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We've been doing drive-in commentary tracks for a year and a half now, and I'm curious to get an idea of who is listening day one and who is waiting.

Please lemme know down below!

Also feel free to share any feedback you may have for drive-in tracks. Are they easy enough to sync up? Do you love/hate when I talk about what's going on around me at the drive-in? Etc


Élodie Grace

i usually wait for them to go one digital and watch it (illegally) with the track then but i found scream 6 (illegally) while it was still in theatres and watched it when the track came out.

Maria Harrington

Depends on the movie but I almost always see it in theaters. I usually have seen it once before. Listen to where the sync will be and then go see it again. I love listening to it in theaters. And have even brought a friend and we listened in theaters. We were in an empty theater so we watched the watch us watch with it lol


The theater I usually go to has a little wall dividing the corner and side seats from the stair aisle so I'll sit in a corner or side and put one airpod in the ear that's facing the wall. This works great for me because I don't have to worry about my airpod accidentally being too loud for someone next to me and if I have to hold in a laugh at something funny In the track I can just turn my head and and face the wall so I don't look like a crazy person trying to hold back laughter in a serious scene surrounded between people


Oh and yes, they're just as easy to sync up as any other track I've never had any problems 😁👍

Jordan Jackson

I try to catch as many movies as I can in the theater if you make a track for it! It's super helpful on those days when my buddies don't want to hit the movies w/ me

Sam Karp

Too hard to sync up tracks if I can't use my computer. I kinda also like to have seen what you're watching b4 hand because I like to predict how you'll react to stuff

Jack Guidera

I really enjoy taking your tracks to the theater! My favorite experiences so far have been Scream 5 and Ambulance


I'd like to start taking tracks into the theatre because I find a lot of things funnier in situations when I'm not supposed to laugh so I'd probably have a great time, but I'm worried about getting out of sync


To be honest I adore being able to listen to some of these tracks in theaters because I don’t have a lot of friends who’ll go with me? But with the tracks I feel way less alone even if I’m just one gal buying a ticket to a movie and seeing it by myself. It’s less for lack of a better word lonely? This is really sad I’m sorry but honestly they rock. Please keep doing them. 💕 it made violent night so rad. 🤘🏻


D- other. i listen to it right away with shitty camrips cause i don't love myself. except for mission impossible because i respect that crazy bastard too much, i gotta see it in theaters.


I've done a few tracks in theaters, but only later on when the theater is mostly empty. I don't want to laugh at inappropriate times around a crowd of people lol. I recommend bone conduction earbuds, makes it easy to hear both at once.

lauren nicholle griffiths

I personally find the moments you talk about what’s going on around you really funny! Like the people turning their lights on or walking around your van and scaring you


If I had a cinema close to me I would 100% double dip on a film to watch it once in theatres without the track and once in theatres with the track.