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Hey guys! Definitely feeling better! 

I'm going to be working on the rest of the rewards this week so you can have the fansigns and polaroids soon! 

Here is some cute Saber gif! Are you guys enjoying them? I made them specifically for you guys XD None of this gifs are on my social media, so I wanted to make sure that you like them.

I got new cosplays btw! Including School uniform Illya! I also got Jack the Ripper and Helena! I'm going to be making Saber swimsuit (the one from the summer FGO event) and I will also make Neko Miyu to go with my Neko Illya! 

I also start summer classes next week.. not that excited about that lol~

Hope you are having a good day!



David Townsend

Always happy for moar Saber!


So adorable! 2 hours late for work, but it could be worse. Office Mario Kart party after work today!!


lmaooo that's pretty late XD and that's cool! I'll probably try and get some Overwatch competitive points this afternoon~


glad you feel better today, I can't wait for the new cosplays :D you work so hard Master idk how you do it!


IDK how I do it either tbh :') I just try my best and hope things happen lol

David Townsend

The 10th anniversary wedding dress?\(T∇T)/


yep XD but I wanna do it right, find a nice location and so. The one I have in mind I have to pay to get in so I wanna have some friends share the cost with me. We will see lol

David Townsend

Omg that place is amazing... Yeah I can see why it's $270. Do you at least have free run of the place to take photos anywhere?


mm you can be outside in the garden buildings but not inside the museum. I would also need to check if they would have problems with my Bride Nero sword. You are aloud to bring 3 outfits so I would like to use the chance to do Bride Nero, Bride Saber and who knows what else lol

David Townsend

There is a jumpsuit style and lately I have seen some that were more, I guess bodouier style? I can send pics through Line if you want.


I know all of Nero bride ascensions and none of them is ecchi? they are all bunny suit styles. If anything the full bodysuit should be the one called "ecchi" given the butt window. Unless you are talking about the idolish version FGO made where she is only wearing straps on her boobs?

David Townsend

Oh wow... lol yeah that's way more echii than the other one. I'm waiting for a PayPal withdrawal for a photobook but after it clears I will see if I can donate. I would love to see pics from that place.


Yeah that's why I assumed it was that one XD they went ham but honestly only seen one cosplayer do it. You either have to actually have the boobs or get fake ones so no one wants to go thru the trouble. Oh what book you got? And don't worry! Donation is not necessary! I'll just keep asking friends and eventually someone will agree lol at least $135 sounds better than $270

David Townsend

I got OlivieCos's new Nero photo book.

David Townsend

I found her from her Bismarck cosplay. She did a P.E. Nero too that I hadn't seen.


Nice manga effect! You're busy as always XD got my new laptop today so I can finally play Nier 🤘🏻


that gif is cute as f*ck


this is too cute <3


Your gifs are very cute :) Don't forget to sleep!