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Hey guys! Check your inbox! I sent you this month photo sets and the wallpaper! Hope you like it! I worked hard on it lol 

I'm currently sick (you know~ that bad time for girls lol) and currently surviving on pills XD I also have a con where I'll be a guest this weekend so I have a lot of stuff on me. I'll see how I feel during this days but you will all most likely receive the fansigns next week and the polaroids mailed next week as well <3 I'll make sure to take super pretty Rem polaroids for you all! 

Mm I hope you are enjoying my Patreon because honestly you all bring me so much joy and I'm thankful that you guys gave me a clear goal to work on. Not only that but you also encourage me every day. Really, thank you !



David Townsend

Aww hope you get well soon, being sick of any variety usually sucks.


Feel better! It's give and take, there are days you make my days go way better than they would normally.


Awe, well I hope that you feel better soon. I'm sure it's never fun when the bad times roll around. I wish you the best of luck getting better though. Also I would like to say that your patreon is amazing I'm glad that you are able to do such amazing things for us through our support. I hope you keep up the good work because you also bring us joy and we want to thank you for making us push through our days and being able to see your amazing work .


Rest up and get well soon! It's nice to be here too!

Rode Tovenaar

Hope you feel better! And of course I love your content :)


I hope you feel better soon, specifically before I go to jail for all this Ilya!