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You feel his C*ck twitch and pulse inside you as he grinds it deep... His weight on you, pinning you down... The vibrator constantly edging you towards orgasm- only to be pushed over the edge with him f*cking you...

Note : On top of you~

= = =  

The New Audio featuring Doctor x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time featuring the Hot, Adventurous, and Kinky, Doctor ~! | Doctor x Listener | Boyfriend x Listener | Dom x Listener

The Doctor is back, and Kinky as ever~... Well, honestly, I think the Audio could be Kinkier and involving more toys and such- BUT... it's not bad to feel him pin you down with his weight as he shoves his C*ck deep into you.. no~?

Now, if you're unfamiliar with the Doctor OC, just do know that he has a LOT of synergy with... "Equipment". So to speak. Which isn't a bad thing at all! He's one of the... or rather the only(?) OC that actually uses toys on you. Eventually he might even bring in more B*ndage if you'd like-... let me know in the comments.

But- I also don't want to scare people too immediately~... So slowly guiding the character in that direction!

Perhaps next Doctor Audio- he'll put a gag on you and play with your tongue or shove his fingers into your mouth as he makes you bounce on his C*ck...

But but but-!

So- this Audio is another Audio where I did want to experiment more with non-standard spicy SFX. As in Grinding, light thrusting, etc.

I know we're all familiar with the rough poundings or thrusting with lots of skin slapping- however... I do know that pleasure is derived more from just that. It sometimes feels really REALLY good to take things slow or focus on the contact as opposed to the roughness... Although rough is really hot in it's own right.

And admittedly, the first iteration of the SFX of this Audio I did not like... it felt too soft and... meh- so that's why I redid the entire spicy part and had to delay this until today ^^;...

Oh, and I did want to mention! Depending on what kind of headset you have or earphones ( I recommend headphones! ) you may be missing out on some very subtle SFX... It's not really anything too major, but I did notice that when I was proofing through the Audio and I tried using my earphones, I did lose some minor details...

Sad... But I can't really increase the volume without making it sound worse.... it's a conundrum.. ( OH and I'm not talking about like $500+ Headphones, I use V-Modas and they are NOICE! )

But yes I did want to say this ^^;... I mean, I've mentioned it before and I've known for a while now, but y'know.

= = =  

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!  

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




I would like to thank Lord Azeru for blessing us on this day. Amen 🙏


aa i will listen to this, even if strem started >:0

Lexus Lemay

Title says Kazuha!

Andrea (Andibunny)

Im going to need this tonight, before tomorrow!! Thank you omggg yes!! Spicy yums. Labyu Azzy! 🧎🏼‍♀️


Is this going to be the new thing?? Uploading just before stream???


Doctor kazuha? 👀👀👀👀💖




The title is wrong——Azeru you write ‘Kazuha’(>人<;)


You know what. Yes, I will 100% enjoy this because i know it will be amazing. Thank you so much for your work. We appreciate you a ton!!!~


sir wrong title


Wow been such a long time since doctor one of my favourite OC ...look forward to hearing after stream..~


Thank you sir for the meal I shall enjoy after stream 🙏🏼


I- Thank you for this audio good sir🙏


I don't think I have listened to a 'Doctor' audio before. Of course... stream is about to start so... This will have to wait, but I am looking forward to it. Edit: I finally had time to listen to this audio. As my first impression of this OC, I like it how soft but kinky he was. The SFX where really nice as well. I must check other Doctor audios now.


I already feel my soul is going to leave my body with this one, asdfjk thank you for spoiling us with the OC's I can't wait to listen after stream! Please rest though 💙


Oooooh this going to be great 😍😍


heyy 😌


This is evil, posting before stream sir. But also fix the title when you get a chance 😂 Thanks for the audio Azzy can’t wait to listen to it AFTER STREAM 😭


Thank you for the meal but the tittle is wrong 🙏


sIR. Show mercy PLEASE (still tho, thank you for your hard work, it's always appreciated but please don't go overworking yourself- can't wait to listen to this after stream) <3


Oh here we are with our doctor 🙈


Oh how I have missed the Dr, fabulous to see him back. Always interested in some scene play (and aftercare because who doesn't love aftercare!) but it's fun to do light kink as well!

Tara Eilhart

I can't keep doing this before stream!? Also just replying to the description, because I believe the Doctor is one of the more kinkier characters he'd 100% try b*ndage on the listener, possibly more. Anyways please don't forget to take breaks and rest too, thank you for an amazing audio as always 💙


More bondage? Now I like the sound of that 🙏 (also thank you 💕 and take care of yourself)


BONDAGE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE!? I want the doctor to fall as far as he can go. Kinda leaning into him being a bit of a control freak.


Literally my favorite oc! The way he seems so genuinely Caring towards listener but also the way he (literally) toys with us! God i love it


Pure evil!! 😭 I’ll be back in 6ish hours Edit: it was worth the wait! & I could just fall asleep, this voice is so smooooth


I miss him so much


This one hit insanely different. The doctor is my favorite OC so listening to this??? I PASSED AWAY. The sounds you made were absolutely perfect I love how into it the doctor is. He’s more focused on the pleasure than the power and it’s really attractive. Keep up the amazing work!


Oh doctor...no apples to keep you away.


My god. Head so empty. This was so good, I missed Doctor so much I couldn't believe when I saw he's back ;; And I'm all for experimenting more with the Doctor of course, bondage sounds nice 👀

Pam 701

Love that hot Doc! This one is great, and I vote for the bondage also. BTW, the thumbnail pic for this is from the “hot boyfriend comforts you in bed” audio. 😏. ❤️🥵❤️


Can we have a blindfold. Maybe he could put some velvet gloves on sometimes too. Please, pretty please with a cherry on top? Also, wrist tying?




Thank god todays my day off 🤤 Still my favorite of your characters! Such good effects and it makes me absolutely melt when your voice gets so close in the ear 🥰




The ticking helped keep me grounded, but was also very befitting of the doctor! Definitely can see bondage and other toys being thrown in the mix with this chara as well. Thank ya for the release~! *cough* Now excuse me while I go and hit this track again >//w//>

Cel Ishtar

Oh this is gonna set me on the edge just reading the small description 🥵🥵 I am ready to make my heart pound and be a victim of all high of all Angels Azeru.


Thank you for all your amazing work 🤍


Ahhh the Doctor is baack! Thank you as always for the amazing audio~ Please rest and take care of yourself Angle man 🫶


Omg I loooved this Azzy, you did an amazing job, as always!! The sound effects were extremely well done, and the doctor oc...mmm yep!! Thank you for all your hard work azzy!! 🥰🥰


I love the kinky doctor and his toys! I would really love it if he used bondage😍 Thank you for another amazing and very hot audio!


Omg why don't my comments work when I use the app?! Azzy, this audio was amazing!! I absolutely loved it! The sfx were 🥵🥵 and there were no more thoughts....lol great job and thank you for all your hard work!! 🥰🥰

Anonymous Shade

oH OH he's back!! I remember the original one with the white hair & blue shirt, talking about cortisol!! Is this the sequel?


YUH 🤠! The doctor using a gag on listener to “keep them quiet” and then playing with them would be 👁️🫦👁️. Similar to the CEO playing the game with listener, then f*cking them rough when he thought he might lose!! The subtle fx is really nice, every doctor audio I pay close attention bc I KNOW the buzz is gonna start somewhere

Ren ✨

Hell yeah

Ren ✨

I ❤️ being a brat


"Perhaps next Doctor Audio- he'll put a gag on you and play with your tongue or shove his fingers into your mouth as he makes you bounce on his C*ck..." .....all this yes please I really really enjoyed listening to this. The doctor is always fun to play with and I loved the sfx in the beginning all through til the end. The lines and the delivery.. It was a really hot perfect storm of everything. Thank you so much! ❤️


Sir, I... *deep breath*... the last 5 minutes had me in a choke hold. A gripping the sheets worthy moment. The Doctor has always been kinky but there was just something RAW about how everything sounded leading up to and during the climax(s). The SFX were nuanced here and the way your voice at points just does the slightest quiver and catches in your throat betrays the composed image that the Doctor always has (and I loved it). Mmmm, you can really tell the pleasure he takes in the overstimulation. In a way, it's its own flavor of sadism. I'm not saying he's a sadist per say, but it does fall under the same umbrella. As far as restraints, bondage or sensory deprivation goes (i.e. blindfold, gag, etc), I am ABSOLUTELY interested to see more variation in kink scenarios as long as you feel comfortable in doing them. In fact, I've noticed you've become bolder over the course of your bonus audios so I wouldn't be surprised if you use that as a test bed for your more polished ideas that appear later. Practice makes perfect, after all. The future will be interesting.

Dorkus McDingus

The doctor showing more of his kinky side... Oh be still my beating heart! 🥵


Yes please hoping for some audios with bondage ,😍😍 thank you for your work 🫶🫶


I wonder how it feels having a bunch of random people going cray cray over your voice 🤔

Persephone Autumnborn

Man I missed the doctor and I love the brat play aspect.

C Leon

I would kill for bondage oh boy


I really loved this audio, it’s very well done. And I would love an audio with bondage!!


I always really like first part of your audios, it sets the perfect mood~ Plus, you are really good to found out... weaknesses... Just... HOW ? ... ( ´Д`) I- I don't know how it can be possible to have that level of accuracy in that kind of domain !! ... ... ... But yes, that's why I love your work so much ^^ Keep taking us to seventh heaven Azzy~✨ ... They got membership card apparently


"Simmer like crazy" is my new favorite phrase and status now.


OMG the way I screamed checking patreon and seeing this post. Doctor is literally my favorite OC and I’m really glad seeing him back. Thank you so much for this Azeru!

Neana Hidden

Doctor has always felt a little more distant, little more… clinical compared to the other characters. So collected that it’s not always sure if he’s more into just doing experiments with pleasure than into us. But this one made it perfectly clear. Makes you feel very wanted and cared for. He’s still in control but his calmness is betrayed by his voice quivering at times. Like he’s trying to hold back but just can’t. Unraveling as things go on. Being more vulnerable than before. It makes everything feel more special. And sweet ending is always appreciated. —- Definitely wouldn’t mind being tied down or restrained. By the Doctor or other characters too. Perhaps Zhongli being the cultured individual who values beauty and precision would know aesthetically pleasing ways to bind a person.


i cannot express how much i loved this audio, completely blew my mind; i can’t wait to see what you do next, especially if you incorporate bondage into it


It has been a long time since our last appointment, no wonder I felt so unwell *coughs* I'm glad You didn't forget about the Doctor, he always was one of my favourite OC - his shenanigans are very fun to listen to. I would gladly hear more from him ^^


Okay but Zhongli shibari tying would be so so good, yes, this is a fabulous suggestion


If this is where being a brat gets me. . . . 👀


Amazing! I'm so excited for bandage with Doc 💜💋

Deathsinger 969

I like your audios, just one thing that bugs me: it would be really helpful to get a little note at the end of the description when we as the listener are coming. Bc timing is not always easy when you have no idea when to finish, you know what I mean?

Noriko Sama

Si que sea más rudo , sin llegar a tantos golpes , ese lado no me gusta tanto , pero sentirse sometida , adoro eso 🔥