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Caught & F*cked into submission~... He "Punishes" you thoroughly... Making you service his C*ck before F*cking you from behind... He grabs your hair, pulling as you S*ck on his fingers....

Note : A new character~!?

= = =

The New Audio featuring the Neuvillette x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring my take on Genshin Impact's new character, Neuvillette ~! | Neuvillette x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener | Sadist x Listener

Neuvillette~!... So some of you might not know who he is and that's fair. He is a very new Genshin Impact character with little to no information out as of right now... but, I saw the trailer and I wanted to do a take on him. ( And Wriothesley, soon. )

So~! Much like the first time I did a take on Arataki Itto and a few others, think of this as a "Dream" version of him.

Now- be forewarned that I did take some artistic liberty with this characterization of him. I know he's a Judge and a Justice so he's probably very uptight, BUT... I've really been missing some more villainous characterizations. That isn't to say that he's bad at all! Rather, he's just a bit more... jaded and... well- Dominant.

To be very blunt, in all of my Audios of Genshin, I always do somewhat hint that you, the Traveler, are extremely strong and powerful. And the only reason you ever truly "Lose" is because you want to.

Same for this case, I don't think you'd have gotten caught unless you wanted to get caught~

Now- I will admit, I've been very... exhausted as of late?

And no- I don't mean burned out, far from it. I've got so much inspiration for the newer characters of Genshin as well as some OC stuff, BUT- more like the renovation stuff really pushed me back work wise a lot more than I expected quq... Among other things- I haven't been sleeping well xD

That isn't an excuse for not posting more though or streaming more, so I did want to at least apologize ^^;...

I do feel bad when I can't deliver quality in a timely manner.

Ah- but that's besides the point!

Technical wise, this Audio continues with the new SFX style. De-sync'd with the moans, more wetness, more slapping, added some bias to make it sound like it's from behind, and so much more~

I will be honest though that part of me does want to also start changing up the "Structure" of the Audios. But really no matter how I try to visualize it, the only thing that I can do is make it longer, like ~35 minutes... to add in more foreplay. Or do spice earlier- but that would mean I won't be able to do the SFW version much.

And as much as I want to do Audios longer and longer- it just gets too difficult for me alone ^^;... As you might know, I work on Audios exclusively by myself- and if you take into account the amount of detail that goes into my Audios... it does take a lot of work. My Audios aren't just the usual "ASMR" where it's just Record, slap on noise reduction, slap on equalizer, slap on compressor, and post.

Mine is more... Script Writing, Recording in one take, Separate the audio into over a dozen channels for the Binaural and True ASMR effect ( Even small differences in volume or direction can really change the experience! ), Add SFX ( Most are recorded by me in my personal library or recorded specifically for an Audio, but I also have a premium Movie-Grade Professional Library I use. ), Separate the SFX into over a dozen channels similar to the vocal part, then scrub through the entire Audio in 5 second segments to really fine-tune each second, once done, render it all and add some noise ( My microphone and when I record is usually too silent that it feels too fake. ) and listen once over and post.

And all of that is done by only me. I know it's extremely rare to have no team work on Audios, but I just like it this way. It guarantees quality ^^;

Ah- I went on a tangent. I hope you enjoy this Audio~!... I plan to, if I can musted up inspiration, to record the Special Bonus Audio today and post it tonight.

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Thx for the meal Azzy <3 always feeding us well




I...always enjoy your take on new characters and I really enjoyed the YouTube version...excited to listen soon..~

Anonymous Shade

Omg YES Ppl theorize he's a dragonnnn- Azzy ty <3 <3


I know the renovations have been done for over a week now, but I'm still... so sleepy. ^^;... Maybe it's the weather. Maybe I'm getting sick!?... We'll never know :o


Thanks for your hard work, Azzy! Edit: I was going to wait to listen after work, but curiosity got the best of me. Even though we don't know much about this character, the script is so good it doesn't matter if it doesn't fits his actually personality later on. Because it's more of a "behind close doors" behavior, There is so much much I want to say, ugh, but I don't want to spoiled for anyone. Lately you been working yourself out more ,and even then you still manage to bring us great content. Amazing work. Really. Adhdhagsfshsdhahaha


🥰🥰🥰🥰❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ yeassssss!!!!!!!!! Thank you daddy ~


Thank you for your work *smiles Excited to lissen Greetings Mö


Oh I’m so stoked for this, I started saving for this dude the millisecond I saw him instead of pulling for kokomi lmao




I cannot WAIT to listen to the entire audio, I'm not going to be normal after this 🥴 Make sure to take care of yourself too, I hope you feel better soon 💜


Ngl I was expecting him to say something in french

Tara Eilhart

I have never ran as fast for an audio in my life!! Neuvillette has quickly become my favourite character so I'm so hyped for this!! Thank you as always for the fantastic audio, hope you get some good rest too 💙


AAA I CANNOT WAIT TO LISTEN TO THIS ONE!! THANK YOU SIR 🩷🩷 i hope you feel better soon too! 🩷

Nyx Asteria

I'm tucked in the backseat of a 7 seat car...surely I'll be safe to listen back here


Looking forward to it. Thanks for all your hard work




The way I RAN I CANT WAIT TO LSITEN TO THIS!!! Also I wanted to say that it's super understandable to feel exhausted Azzy you've had a lot on your plate recently and in any case renovating alone can take a lot out of someone so know that we completely understand! What matters most is for you to feel alright and to be well rested, so please don't feel like you need to apologize for anything!! Having said that I wanna thank you so much for all your hard work cuz even if you are exhausted you still do so much for us and we couldn't be more grateful for that ❤️ Hope you get some more rest really soonnn


Aww, Azzy, please be sure to rest properly! qwq Renovations take lots of power and it’s okay to take breaks! You always work so hard to make us happy (and it does make us happy!), but rest is important too 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。


I must have a sixth sense for Azeru content because I was just thinking this morning, “hmm I wonder if Azeru is gonna post something new” and lo and behold. Looking forward to listening and for your future Wriothesley audio!


Azzy, another wonderful job!! I love your takes on the characters and the absolutely amazing job you do with the technical aspect. The sfx are always fantastic!! Please don't feel bad about being exhausted, we all understand. You need rest!! We would rather you rest than push yourself to the point of getting sick. We love you angle man!! Thanknyou for another amazing audio!! 🥰🥰🥰

Karolina Ogorek

I really need to finally leave a comment, bcs first of all I enjoy your Audios so much. The quality is always amazing ❤️ But what I actually really always look forward when receiving the notification is the description, espacially the technical stuff. It's so interesting to read how you work on stuff. And now how much effort you put into your work to deliver quality content 🥺❤️ (i always want to read more about the technical stuff XD)


I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


Wriothsley, sorry for the spelling, but fuck he's pretty! Can't wait for that one. I listened to the first part of this one on YouTube. Now about to listen the whole thing. If the first part is anything to go by it's going to be fulfilling.


Haven't listened yet, but just wanted to thank you for all that you do. I can't even comprehend how much effort goes into each audio and developing the whole process entirely by yourself sounds like such a grand undertaking. And how much care and dedication to make sure that it's something we can enjoy, even if it's something minor. It's obvious you love your work and your craft and I'm proud to be one of your patrons. Thank you again, and I hope you can get some well deserved rest!


The sheer whiplash of hearing the Patreon segway after only listening on Patreon for so long, was that intentional?

EA Gorman

oh honey I'm sorry you're over worked :( But this is the SFW version. ETA; WHOA! That's quite an ending there. Now go get some rest, okay?


Hello, finished the audio:) Thank you so much for working hard to make this Azeru, though you ended up posting the SFW vers haha 🙏 (Listened to the full thing now and love the audio 💜 One of my personal favorites.)

jasmin chan

You did a great job! Thank you for your hard work✨🤍


I agree I also think the traveler is very powerful and would only get caught if they wanted to I'm excited to see how much the character and your dream version of him have in common. I like your work a lot.

Bubble Bellarina

Hey Azeru! I loved this version and interpretation of the character! Just finished the audio and it was really nice— though you posted the SFW version.


You’re awesome and your audios are always top tier! We appreciate all the work you do! Can’t wait to listen 😊


Yes he is here 🥳🫰🫶❤️ thank you Azeru, for your hard work 😊


I can’t even begin to imagine how exhausting the renovations must have been, I really hope you can get some improved sleep soon and remain in good health. Sending lots of hugs. 💗


Azzyyy, thank you so much for another amazing audio!! The amount of hard work you put into these audios is just.. wow 👏🏻 Please take care of yourself, don’t apologize for being exhausted, remember rest is important!! 🫶 (or you’ll end up uploading wrong files haha~) Labyu~

Miss stressed

Thank you Sir ! You really are awesome as always 💙 take care 🤗


Thank you for the audio Azzy and all the hard work as always ☺️. But pls do take care of yourself and get some good rest. I swear if you get sick again because you’re not taking care of yourself, I’ll bonk 😐. Wishing you lots of good sleep because you really seem to need it . And stop boolying yourself, you do all this by yourself on top of renovations and everything else we don’t see. You’re doing amazing and we’re so thankful for everything you do.

MaKayla Carlos

Currently exploding with euphoria✨


Oh my word I am so here for this version of the character even if it's a dream version!


Don't beat yourself up, Azeru. You do an amazing job ❤️ hope you're not getting sick! Take care big boss Mmm the audio... just reading the description down to sadist x listener gave me brain fog. I was so excited to listen to this I was almost worried I was setting myself up for disappointment but I really loved. Thank you thank you ❤️❤️


Hey~ Just finished listening to your audio! I'm not familiar with Genshin Impact characters since I've only been playing the game for a couple of days now, but I liked the impression you did of Neuvillette! The sound effects were good, and the wetness was... really wet. 😭 I was a bit sad that he didn't use handcuffs, though... q.q About your exhaustion, well, people keep telling you to rest, but you never listen to them...🤠🤠 At this point, telling us you're tired won't change anything, Azeru. You just have to listen to your body, not your brain, and take a few days to take care of yourself. è.é Go for a walk, appreciate your surroundings—do anything, just don't spend time on your PC. 😭 (Also, maybe you should make a doctor's appointment for a checkup? It's possible that you have vitamin or iron deficiencies.)


I feel like Paimon is doing something and we are distracting him…at first 😳please take care of yourself! Don’t overwork yourself 💕


I need You to know that I started addressing him "Your Honour" in my head as soon as the dirty talk started.

Andrea (Andibunny)

I don’t know this character but based on the description- im going to ✨enjoy ✨this very much…✨😭


Would LOVE another one of these, but with the handcuffs… amazing work 😍✨ I was very much enjoying this, totally top 5 favourites


Please don't feel bad when you can't deliver quality in a timely manner, You have to get enough sleep Azzy T_T. Do you know azzy? I'm more waiting for info about you, what are you doing and what is happening to you lately, because I think you are someone who wants to do everything well and perfectly so always do it yourself, it's something great but not for your health. Once again, I'm very very grateful for your hard work, considering you always try to realize our dreams even though it's a new character with minimal information, you did it fantastically!!!

Amber Wen

If this is how I get punished if Neuvilette catches me, then you can damn well TRUST I'm gonna break as many rules as I possibly can🤤🥵😏😉😍

Haley Cordova

Great new character! Get some rest and take care of yourself!


照顾好自己哦宝贝( ˘ ³˘)❤

TrvlinWriter Draco

One, this was absolutely wonderful. You always go above and beyond with every audio and the 'dream' versions you come up with are really intriguing and well balanced even with the limited info that's around for the character. Two, renovating is a ton of work and doing it on your own is understandably exhausting and time consuming so please make sure you get rest as needed and don't overwork yourself trying to 'keep up. We will be patiently waiting because the quality you give is league's beyond the norm. Thirdly, if you feel you might need to end up adjusting or getting a bit of a helping hand regarding any piece of your process (brainstorming, writing, sfx, balancing, editing, anything literally) so you can take a bit of pressure off to work the time-frame and balance of sfw and spice then absolutely go for it. You do a ton of work for each audio and you can absolutely hear that high level attention to detail. It's absolutely breathtaking with how well every piece is meshed and the soft background noise you use keeps from making/leaving soft gaps in sound when speaking or pausing for the 'response'. That's not even mentioning the layering, the way you have told us and we can hear the carefully selected time-frame for sfx since you go through and hand-place them in. You are absolutely amazing, give yourself a breather if needed to recharge after all the renovation. You've more than earned it.


take care, you always deserve good rest~


I've been struck once again! Ooof... I really, really like this plot...~ 𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑘𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑒𝑚𝑜𝑡𝑒 As a brat it is... fulfilling~ Also! if you want/-can/-please (... I beg you... ) fix your work:rest ratio x')


i’m saving my primos for this man, that’s for sure. 😳 mm this was good though. i loved the aura of authority he had, like this man means the LAW. the contrast between when we first kissed him and he pulled away, and when we kissed him again but he didn’t pull away…yea i liked that subtle detail. in a way, it was like we had won him over. not gonna lie, i thought you were gonna throw in a “ma cherie” in there somewhere XD i think that would be hot, especially if it’s said in a more teasing/condescending way rather than lovingly, if that makes sense? and that bit of praise, when he tells us to look at him with our pretty eyes. yep, i melted. i think i need more of that, mhm. and omg, the HANDCUFFS!! if you make another audio of this man, i really do want to feel the whole punishing vibe with the handcuffs 😳 maybe in said audio, he’s angry/upset with us because we cause him so much trouble, being so “criminal” and all, and he takes the moment to truly teach us a lesson?? (and more of the degrading talk, i enjoyed being called disrespectful and disobedient more than i expected 🏃🏻‍♀️) anyways! yummy audio as usual, and it never goes unnoticed that you work so hard to deliver these 🩷 thank you for all you do for us! 🩷


I 100% came back to this now that Fontaine has officially dropped. Let the brainrot begin ✨️


Dear azeru im here again after completing new mission and neuvillet is sooo ooooohhh 🤩🫠 you portrayed him so deliciously I need moreeee


Fuck me. I'll let you catch me again any day


Ok first if all...OH and second, MY GAWD. he's my new favorite holy fck.


You suit Neuvillette so incredibly well! 😍 this was so delicious and delightful!! My new favorite! 🔥

Lilly Ackerman

Came back to relisten to this gem. And still… damn… I‘d like to quote something but I would have to write down the whole thing because everything in this is absolutely amazing 🙏🏻🖤🪽