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I still haven't shot her ; v ; I'm a little behind on shoots lol

Have a lot of stuff to shoot but honestly haven't had the time. Hopefully now that I finished the semester I'll be able to do a little bit more! When I cosplay her I'll make sure to make a nice set for Patreon! I still haven't finished playing Volume 1.. always get distracted by these damn ecchi nekos.. but I need to finish it soon cause I really want to play Volume 2! 

I should make a body pillow with Vanilla on one side and Chocola in the other XD 

Hope you guys are having a good morning! 



David Townsend

I am looking forward to this set!


I can t wait ❤️❤️❤️

Rode Tovenaar

Body pillow would need Cinnamon for me


I think Volume 3 is out now even :P but I am in the same boat X.X Love me some Nekopara tough :3


Wouldn't be able to tell you are behind on shots given the number of new ones XD (or maybe that's precisely why)

