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Why do we fear change? How do you differentiate good advice from bad?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright are taking a look at The Lion King and talking about grief, guilt, and advice-giving. They discuss the challenges of finding your identity and facing your past. They rank all the advice Simba receives throughout the movie and begin to notice a pattern. Spoiler: Hakuna Matata isn’t the best advice. As usual, Hans Zimmer makes everyone cry. But he makes up for it with musical farts.




I watched this CONSTANTLY from like age 3 to age 6. Literally made me who I am and encompasses my childhood. Still my favorite Disney movie.

sara perkins

This video goes right in line with the theme of my book because why do we fear things? thank you both so much for all your video content. it has helped my write a better more wholesome book that I am proud of. I am getting ready to submit my book to be looked at for publication next month. your videos on family, grief, healing, love and trauma have all been immensely helpful and I just wanted to say thank you all from the bottom of my heart.


When the Episode hasn't even really started & I'm already crying because of the masterpiece Hans Zimmer made 🤍 this movie always hits close to home as I lost my dad when I was 9, so this will never not hurt 🙈 and also the quote of "He lives in you" is so special for me, cause I got it in honor of my dad 🤍✨ Thank you for this Episode! Nothing like a good cry on a monday evening ☺️✨


Packaging the "subscribe" button is probably my favorite edit to date.


OH MY GOODNESS JONO SAID MY NAME. AND ON A LION KING VIDEO. *ahem* Thank you for another wonderful video! The Lion King is amazing and Hans Zimmer's score gives me goosebumps (and tears) every single time.


The "The message gets lost in the package" part got me thinking: Often when I call out sexism in my environment or I point out how the patriarchy's system is working in that moment my remark or argument gets blocked and I get reduced to "You were sarcastic" or "You raised your voice" (oh no, a woman with a voice...). But is it really my job too, not only to stop the sexism but also to do it in a nice and calm way so no one feels attacked in any way? Probably you can say simply Yes to this, and I'm working on it.🙈 But do you see my point? It's also Simba's job (and thankfully he does it) to see and acknowledge Nala's message despite of the package, isn't it?


I've been a fan of this channel for a few years now, but this video hit home more than any of them. Thank you Alan and Johnathan.

Emily Snell-Salvaggio

My all-time favorite Disney film!! Thank you so much for making an episode on this. 10/10 content, and hard agree on Hans Zimmer being amazing (who is also my favorite score composer, starting from this one). Growing up with a film like this really does change perspective and become relatable in different ways the more you get older, which is super cool to experience.


Jono, I'm definitely on Team Punch Scar in the Face. I'm not sure I felt it as strongly as I did when I was a kid but I'm definitely all for it now!

Neurotic Cow

Fun fact about Hans Zimmer-- he was kicked out of eight schools and had only 2 weeks of formal music training.

Neurotic Cow

And on a less up-beat note, he has been accused of many shady contractual practices and some in Hollywood refuse to work for him because of it. Moral = be careful of genius.


Yeh im exactly the same with scar as a person with kids. Cause u see that impact on simbas face and he's just so little and sad. But I didn't see that as much as a kid. And i watched this movie A LOT. Funnily enough it started with intense dislike but slowly grew to hatred with another villain that I feel has NO redeeming qualities. Bloody..Jean Claude frollo. At least scar can be fun to watch. That one got more bitter as I got older...I think because he feels a certain way about a woman just existing near him and blames her for 'making' him do bad things. It's all a bit too real for me.

Tiana Horsey-Daydreamer

I just noticed while watching this video that Mufasa told Simba two things. And the emphasis is on the first. "You are **my son**", and the one true king" no blame for his death. The only point Mufasa is mad about is that Simba isn't living up to his potential. Despite his (legit) gripes, he still makes a point to emphasis that Simba is his son first and foremost.

Lady Lost

I remember seeing this in a little hole-in-the-wall theater above a bar when I was 6. Still to this day I've never cried so much watching a film. Along with Grave of the Fireflies, Lion King is a top heavy hitter for me, and I've definitely internalized a lot of the way I was treated as a kid. I could be in any of the same situations as my brother, and at the same age as he was, but where he was shown leniency, I was often punished. Where my brother was lectured with his bad decisions, I was lectured more harshly with my better decisions. I still don't understand why this happened, but it's affected me my whole life, and seems to constantly play out the same way over and over in a lot of situations with most people. I've analyzed the hell out of my behavior and decisions, take responsibility for those and try to do better... And still can't shake the feeling that in comparable situations and decisions, I'm still being unfairly treated. And I can't figure out why. Also, can we all agree that Jeremy Irons has a badass voice? If it weren't for him, I wouldn't love to hate Scar as much as I do. He plays evil so well. 😼


Here's how one influencer changed from wrath and wanting to shut down those who disagreed, to being an effective influencer: "...always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear [respect]". 1 Peter 3:15


People can also have trouble admitting they're wrong due to environmental influences. If you're around someone who tends to blow up at you if you make an honest mistake and they basically treat it as though it's either deliberately done out of malevolence or proof that you're an utter imbecile, you're not going to admit a mistake around that person if you can help it. That's a huge difference between my current work location and my previous one. My previous supervisor sometimes complained that no one would take responsibility when he asked about something. In my head, I'd reply, 'Well, of course we don't. We all know how you'll react. It's not safe to be imperfect around you.' My current one is much better about it; a mistake is a mistake only (even if it can potentially be quite serious, given my profession) and it's responded to in such a way that I don't feel afraid to admit it. It did take a while to reach that point at the new location, though. I came to it with a very guarded mindset because of the previous one.

Ari Mondragon

Please do Manchester by the Sea! I think it has a lot of great stuff to talk about as far as both filmmaking and topics of substance abuse, guilt, and loss go! It has such a great score and it's very well performed! I can see some similarities here about harboring guilt and shame about feeling at fault for the loss of a loved one, albeit much different stories but that's what I think, at least :) thank you again for another great episode!

Ash D

Hello I am new here! Found you channel the other day and fell in love with it!! I have been using cinema therapy since I was a kid, long story short a lot of childhood trauma and an bi polar mother that uses alcohol and other drugs as a coping mechanism which I am sure you are aware is a powder keg I learned a lot of my core values by watching full house and boys meets world and from there my love for movies and tv shows being my source of relief started! Thank you for this channel and opportunity to be part of this group I look forward to being apart of this and your growth as a channel!!


Just gonna throw the idea out there for whenever if you feel like it. But getting named trash... its gonna mess you up. So a vid on how parents can MESS up their kids and lead to villains!

Sharon aka Pocozy

Omg... HE NEEDS SOME MILK. I say this all the time and no one gets it.... Thank you for being awesome.


The ideology that: we are who we choose to be, is so important. We all can change, learn and grow as individuals and don't need other to define who we are.


…… tears…. Just sobbing in the shower while watching this video was cathartic. Def needed before working LOL Awesome video! I loved it ❤️


what are you doing to me guys?! c'mon!!! 😭


The lion king is the best!!!

Meg W.

Hehehe. I know this is about Lion King but I still am CACKLING over the intro. “Die hard! DIE HARD! Die harrrrrrrrrrrrrrrd!!!!” 🤣 All joking aside though, this movie is one of my earliest memories. It’s the first movie I remember ever seeing in a theater (back in 1994, whoof! I was 3!!!!) and dancing in the aisles to “can’t wait to be king”

Andrew Feistner

Just saw this film again in the theater for its 30th anniversary release, totally thought of Alan’s attraction to Nala during “Can You Feel the Love Tonight?”