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What is the difference between lust and love? Or between obsession and love?

Licensed therapist Jonathan Decker and filmmaker Alan Seawright use the relationships in The Phantom of the Opera to talk about healthy and unhealthy relationships. They take a look at the possessive, obsessive, controlling nature of the relationship between the Phantom and Christine, and how the Phantom takes advantage of her grief and her naivety. Then they contrast that with Christine's relationship with Raoul, and how that one doesn't start in the best place (Raoul doesn't really listen to her at first...) but grows into a healthier relationship about sharing a life together. They also talk about how Emmy Rossum is a fantastic Christine, Minnie Driver is delightful, and they, um... disagree about Gerard Butler and some of the filmmaking choices.




I loved this video on YouTube so much that I wanted to become a supporter to see the extended version. I was so irked in high school when we had to sing the songs from it. We voted on what we wanted to sing and I voted no. But now, watching this review really peaked my interest in the whole story. I can't remeber how many years ago I last watched the movie, and after watching this I finally bought it on Amazon and...really enjoyed it! I feel like I'd even watch the play sometime. I've noticed myself gaining curiosity about many films and character and being able to see them in a new light after watching your reveiws and I learn a lot too! I am so thoroughly enjoying this. Thanks for doing what you do!


I'm a huge fan of the original 1920s silent film! And the SHOT ON THE GARGOYLE!! Is beat for best exactly how it was shot in the silent film!! And I was straight up fangirling!! (The universal studios silent film actually has a really confusing, interesting backstory of how we came to have the version we have today btw, it was lost media for years, and the version we have today is a ramshackled together fabric of different takes, angles, scenes that look like they were made for sound that don't make any sense, it's really interesting, look up the blame it on Jorge video on YouTube it's wild,)


I will say, this is a rare instance in mainstream media, of representing the gross situation of when teenage girls get swept up in the romance of a handsome man who is way too old for her, and not understanding it's grooming until it's too late, and PROPERLY DEMONIZING THE GROOMER FOR HIS BAD BEHAVIOR!!

Michael Charboneau

New patron here, catching up on past director's cuts. I think my path for Phantom of the Opera went something like: Original Broadway Soundtrack (because a friend liked it) Phantom (Arthur Kopit Musical) The Phantom of the Opera (Weber; touring musical) Book Movie In the book, the opera house is so expansive it was almost its own character. So when I heard it was coming to the big screen, I expected the same kind of treatment that Branagh's Henry V got: Large expansive shots, something that made you feel as if you were on location. Instead, we got something that was very close the limits of being a stage (just with it being a sound stage instead of theater stage). I was particularly disappointed where they were supposed to be crossing a vast underground lake, and simply wove back and forth in the same 20' x 30' stage area. I thought the singing (which most other musical fans complain about) was serviceable considering they were doing the Hollywood standard of using better known actors instead of the stage actors who made those roles well known. It was the missed opportunity of making an actual *movie* instead of recreating the stage on a sound stage.

Megan Saunders

To be honest, this is the Phantom of the Opera for me. I saw/heard this movie/soundtrack long before I saw any other version of it, including the stage play, or even the big anniversary productions. So I compare all other versions to this one, and this one tends to come out on top for me. I admit to not having much of a musical ear for vocal arrangements, even though I did play trumpet in high school, so I don't think Gerard Butler sounds that bad. I love deeper masculine voices more than higher octave's or voices, so some of the other Phantoms I've since heard just sound strange to me.


The interesting thing is that I first saw this musical as a child of about 8 or 9, and I was confused why the spirit of her father was trying to seduce her (not realizing they were separate people). The analogue of father figure turned love interest was the first thing that, as a young child, made me realize something was "off" about the Phantom.


Yay, an early episode on my birthday!


I've also watched it since I've been a young child (and listened to the soundtrack). And I do wonder (as a tone deaf person, I really can't tell) if the German dubbed version is actually better? Or maybe I just never realized that not all the singers were realy good? Anyway, this still is and will probably always be, one of my favorite musicals of all time (which might in a good part be because it makes me nostalgic)


I’ve loved Phantom most of my life. Saw it on stage a couple of times in London and the film adaptation is great. That moment at the beginning when everything bursts into colour never fails to bring tears. It’s a messy relationship but he has never known anything else. Today we get most of our early relationship role models from Disney. He got his from opera! Is it any wonder he has no idea how to handle his feelings? The father/angel thing I wish you had proved a bit deeper. Initially Christine thinks her angels is supernatural but she’s clear it’s not her dad. But her intense grief draws her to the graveyard and the Phantom takes advantage; I’d really like your analysis of her mental state there as the lines start blurring. Is it hypnosis or is she falling into a delusion? Really enjoyed this ❤️


I had no idea that Emmy Rossum was only 17 when filming this, I assumed she was 25 or something (knowing now she's from '86 that's not possible) but that definitely makes their relationship dynamic a lot worse. I'm also glad Raoul improves over the course of the movie because I do think she deserved her rich handsome price to actually be a good guy. Loved the rant and massive segue about Gerard Butler guys, also couldn't agree more about Russell Crowe and Javert, haha.


I’ve never seen this version, and every time you guys mentioned Gerard Butler, I’m picturing Gerard Depardieu… and that was really confusing 😂 Phantom isn’t my favourite show, but I’ll be damned if ‘All I Ask of You’ doesn’t make me sob every time - the music is so beautiful. I prefer the OBC recording :) I had the same experience with ‘Sweeney Todd’; Depp is NOT a baritone. And where the af was the steam whistle? But I digress… lol


This movie was my first Phantom of the Opera and now you mention it I can't get past the singing 😹. I loved being able to watch the director's cut but I will have to go back to YouTube to watch again because I missed some things since there are no subtitles here and I couldn't fully process everything


Is there any way to watch your directors cut videos with subtitles? Every other patreon I subscribe to uses youtube to upload their videos and just leaves them private. I am legitimately surprised the video player here does not have the option. Its sad but I subbed for the directors cuts, but they dont do me a lot of good without subtitles.


I agree with Jono on pretty much all points here. I do want to say, though, that something vocally Gerard Butler does do, that none of the Broadway casts I have seen or heard have, is to convey a sinister quality in his vocal tone. I think putting the performance of the character first probably really helped with that, and it shouldn't be overlooked.


Great job, guys, as usual. I love how Christine’s act of compassion humanized the Phantom. But … the tease … I really got excited that Xanadu might happen. It is the best roller skating musical of all time!!! Or is it the only roller skating musical of all time? Lol. Anyway, I enjoyed the insights. No, but really. Do Xanadu. Or Disney’s Hunchback of Notre Dame. ❤️💕🛼🛼. Can’t wait to see what you guys tackle next!!!


The Albert Hall Phantom movie with Ramin Karimloo is by far the best Phantom performance imo!!


I agree. I was a fan of the movie (I still am in some aspects), but the Royal Albert Hall performance became my favorite when it came out!

Janese Carstens

I really enjoyed this review of The Phantom of the Opera. I remember watching the Gerard Butler version on the big screen in Thailand and thinking that it was all just wrong. I think my initial assessment was based on not being in America at the time to hear any of the lead-up to the movie and I didn't know who the lead actors were, which isn't typical for me. However, I have also watched the original movie, read the book, and have seen it on stage three times. Most recently on October 1 at the Sydney Opera House with the best Phantom I've ever heard other than the original - Michael Crawford. Admittedly, I am biased on my expectations of the musical performance. Thank you for really going into the characters and their motives as well as their POVs.


I love how you addressed that you can be happy for the person you love to be happy but still be heartbroken for yourself. I recently went through a situation where I was falling in love with a guy only to realize that he didn't feel the same about me and actually was interested in someone else. I told him that he needed to tell the person that he liked her because I cared about him and wanted him to be happy even if it wasn't with me. Part of me wanted to hope that things wouldn't work out for them, but a bigger part of me realized that if I really care about him I should want what's best for him. But I was still sad for me. So I totally get what you mean. Love the episode!!


If you look on YouTube how the songs are sung on stage, there is just no comparison. I feel bad for the actor when they do casting mistakes like this because it makes them look bad. He is not a horrible actor, just dub the voice with someone who can sing the parts.