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Everybody on the schlugmail-ing list should have gotten prints of “sporangia” and “show us what you’re made of” in the mail last month! If you haven’t received yours, (or if you only got one of them—I got excited to send them out and a couple of people got the short stick), leave a comment or send me a message & I’ll get ya the goods. I’m going to list the prints for sale in the coming weeks, and I will definitely levy a deep discount for y’all. I’ve got some ideas for a price scale, and am curious what you think of it. I’ll expand on that later.

As for art I’ve been working on lately, it’s been a lot of little crunchy day-to-day art-for-play. I bought a very cool new pedal from a friend last month—it takes voice and guitar (though the voice piece has so far been a puzzling mess), and has a robust looping function. I luv 2 loop. I’ll share a couple of my after-work loopdidoodles this week.

I have also been working on a 20 minute play to submit to the Valdez theater conference. I have never been to Valdez, or written a play longer than 5 minutes, so it’s all very exciting and terrifying and new. The deadline for that is coming up in a couple of weeks, so hopefully I’ll have something to share with you on that front by mid-November. :)


cw for this last part/reality check

As we come back around the wheel, I am observing, again, that this is historically the season of unraveling. I have been focusing pretty intently on taking care of myself, establishing habits, making sure I go outside every day, meditate every morning, write when my brain feels hot and full. I don't always hit the mark, but I'm better for it when I do. It’s been about a year now since I wholly landed in the reality that my mom is gone, and the past two years (5 years?) have not been ideal grieving conditions. I think it’s safe to assume that we are all traumatized, healing and entrenched, hot and full, if for nothing else but the deeply troubling state of this place & time. We are all afraid, tired, or entirely dissociated, while unchecked corporatism heaves violence on our minds, bodies, spirits, and planet. If I can offer any advice, it is to

be nurturing with yourself and others

find & protect your power

and rest.


Take care of ya’self. It’s the most radical thing you can do.


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