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Hi everyone!

In this video I go back to an old project of this channel. You may remember that a while ago I made a toy train that wasn't that fast but was very fun. I did another iteration on the design to overcome what I thought were the mistakes I did at the time and this is the result. 

I've created a new track that has a 45º camber on the straights and the bends. This allows for very fast turning on the bends, it is absurd how well it goes in the corners but it has created another issue on the straights. The slightest bump or track misalignment makes the train fly off the tracks. I did use a tensioned piece of string to set the straights as straight as possible but it seems that it wasn't enough. I thought of doing the banking only in the bends but that brings the problem of the transitions from non banked to banked and viceversa that would create basically jumping ramps. Now, after making the video I think I could do with a slightly lower banking on the straights and that would solve the issue of the train derailing. 

Can I make it go faster? Yes. If I can solve the derailing on the straights, and I think I can, I could go probably at least 50% faster until we are met with derailing issues on the bends, and then we would be talking about 90º banking on the bends which I'm totally up for.  Then It would be a matter of the train not disintegrating on the bends, again doable. 

I still have plenty of room on the train power side, the train now has a single 920kV motor but I have more powerful motors and I could even put two motors on each bogie and a 6S battery for maximum destruction. 

I'd love to know if you would be interested on me pushing the limits on this one and try to get to INSANE so please let me know your thoughts on the comments.





Ziv Peleg

Also, I kind of miss the older videos where you talked more and explained more. More recent videos have shown less failures which I personally thought was the charm of your projects.

Ziv Peleg

This one in fact which doesn't end in a win is wonderful.

vsterror ss

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