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昨天分別和身在swing state Georgia的Professor Issac Fung和學生Alex談過當地選情,想不到至今依然未有最後結果,點了96%選票,特朗普領先大約0.4%即2萬票,究竟最後結果如何?Georgia對參議院選舉也有關鍵作用,可以如何理解?現在最後關頭,再次和兩位對談,希望和大家獨家分享。


【Patreon獨家2020美國大選直擊🇺🇸】關鍵州份Georgia 最後衝刺(Professor Issac Fung、Alex @ Georgia訪談)

昨天分別和身在swing state Georgia的Professor Issac Fung和學生Alex談過當地選情,想不到至今依然未有最後結果,點了96%選票,特朗普領先大約0.4%即2萬票,究竟最後結果如何?Georgia對參議院選舉也有關鍵作用,可以如何理解?現在最後關頭,再次和兩位對談,希望和大家獨家分享。


Alex Ip

Hello! Thanks for the opportunity again. I'm here to clarify any lingering questions from our viewers so I appreciate your interest in the Peach State! 🍑

Ls Kwan

感謝Alex帶出Georgia參議院選席的重要性,和Dr Fung一起由淺入深講解其中的程序和關鍵,令我地呢班入門學生學會睇得寬D,唔好淨係局限總統選舉。Thanks so much!

Alex Ip

No problem! It's a learning process. We need to learn to (hopefully) build back our democracy in Hong Kong

Alex Ip

Update (12:23 ET) Both Georgia Senate seats are almost certainly going to overtime. Biden has shaved the lead to around 14,000 More coverage from local reporter: twitter.com/bluestein

Eric lin

Thank you . Feel sad for all these fake news .

Wendy Lam


Wendy Lam

Thank you everyone!

Alex Ip

以我理解,州政府嘅數字係未點嘅票數,點票之後要有民主共和兩黨監票員表示無異議之後先可以入數,所以時間差距之下,數字有分別。 另一因素係州法例容許選舉人員聯絡選票出現問題嘅選民(例如漏簽名),比佢哋更正錯誤,然後計入未點選票,呢度又有幾千甚至上萬票 最後就係手民之誤,大家都係人,馬不停蹄之下,有時出言意外,一啲都唔出奇

Alex Ip

I feel disgusted by those unfounded claims of election fraud. We should trust the American system to do its work


Thanks for the update! It looks more like there will be two runoff elections in Jan 2021. My guess this will depend on who win the presidential election. If Biden wins, I think GA senate seats may go to GOP, for check and balance sake... Jan runoff elections will be very crucial for both parties.

Ada Kim


Yu Yu

視頻應該是youtuber share過來的,可能被牆?