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S*cking on his fingers while he thrusts his thick, hard, throbbing C*ck into you~... His other hand exploring your *ss... He owns you... He wants you... He needs you... And you'll give him everything~...

Note : Zhongli~!

= = =

The New Audio featuring the Zhongli x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring my take on Genshin Impact's Zhongli ~! | Zhongli x Listener | Rex Lapis x Listener | Morax x Listener

Zhongli is back~! But this time he seems a bit spicier and k*nkier than usual~... Are you prepared to make him feel good and C*m, or would you rather he go feral on you~?... Well- only one way to find out by listening to the whole Audio!

Now- to sum up this Audio. I'd say it's Character-... or rather-... Relationship Development. I've made so much Audios of Zhongli that I feel like your Relationship with him and how he treats you should slowly get more intimate.

I think.

I mean, it'd be boring if he was always way too stoic, no?

And this isn't to say at all that Zhongli in this Audio is a completely different character! He's still the same person from the very first Audio! Just now he's a bit more... uh, "Romantic" with you? Lustful?

Now sure, this is at the risk of someone who's never heard of the other Audios of Zhongli just seeing this and going "This isn't Zhongli at all!"... That's just the price and difficulty of doing series Audios.

Really, it's surprisingly more difficult than it looks compared to if I were just to make completely standalone Audios where there's no real story, only spice. But personally, I genuinely do think and will always stand by that...


Doing "It"...

Y'know, *wink wink*

With someone that you really know and have made an emotional connection to feels much more fulfilling rather than just smacking your body against someone who you barely know! Spicy times are really more than just the- uh... Climax.

Or the smex. I think.

NOW as for the Technical aspect of this, this is a lot more indepth than what I've been working on as of recent. Mostly because the renovation project is pretty much done so I've got a lot more energy as of late ( Plus I slept a lot yesterday since it was a shorter stream quq ).

This Audio's got some really nice spicy SFX~ Now admittedly, I didn't add any SFX to you grabbing Zhongli's forearm and just licking and s*cking on his fingers. I really don't like the idea of giving SFX to your actions since you might get really taken out of the immersion if it doesn't line up properly quq...

Though to make up for that- this is... one of the more adventurous Audios since Zhongli does reach behind you, grab your *ss a bit before... well, y'know.

Getting the right volume, distance and directional bias for it took a bit of time, but I think it turned out really good!

This is one of those times where I'm really proud to say that I pay a ton of attention to detail even with something as small as single digit percentage points of directional bias!

What's that mean?

Basically the binaural effect! It's really subtle and slight, but I think it's those little details that really sell where the action is happening. Something most people would not spend an extra time on and just slap on some SFX and call it a day.

But here, you deserve nothing but the best I'm able to give!

Now- go forth, enjoy the Audio, and also tell everyone you know that we're classy here and maybe convert them to a listener! xD

P.S : Is it just me, or is "xD" not used much anymore... Actually, when I use it, I feel like I'm part of the relics of the internet. Everyone uses Lol or Lmao now... Or even those what-... emojis? The skull or actual laughing one.... is "xD" part of the Emo era of the internet? Evanescence, Linkin Park, Fallout Boys, Boys Like Girls, Secondhand Serenade, Owl City(????)

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


Thank you so VERY MUCH!! But now I have to wait till after work. Today will be a long day




Excited doesn't even begin time to explain how I feel about listening to this one omg 💜


xD is totally a relic of the emo era. And I will keep using it because once an emo kid, always an emo kid. Also thanks for the new content (even though I'm super behind)


Also I wouldn’t say you’re a relic… mostly because i used to use it a lot too and if I call you a relic I too would feel old… so no. And btw it’s * Fall Out Boy


Ooh~ I've been looking forward to the full audio of this one. I'll come back with a review in a bit. Edit: I cannot go into much detail about it since I don't want to spoil the audio. But... Sir... I am speechless. Even if some listen to this as their first Xhongli audio I think you did portrayed how he would act in this situation. Only Zhongli could speak that way while... doing that... I got goosebumps trough out the whole audio. Very good job like always.


Zhongli one of my favourite characters and comfort character...will listen straight away..~


Excited to listen but I must say…bringing up emo culture at the end of the post really brings up the middle school trauma of wanting to be an emo kid 😳 really takes me back. Thanks again Azeru for the good food! You always provide such good meals 😌💖


🥺🥺🥺Thank you


sir i think you just outed yourself as a classy grandpa with your last paragraph XD kidding!! but thank you for this, kinky zhongli is something i’m excited for!! 🩷


The laughing crying emoji just means its so funny you’re “crying😭” and the skull just means you saying “I’m dead 💀” its like saying omg or I can’t believe this

Rat (of the Pgh variety)

It's... It's Fall Out Boy. Cmon. If you're gonna peepaw at least get it right. 😤 Anyway, sounds good boss, thanks as always!


What do you have to say for yourself now that you’ve killed me…. Ever since the YouTube version dropped I knew this was gonna be one of my favorites!! Ahhh thank you for bringing back Zhongli!! ヽ(´▽`)/ From the script to sfx everything is just *chefs kiss* Thank you as always for the hard work Azzy!!! Hope you can rest more now that you’re finishing up renovations👏🏻 labyuu~


The Zhongli audios are the sole reason for my imprisonment on this patreon.


xD supremacy. Ty for the audioooo


I've been looking forward to this ever since the YouTube version and anefskfkekfkd I can't wait to listen thank you so much for your hard work sir and congrats on finishing up with the renovationsss oke I go now but am gonna be back with thoughts (or lack thereof XD)


Azeru, my dearest. Your work is always more than enticing…above amazing…please, don’t overwork yourself too much💋💖 take care


Honestly the xD brings me comfort 😭. You don’t see it that much.


Lucky me I’m out of work today ☺️ thank you my angel 🥰


:D No notes head empty very happy Thank you Azeru ❤️


Hahahah I can’t tell you how much I love that last part of the description about the „xD“ and so on

Nyx Asteria

Bone apple teeth, thanks for the meal 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶


Thank you for yet another incredible audio! It is almost as sexy as your new flooring (Also you're 9001 years old - if that ain't a relic)




The emoji discourse, I'm dead! Everyone I knew used xD back then but I was an emo kid myself. Congratulations on showing your age, no wonder you like playing Zhongli you relic 😂


It's actually kaeya whose my first favourite..~


Your descriptions beneath each audio post are adorable, i really like them, especially in this one where touch on the usage of xD and the other emojis. 💗


I still use "xD" with my old lady besties xD ooh no, I did it again xD HeLP xDD How can I turn this off??4!?? XDDD As always, thank you for your hard work. Wish you all the best. An old not emo lady 🧓 (My fingers are itching to type "XD")


Ahhh thank you for the audio Azzy, I kinda missed geo daddae. But what is this attack Ash day???? Really be boolying me left & right T-T first the awful middle names and then making me old. This is a crime XD honestly and then hitting me with the Linkin Park. All I’ve listened too the last few days is Green Day and most of the artists you listed out. Such boolying T-T . I love the blurbs but how dare 😩


Hey I love owl city XD


crying sobbing shaking I can't belib the sounds oh my god??? Losing my mind I am so normal I promise


Okay, maybe not ONLY Zhongli. The dottore and pantalone audios also have their talons in me.


I always love reading your posts with every audio ☺️💚 this one by far is my favorite (truly, emo music forever ✨) this shall be edited once I get home to listen to this because I sure as hell am NOT about to have a coworker walk near me and possibly hear what’s in my headphones Edit: not even 3 minutes in and I was already so flustered 😵‍💫😵‍💫 sir have mercy on us


Oh god! I've waited for this since it went up on youtube. Thank you!


I panicked so SO bad this whole audio. OMG Azzy, the binaural, the sfx, the voice you do for Zhongli. I'm dying


♡ ZHONGLI MY BELOVED ♡ Okeoke,,,, I don't think you have to worry too much about it feeling out of character, I think this audio fits him perfectly. Of course this wouldn't sound so natural if it was the first ever audio of Zhongli, but it isn't now is it? ;) I'm all for adding depth to the characters gradually, I think you did amazing! This scenario with the wine and everything was very nice just wow *chefs kiss* Lmao the last paragraph you wrote goodbye "the skull" hahahahah I still use xD sometimes... am I part of the "Emo Era of the Internet"? xD


XD is something i still use everywhere. But like i guess i never grew out of being an MCR fan hahaha. Anyway. I love your version of geo daddy every time. Thanks so much for your work Azeru 💕💕💕


Ha, I've been binge listening to linkin park lately, so you're in good company here xD


Ngl im a nerd for technical stuff so i really enjoy the audio and technical explanations at the bottom!

Gipsy Bear

Oh boi! do I have an exciting evening ahead of me xD I will take the time to appreciate it in it's full potential. Hearing you say you paid attention to so much detail and really wanted to bring out the story really makes me just KNOW this ones going to be amazing. I can't wait for tonight hehe (p.s I DEF still use xD all the time so heh)


I never though of relationship development in the audios, it is a fantastic idea and I loved this one!! It's so nice to have Zhongli so laid back. Thank you so much

Tara Eilhart

I already knew I'd enjoy this one from the YT version but oh my .. this is so good. As someone who's listened to most of the audios seeing the progression of the character is honestly really nice, but it's such a hot scenario in general I feel that anyone would enjoy it, even if this is their first time listening to a Zhongli audio of yours! Also, not the call out in the last paragraph, please I still use xD and also listen to all of those artists 😅 Anyways thank you as always for a fantastic audio 💙


I’m laughing so hard at the “xD” era hahaha I do still use it, specially with my closest friends, I also use “xd” I like it a lot lol (great audio as always!)

Ava Rose

The last paragraph ahah, you and I are from the same school ! Linkin park, Evanescence… what good memories! ^^


.....Whew! *Sweats* This was hella good, damn. Your audio just keeps improving, it's crazy. I think it's good that you stick with your own thoughts on keeping the series up. Honestly don't see a lot of people do that kinda thing, and it makes for an interesting story along the lusty path. That being said, might make it a bit difficult to branch off into new ideas to play with, if it doesn't fit the story you have going for them, but you'll probably figure something out. Sounds and technique. Sounds have definitely improved, hell. They sound so much wetter somehow and it works really well with what's going on. Movement sounds really good as well, and the way you get Zhongli (or any character) to interact with the "surroundings" works great with immersion. I liked the sound he made when the listener pushed him away. I knew something happened and it caught my attention. Must also say that the way you shifted into making them speak and grunt while thrusting instead of the way you used to do it is far better. You've improved on this quite a bit. It feels more natural, less forced/acted, and definitely had me sweating. Keep it up cause you're improvement is just going to grow from here and I can't wait to see what you'll do with it. Some extras: "XD" seems to have been a millennial thing back when emojis were less expressive. I still use it, though I've had people ask me before what it means and it made me want to hide under a rock. Imma say keep doing it so we can bring it back XD Looks better than most emojis anyway. Got this idea I want to share: Scaramouche "takes" the listener in the cockpit of Shouki no Kami. Gotta admit that's a hot thought, especially for monsters fuckers like me XD Anyway, keep it up, Azeru!

Rose Nights

Cant believe I’m six hours late but HERE I AM!

Rose Nights

Also no you’re right XD is a symbol I use often, but a lot of people don’t know what it is so it’s kinda funny, I had one girl ask me if it was a new trend….anyways the emo era of Linkin park, Evanescence, Green Day, all American rejects, Boys like girls, heck even bowling for soup, yeah those eras never die, I still listen to them like the day they come out… but that’s just me, thing is I’m young but old so I’m personally kinda in the middle here, like I grew up with a landline and VCR, Nintendo 64 and the like….yet…I’m only 21 so yeah it feels like a young life crisis almost


If anyone feels old, it's ***me*** ... and I use xD on a regular basis (if you notice on stream, I regularly use it... and all variations Xd and XD included) and most of the music you mentioned... um ... YES, ~ all fo the Yes!!! I'm more than likely up there (Not counting Azeru because you know...Angel years) As for the Audio itself... as usual, what is done to make them as excellent as they are is appreciated, and can't wait (but will wait patiently) for the next one ^.^7


I prefer Emoticons too! Emojis are just too cringy. I use TwT and OwO a lot. Look! Now I'm a cat =ÔwÔ=. I love that Azzy puts so much effort into something thaaaaaat is probably honestly the equivalent of a females OF in terms of lazy profit. Like he doesn't have to do ANY of this. He could just slap some stock sound effects in there and just make spice audios without growing characters and a story. It's honestly so sweet and it makes me swoon that you do that for us and know of those songs and bands. I'm no emo but I LOVE alternative rock!

Pam 701

I’m so happy I get a Zhongli fix today! I love the way you portray him, and as usual, this one is delicious and 🔥! Thanks, Azeru! You’re the best! ❤️🥵❤️


Azzy this was so good! You always put so much thought into how your sfx will come across and how all the details need to be. Thank you as always for all your hard work. I really like your portrayal of this character very much. I love how he's changed as you've made more audios with him and I love that he's more relaxed and kinky, as you put it lol and I feel old now, after your little blurb about emojis and bands 😂😂 but thank you for an amazing audio!! 🥰🥰

Gipsy Bear

Each time you come out with a new zhongli audio it just keeps getting better and better! The SFX in the spicy spot and just how you interpret him is so scrumptious to listen to. Thank you for the amazing audio I can't even describe how much I enjoy them in words. I will just love them by listening to them on repeat as always. Thank you so much Azeru 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡


polish people use a lot of xd



Anna Leigh

Omg not you aging yourself with that emoticon😂 ngl I'm from that Era as well, but I updated myself💀


Azeru ranting about the emojis is taking me out lmaooo


i remember using XD so much a couple years ago omg. i don’t use it so much any more because my friends would make fun of me (even tho they’ve used them too—). also, all i could think about in the beginning was “osmanthus wine tastes the same as i remember” XD


As someone who still uses XD i dont think any other emoji captures it well enough (but perhaps im just dating myself). I love series audios and I must agree that Its better with an established/developed relationship so i really appreciate these!! I do see how itd be difficult though so no sweat no sweat!!! (Except with all the effort that goes into making these!!! Your hard work is noticed and appreciated!!! Thank you for the food!!!)


I remember using xD so much along with ^-^ and •_• among allll the others.... Good times.... I think 🤔


First: Why are you so good to us? Second: I feel attacked as I lived through the Emo Epidemic and the scars still hide deep in my closet in the form of emo band t-shirts and fishnets. (IMMA BOOMER NOW NOOOO) Third: Seriously, why do you spoil us so well? The story/setup was fun, and I really appreciate you not making sounds for the listener, because that really does break the immersion aspect. SFX were great at always. And you fit almost all of my tingle-triggers in one audio… in Geo Daddy’s rumble! EATING GOOD TONIGHT! ………….XD


Holy Moly! Azzy, that was sooo tasty~! (*´∀`*) Your content are always so qualitative! I can only rank your audios from Excellent to domin-i...I MEAN GOD TIER! X'D I'm so used to, that i sometimes forgot that you're extremely talented in your field of NSFW content creator! Wow~ You can use advanced sound mixing and mastering techniques, you can immerse with so many different characters, you know how "spice" works and more generally how people works! But I maybe step too far for this last one and I truly apologize if it's offending or completely off in any kind of way 🙏 In any case, you have many strong skills and you keep improving no matter what! And THAT is really gladful to see~✨


The aphrodisiac trope got me SWEATING lord- love the idea of incorporating popular fanfic tropes into your audios honestly! ABO, “only one bed”, etc etc would make for some pretty interesting audios👀 Phenomenal as always!! You always capture Zhongli so well, even if it’s an ooc scenario it still just works with how you present him


I dont remember all the details of the story/character development you've done for him. Awww dang I guess Im going to have to re-listen to the other audios again. Poor me. /s


I still use XD, I'm an emotional user at heart. Not that there's anything wrong with emojis, but I love these emoticons. Couldn't throw em away. ŤoŤ QwQ Ó_Ò Only thing that confuses me is that some(most) emoticon users don't capitalize the X in XD. Is that really just me?? Ú_Ù


I I’m always so ready for an osmanthus wine thing and I think I’m going to combust if you ever actually make the joke lmao also- ironically I’ve only ever seen people over 30 use emojis genuinely. Everyone one I know from 18-22 uses exclusively emoticons


Always so weak for Zhongli, especially wound up Zhongli. Love me a reserved character going deep end. I am also one of the XD holdouts but I do have flashbacks of the "UWU so random" online scene so it's a rare break out for me....


Oo i use the simply emojis a lot in chat xD and when that means im old then well im old x) thank you for your hard work~ and sorry im late for that Audio^^ nightshifts exhausting me a lot, but i enjoyd the Audio a lot, like the relaxing voice from your Zhongli *blush Lovely greetings Mö


I can feel it Mr Krabs😌


Oh, this one is perfect! Also i still use XD to this day, so should i feel old then? Im always using some sort of emoji or emoticon when im writing with friends and were having a blast. Also thank you for yet another masterpiece, i love Zhongli the most! I stumbled upon you on youtube when i didnt know there are some things such as game characters asmr (yes im a bit late...) and i didnt even know how such a thing can turn someone on... anyway, keep it up ! Lovin it ^_^


Still use xD, c: and such cuz most games still only allow text chat, haha. So xD it is :'D


xD is good! I use emojis more often, but I think the little flourishes in your text add a lot! It’s very fun to read and adds a lot of personality to your writing, thanks for sharing the behind the scenes! With what little experience I have with recording audio, it’s so complex to get things to sound right. And well, listening to these I’m always floored. It’s incredible to hear the quality of SFX and VA. You’re really amazing and I’m glad that I found your work!

Raven Finch

This audio was HOT


I love your zhongli series so much it's really a next level of sexy and absolute fire! 🔥


Tonight I've gone from professor to Wriothesley to Kaeya, now here Zhongli! I needed a nap.


I'll always be obedient to you Zhongli.


Listening back to this one a few months later. I do find this one is one of thr audio where we see a romantic side of Zhongli. The other one for me is when he reasures us that he made no mistake in being with us. I often cry then (daft I know!) Thank you so much Azzy for making them ( ^ω^)


I keep coming back to this one.... Oh how much I love a mischievous Zhongli🥺


Coming back to this one on my birthday💕 Zhongli will always be my favourite


Goddamn this is just...really good. I'm new to the Patreon (came here after seeing the Zhongli taking care of you video on YouTube) and...yeah this is $10 well spent

Mariah Nagel

Zhongli, with fingers in our mouths: My, how, warm you are right now. Me, mentally, in the most blunt way possible: No, really, it's not like we're living beings that are being affected by alcohol...