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BOLDcast 86 Eighty-Six Season 1 Ep 12 Uncut Reaction


Tunnel Rat

If you’re curious as to how Spearhead was able to survive, it’s explained better in the LN compared to the anime. The latter mainly shows tidbits here and there, that if you don’t pick up, you’ll just miss them. Basically, after Rei was ‘killed’ he was able to transfer his consciousness to another Legion unit - the Dinosauria that you see in this episode. He followed the Spearhead squadron up to the point where we see them ‘die’ in episode 11. Rei (who had managed to regain his sanity) saved Spearhead from death and carried them all the way to the Federacy of Giad, before eventually dying this time. This cour will be covering volume 2/3, and it’ll bridge the gap in-between the final chapter and epilogue in volume 1. So, in a way, you’re sorta still at the ‘prologue’ of the series. Expect some world building and quite a bit of character development for the cast.

Jake Thompson

With the red stripe in her hair and black uniform, Lena is representing all 5 colors of the San Magnolia flag, doubling down on her resolve to follow those ideals. I love the steady crumbling of the fountain since season 1, the cracks and litter building up to mirror San Magnolia slowly losing the war against the Legion. The scene with Shin and his brother was symbolic but also real, he carried Shin and the rest to the Giad border where they were picked up. His destroyed mech is shown right after Shin wakes up when Ernst is walking down the hallway with his advisors.