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Francesca White

Dang no discussion for this one 😭😭😭 I really love this episode but I think generally it's more popular with manga readers because while we do see more of the student council in the anime, in the manga we get A LOT of them and grow really attached to them. Yuki goes through so much character growth through his relationship with them so I'm excited to see you guys react more to them


Student council shenanigans are always fun and nice to see. Especially helps Yuki branch out and interact with new people he's going to be seeing daily and probably get really close to.


yeah sorry, we just didnt have that much to say about it this time. I think we might have had a slightly longer on next time but I'm not sure we did have a MUCH longer one for an episode coming up, and i'm sure you can guess which one... lol

Francesca White

Lol I get that, like I said I've noticed that anime onlys don't vibe as much with this episode because they're suddenly thrown into this chaotic situation with all these characters they don't know (much like Yuki haha)


The student counsel arc is very chaotic at first as you can see but it is a really really good addition to the story. The more you see them, the more you will understand their role in the story. Kakeru is intense but I love how he pushes Yuki into stepping out of his shell. And Kimi is a menace haha Although there is not a lot of new things in this episode, I really enjoyed the talk of Yuki with Kakeru and their fight and the inclusion of Yuki's feelings when everything is so intense around him.