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Dr. Shen has misquoted a lot by not reading the law (the Regulations). I was invited by one of my friends to pay USD10 to gain access to this article but it's just a shitty piece. But it's good to have Dr. Shen's article to verify my assumption on him that he doesn't know Australia and New Zealand as we do, who gained residency in the southern hemisphere.

Thomas Tong

We are not here to argue whether Simon is ALWAYS right or NOT. I guess why he got more than 6500 paid subscribers must have some reasons. True. Some may pay for it because of his fame or even his CVs. Sometimes, human beings like to believe in authority or expert. However, i guess most pay for it because what he said or wrote must be based on some evidence or logical deduction. Therefore, I would be much grateful if the above person could explain the shitty part of his argument or observation. Honestly I also look forward to reading his argument why Simon's view is shitty. Blaming others is not a problem. The crucial part is whether you can elaborate on your view with sensible and logical arguments. I am not saying Simon's view is always flawless (if I am his die head fan, I should have paid US 100… I am broke and only pay US 10} but wonder where his argument is shitty this time. Thank you !

Thomas Tong

不過,如果教授的推理正確,我估計很多大陸富人會以此為移民澳洲的fast track mode..... 這個只是南半球國家的權宜之計……港人無謂對這個國家有太多幻想

Jon T

If any doubt, please refer to the official statement from Minister of Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs: https://minister.homeaffairs.gov.au/alantudge/Pages/hong-kong-visa-arrangement-20200709.aspx Unfortunately I couldn’t find any recent news on the new visa pathways other than the official statement. Perhaps recent news related to the official enactment of such policies. Anyway, the primary beneficiaries of these arrangements are students, graduates and skilled workers who are already in Australia, or future applicants of skilled worker visas or entrepreneurs. There are multiple variants of visas for individuals with different circumstances, so the announcement could not be treated as an “one side fits all” approach. Besides, Australia is very selective of its migrant intakes and there are multiple tests to pass, including citizenship and characters. There is a long list of demanded skills. Successful applicants may also need to reside outside major cities. To the reader who opined this as a “shitty piece” of article, it would be better if he pointed out where the error(s) was. Simon’s analysis was merely to offer his opinion. If a person is seriously considering to emigrate to Australia, he or she has to go through the official website and provide substantial supporting evidences.


睇怕篇文講中咗啲支那人無時無刻諗點樣走法律隙,去掠奪人哋資源嘅劣根性 與其話澳洲提供窗口,不如話到處都有支那人搵啲漏洞

Doris Lee

Hi Petercml, thanks for sharing your comment. I think most of the subscribers did not only concern of immigration to other countries. We all love HK so I bet none of us will just subscribe for only ONE article about immigration to Australia. And of cos, we are more than happy to learn from your expertise. Thanks and have a nice day!

Arnold Chan


