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Different people give and receive love in different ways. Dr. Gary Chapman’s book The 5 Love Languages teaches what love languages are and how they help us nurture and enrich our relationships.

With Dr. Chapman's expertise and Jonathan's insights as a licensed therapist, this course will guide you through the five love languages and help you understand how you and your loved ones prefer to give and receive love.




I'm a words of affirmations person, and I actually *have* been working really hard on my cross stitch! it's a picture of me and my sister and it looks flipping rad and this spoke to me :)


Oddly enough, I struggle with whether my *primary* love language is words of affirmation or physical touch, because physical touch, for me, is a given, if i'm not able to touch my partner or my friend, they wouldn't be my partner or friend for very long. every visit with my family starts and ends with hugs and kisses. getting a hug at the end of a day from my lover doesn't mean something *extra* special for me because it's so necessary, it's a given. does that make me a physical touch person? the quiz says things like "to celebrate an achievement, would you want a hug or a gift?" and i'm thinking, i need hugs every single day so it wouldn't be a celebration. *but* getting a kiss in public would mean a lot to me becuase i have trauma in my history about epople hiding their feelings for me from the outside world. knowing my partner is proud of me and willing to let the world know he loves me, that would mean a lot, and public displays of physical affection would touch me. jono posting all over social media that his wife is amazing - that would definitely work for me, bud.