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Hi everyone!
I've made another Minitank! I get that many of you can start to get tired of tanks or tracked vehicles but with this whole situation change I jumped a few projects on my list. 
This one has been requested by a few of you my fellow Patrons, a tank that you all can print, and I've put a lot of effort on getting a design that not only can be shared but built by almost anyone with little trouble. On this one I'm getting help on preparing the files for release and it is also way easier than the CNC so the files will be ready probably tomorrow for free to all my existing Patreons. It will be also sold on my website so I'll probably give you a 100% discount code so you can also get it in the shop so you can take advantage of any updates I make. 
About the minitank:
I've opted for a belt and pulleys system where I use a standard GT2 closed loop belt driven by a brushless motor. I made a very large pulley that is 3D printed and it works flawlessly, I'm going to do that more often in the future. Both the large output pulley and the traction sprocket are press fitted into the axle, great solution for low power systems like this one. Making tests in the shop I managed to get an M8 rod into a printed sprocket but I was impossible to remove, so much so that I had to smash the sprocket with a hammer (yes one of the steel ones with the heavy thing in the point) to remove it. 
I've opted for a top mounted drive sprocket, I was afraid at first that it would skip in heavy load situations like sudden speed changes but that wasn't the case, again flawless. Mounting the drive sprocket on top allowed me to put that large pulley that would have been impossible in a rear or front mounted position.
I've tried a new link system on this tracks that uses just a piece of filament to complete the hinge and an elaborated cavity inside that allows for a no tools no hardware lock and remove of the pins. It required a bit of tuning on the prototyping phase but once tuned I was really happy with it, saved a lot of time and additional hardware/operations. The already tested sprocket/link combination is unbeatable and works now fist try on every project.
I've added a tensioner (not sprung) on the rear that was almost unnecessary  but as YMMV I kept it on the design just in case anyone needs it. It is quite difficult to use with a nyloc nut so in the end I opted for regular M5 nuts.
The body has a lot of features and I tried to keep it as small as possible so anyone could print it, I think I succeeded. The lid comes in two sizes depending on what you put inside, yes, the big one is a monster. The lid retainer is easy to use and reliable, so I may use it again in the future. There is a gap all around the lid chassis joint to avoid sand and stuff getting in, for when we all can go outside and play with our red tank army (I know I added ventilation holes) 
It weighs 3Kg without the battery, it can reach around 20Kph, Obviously not in the shop but in loose terrain is where this tank will shine. It can hold a 13 Kg battery on top (as you can see at the end of the video) and it is really fun to drive. In the video I had a lot of issues with one of the ESCs that didn't want to go on reverse so I recorded everything with only forward movement and still was pretty maneuverable.
If you want to make one just comment below a send me a code and I'll just send you one (if I can figure out how).
Most of the CNC files have been released to some of you and the rest of you will get them soon, I need to balance how much time I dedicate to each of the tasks on my list. Thanks for the patience. 
On the incoming project list that has been smashed to pieces by the CV, now I have an attempt to break the world record for toy trains which seems to not exist. My attempt will not be official but I hope to go at least above 50Kph real speed, we'll see.
While I print all the tracks required for that attempt I'm redesigning my big printer in a way that makes it more reliable and shareable, what I have now has gone through around 600 printing hours but will not last a year, changes need to happen. 
Once I have that new version going I'll attempt to make a sort of MMU for at least 20 filaments but probably more. It will be able to do multiple materials and colors but I'll probably show it with 20 spools of red PLA just to mess around.
I'm wanting to do a superoverhaul of my shop, just a few things need to fall in place, that will be fun too. 
As always, thanks a lot for your support and I'm waiting to read your comments down below. 




William J Hunckler IV

Hey Ivan, I'd love the code so I can print this! I'm hoping to make some paddle treads for it to make it work in the snow!