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You feel his C*ck pulse as he lets out his thick, hot, creamy load... He moans in pleasure as you caress his twitching B*lls... All while he pets your head- as if saying you did a good job~...

Note : Road Head~

= = =

The New Audio featuring the CEO x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Hot, Dominant, & Confident... CEO ~! | CEO x Listener | Boss x Listener

The CEO is here, but with a lot more character development in this one~... Wether that's a good thing or a bad thing- I'll let you decide! But yes!

Now- we're used to the CEO always being in full control and even bordering on arrogant. We rarely see his more... Human... side. Until now at least~

Of course, this isn't to say that he's done a 180 and he's completely changed. No no no, I just wanted to portray some of his more... endearing traits. Like, and as cliche as this is, his love for sporty cars!... Or maybe his-... well, no spoilers~

But yes, be rest assured that his confidence and charm hasn't disappeared and never will. I just genuinely think that being able to connect with a character and get to know them better is much more satisfying once you get to the spicy parts... as opposed to just jumping straight into it with no clue who it is exactly you're doing it with.

That emotional connection, right?

NOW- before I get too far into this though, as hot and k*nky as giving head while driving is, y'know... uh, safety first!.

And also, uh... maybe it's just the first week blues speaking, but if you think that I might be focusing too much on the scenarios and not enough on the spice, do let me know ^^;... I do read all the comments as much as I'm able to and I do try my best to improve. Of course I also know that I can't cater to everyone.

But- y'know. Yeah. I guess I feel like I don't work hard enough... even though objectively I think I do between two Audios a week fully done by me from scratch, to  streams, comics, managing behind the scenes stuff like commissioning stuff for stuff or the letters and packages... ^^;... maybe too hard on self.


As for the spicy part, well, having smexy times while driving is hard, so this one is more focused on Road Head... Now- I did try to experiment with some slight lip smacking sounds as you uh... give head, but I did notice that it might've been a bit too soft- especially paired with the other enviromental SFX and the moaning... hmm...

Well- there's always more to come!

If you've made it all the way here, I also do want to say that I finally finished the flooring and adding in the baseboards!... Admittedly I've been more exhausted lately because of that! But from here on out, it's smooth sailing- I hope.

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




Oh my god that was too good. The car theme/car sounds, the conversation, the tone of voice, the last minutes ahh everything! ♥️ Entire life work, work, work - is that you speaking, Azzy? 😭


He is so temperamental omg 😭😭😭 thank you Azeru, this definitely becomes one of my faves xx


I wish you wouldn't be so hard on yourself because you're already putting in an incredible amount of effort into everything you do. I understand that the beginning of the month can be quite stressful, but it's important to remember to take care of yourself and make your well-being a priority. I'm happy to hear that you've finished the flooring and baseboards, and I hope you can finally take some rest now! As for the the audio, I really enjoyed the character development and the scenarios. I would love to see more of it, as I personally believe it adds an extra layer of intrigue to the audio. 💗


Well I personally think that interesting and unique situations help add on to the spice and the build up of things like it helps me (personally) imagine whats going on more and it makes me want to listen to the whole audio completely than skipping straight to the spicy stuff. Also with the situations in the audios especially with unique ones like the “caught wearing your boyfriends shirt” I listened to it on your youtube and it was really good! You should definitely do more audios like that


Oh my goodness. This was AMAZING! Every time I listen to your CEO audios I feel like they're never long enough! Now I don't mean that in a negative way. I mean it as in you successfully make every scenario with this OC such a thrill from start to finish that it still leaves you craving for so much more after it ends. It's addictive! Immediately from the start with the engine SFX sounded so awesome! Like, man...who doesn't want to be picked up in a sporty ride and go out cruising? How can an experience like that NOT excite you? That was such a fun segment I enjoyed in this audio and even just having the close conversation was relaxing. Then when things started to slowly spice up, LORRDDD-!!! Wow...as if the car ride wasn't enough of a dangerous adrenaline rush already! (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) Especially that line of "what am I going to do with you" and then being told how you're going to be used for fun. Chills on top of more chills. Seriously Azzy, you put WAY too powerful a charm into this OC that is just insane! Also, "feel like you don't work hard enough?!" *BONK* Goodness! Are you crazy?! Azeru, you have always done and given WAY more than enough for us than we honestly even deserve! You're the most talented and genuine content creator I've ever come across! Please know that everything you do to put out the best and give back to the community has never been a disappointment or a failure. It's impressive and not wrong to keep yourself occupied and work on stuff you like, but please don't push yourself to where you are sacrificing rest or your overall well being. Let alone, don't undermine yourself like that! We promise you are enough! 🤍 ⊂⁠(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠⊂⁠ ⁠) Oh! And congrats on finishing your flooring renovations! One step closer to creating a nicer home to your taste! (^.^)

Ms. meowsmeow Yeawhateva

Ok something new and different. Love this and keep us on our toes !!?


As has been said above you work super hard! It's amazing to see how seriously you take it but you are very hard on yourself, especially since you produce so much and you stream as well. Though awesome to hear how well you're doing with the home changes, that's really good going. I redid a driveway recently which meant moving 4 tonne of stone via a wheelbarrow and ho boy that was such an undertaking!

Cael Anima

CEO x Sports Car when /j


finally getting a chance to comment on this one but man, i missed ceo. he’s one of my faves ☺️ i commented on the yt version on how it felt so nice to be reunited with him and see a more relaxed side of him, compared to his usual “i’m in command, i get what i want” confident (but also hawt) self. not gonna lie, i was preparing myself for that and his seductive ways, but was pleasantly surprised when it went a different route! him being comfortable in his own space made me smile a lot :3 now, for the juicy and spicy part! right off the bat, my two fave things were (ofc) him calling himself daddy (love how that continues with his character, pls don’t stop-) and when he called us a “hungry and pretty little slut” 😫 LIKE. I REMEMBER THAT IN MAY’S 40+ MIN AUDIO, AND SIR I SEE YOUVE BEEN TAKING NOTES. DEGRADING AND PRAISE IS A YES!! i also really liked it when he told us to um, spread our legs and touch ourselves. that was hot. more of that pls 🏃🏻‍♀️i also like the lil detail of him stopping the car because he gets close :3 nice indirect way of showing we’re really pleasing him and he can’t focus. :3 overall, i really liked this one! AND the fact that it was more scenario based is what made me love it even more. i truly missed scenes like this with the ocs 😭 so scenario + scenario related spice is a win in my book :D (pls pls give us more 🙏) and congrats with the renovations!! DIY man does it again XD thanks for this one! 🩷🩷

Ava Rose

Hi Azeru, you said : « I guess I feel like I don't work hard enough » and I wonder what lack you are trying to fill with work ? We all have "childhood injuries" (rejection injury, humiliation injury, abandonment injury etc...) that make our lives miserable. Is it possible that one of these injuries is responsible for this feeling of dissatisfaction about the amount of work you provide? Personally I find that yes you already work a lot ;)


I loved this audio so much! Showed us a slightly different angle of our CEO!


Couldn't have said this better. I hope he can feels comfort or find it somewhere. :(.

Lilly Ackerman

CEO, definitely one of my top 3 characters so far. Did I just experienced his soft side? That was surprisingly nice. The way even his laugh in the first minutes is so hot… and him calling himself Daddy… please. How do you bring so much personality in each character 🥲🖤🪽