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歐洲各國當中,比利時是香港人留學、工作或生活的相對小眾選擇,但其實布魯塞爾是歐盟總部所在,已經是實質上的「歐洲首都」,不少全球新一代都是為了走進歐洲核心而來到比利時,包括在當地讀書和工作的香港人Ann。而和其他歐洲國家一樣,比利時也有一些香港人組織,在過去兩年連結起來。Ann認為比利時的身份認同較其他歐洲國家薄弱,很靠歐盟不同機構支撐經濟命脈,但香港人如果有至於從事歐盟研究,或學習一個「超國家個體」如何操作,這卻是全球僅有的選擇。  #比利時香港人 #歐盟 #布魯塞爾   

▶️YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WEKOFXSUmlI




Dennis Ng

Interesting. Name is a major issue … 沈⋯字simon shen … I guess the culture have that solved. But given shen vs shum I suspect your daughter would still use shen to avoid any confusion. Hence wonder about what is meant by Hong Kong spelling. And I bet she would not choose piano, … as her English name as many hongkongers did or do. The real issue I think is the pronunciation. Shun has a u there. It is fine. But people say about Xu is hard. In this regards, I suspect many emigrated families have unpronounceable Cantonese surname like NG would be a struggle. To change or not it is a question. Btw I thought you talk about 你的名字㖭

Wendy Lam

多謝教授同Ann!❤️🙏 我其實對比利時有特別感情,因為我以前第一份工就係喺香港嘅華比銀Belgiian Bank 行做Management Trainee. 果啲大老细都係來自比利時,佢哋好nice,其中有個仲喺annual dinner 演奏古典结他!😊😊