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Hey, Superheroes! You voted for Coraline to chat live with Jono and Alan on Discord. 

Join us on Saturday, October 22 at 9 pm MDT on our Discord server. We'll hang out in the #live-chat channel. You'll be pinged when it starts.

If you want to join, make sure you've connected your Patreon and Discord accounts so you don't miss our rant about button eyes.



Super excites! Just curious if a recording of the live watch be posted to Patreon for those of us who can’t make the live session because of work/school etc?


Hi, we're excited too! We realized the title of this perk is confusing. The perk is to do a live chat on Discord of our Coraline director's cut episode, with no video component. Just Jono and Alan chatting with y'all on Discord. Does that make sense? You'll be able to see the chat after the fact on Discord.