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For the past 3 days I have been fiddling around with this and taking some takes and this take is the last take and it's a good take. I'm doing some lite editing on it with audacity now, but I am just so excited to have something to share with y'all I'm spitting it right out at ya. Before-and-after perspective on the edit will be neat, I think. Vocals are hard panned left & guitar hard right, fair warning (edit: the patreon upload is actually way more balanced for some reason ¯\_(ツ)_/¯).

Re: the play I am writing,

I didn't make the deadline. This time of year is just wildly overwhelming. Walking it back now, making realistic goals, leaning into my  wheelhouse. I'm still chipping away at it. Writing a play has been a real light-up creative process despite my inability to show up for it with adequate discipline these past two months. Sometimes you just gotta kick your own ass to do the work and sometimes your ass is sore and you need to ice it and focus on one thing at a time.

Re: media I've been consuming,

WOW Alan Moore made a MOVIE and it's weird and dark and dreamy and the characters are incredible. It's called The Show, and I liked it a lot. I recently dove into Brene Brown's Dare To Lead podcast and it feels like a deep tissue massage, emotionally. Jonathan Fields' The Good Life Project is another one of those. I am a total sap for a generous and observant interviewer (and completely impatient with anything less than that, so). If you want a little pick me up suck me in crystal viewfinder distraction, this kool-aid is goooood.



Wow. Really strong song. Looking forward to the edit. Hoping for the vocals may be getting lifted out of the basement.


I never knew the speaker on my phone only played one channel. Listening to this song with earbuds, I could hear it the way you recorded it. Chills up my spine and tears. Bravo! It really spoke to me.


Thanks, I'm glad we solved the mystery of your phone speaker, hehe. It's a real bore without the lyrics.