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Renee is currently tied up doing some coloring work, so I'm going to power through with pages for her stack. In the meantime, he's what my Alpha Flag pencils look like currently.

The seemingly random diagonal lines are construction lines that let me rule out equal-sized panels without having to measure and calculate milimeter lengths and stuff. It's much faster, and also generally more accurate. The principles found in this blog post are great for not only breaking a page up into equal-sized panels quickly, but also for accurately segmenting shapes in perspective. You just need to have corners to draw lines from

This is also the first page I've done finished pencils using a 2mm 4B lead. I ususally use a 0.5mm HB but I've been trying to find ways to offload final line decisions onto the inking phase of the drawings (both to challenge my inking a little, and to reduce the anxiety of finished pencil lines). Going to be fun to ink this week, I think.



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