice features. But it is also stressful and makes you angry at times. But since the goal of the second game is to force you to change your point of view and to transform you as the player it makes sense. I really love part 2 and I honestly don't get all the hate it is getting. I hope you'll enjoy it.

Steven S

I finished Nona the Ninth! Now I’m watching the Legend of Voc Machina season 2 and Bad Batch season 2! LOVM season 2 has been AWESOME! Many, many improvements on season 1

Chelsea Seachord

I really really want to hear your thoughts about Bluey!


I've been watching the Legend of Vox Machina and it's SO good. It interfaces with trauma, PTSD, attachment, and found family in a way that's so fun and heartbreaking all at the same time.


Me too it’s so sweet and realistic about children and parents. Showing the wonder of childhood making parents cry is not easy😃


I would like to say thank you for doing this awesome stuff you guys are my lifesavers thank you I have learned so much


I read Kindred with my book club and loved it. I tried watching the Hulu series, but it took too many liberties for me to get past the first episode.


Ditto recommend How To Avoid Falling In Love With A Jerk! It's the only book I've ever bought for someone else; that's how good it is.


I just watched "Alice, Darling" with Anna Kendrick. I thought this was a very realistic portrayal of the subject matter. I also found it liberating to be able to watch the movie and not be anxious. I would be interested in knowing Jonathan's take on the subject.


There’s a second Mistborn series?? That’s exciting to know. Currently listening to book two of Brandon Sanderson’s Stormlight Archives series. At 45+ hours a pop I almost wish he didn’t do such a great job with his worldbuilding. All I’m doing these days is looking for excuses to listen longer.


I watched In the Name of the Father twice this month. The first time I was by myself, and then I recommended it to my parents and grandparents, who wanted to watch it together. We all loved it, especially Daniel Day-Lewis’ amazing (as usual) performance, so we’ve decided to make February a sort of month-long DDL movie marathon. We’ll be watching Last of the Mohicans, There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York, and My Left Foot. My mother and I are also planning on watching The Banshees of Inisherin in February.


I felt exactly the same about Strange World!


Watched The Last of Us with the wife, been playing Final Fantasy XIV but had to take a break from it for a bit. Also got sick with Covid at the beginning of January, and have been fighting a cough ever since. Reading wise, making great use of my DC Universe Infinite membership and reading a loooooot of comics, some mediocre, but gives me a respect to what the writers and editors were trying to do at the time.


I'm new here, but I've been watching on YouTube for quite a while now. Just wanna say I am a HUGE Branderson nerd! I recently read the Lost Metal, and just the other day finally received the first book from his kickstarter, Tress of the Emerald Sea. I'd already read the ebook though lol. I'm so excited that Alan is into his stories too!


Like Zach, I am also new here, but I wanted to comment that I ADORE Brandon Sanderson! He is, hands down, my favorite author. I'm just starting the Wax and Wayne series, and I look forward to all of the adventures! I have to say, though, my favorite books of his are two that are standalones: Elantris, and Warbreaker. I recommend them if you haven't read them yet!


I love Bluey! I recently discovered it and found myself watching it on my own wirh no kids haha... I watch and take notes on parenting. It has been useful!


We just finished The Last of Us. Having not played the game, we didn’t know what to expect. We were HOOKED. It was such engaging storytelling. We also just watched The Man Who Fell to Earth. Another fantastic story. As an aside, we just received our first order of Lisa’s Popcorn. Oh my gosh, you guys are right. It’s SO good, and I’m not even a huge popcorn fan (my wife is, so I got it for her). We love your channel! Keep up the good work.