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You feel his hand on your head as he bends you over the table. His overwhelming strength and domineering presence make you weak... But you've already accepted the fact that you're going to be disciplined tonight~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Lucifer x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time- featuring Obey Me's Lucifer!

I had to remake this. I felt too bad to go to sleep and too bad that I'm already behind on this... so I powered through and here we are!

I won't lie, this is different from the Original recording. When I record I usually do one take recordings. This is to ensure the pace, the momentum, the flow are all perfect-... this ( And the previous Lucifer Audio ) is an exception as I had to re-record...

The final product is still good though! Just- had to work more quq... But, script wise- this is a sort of shoutout to the Obey Me! anime on Youtube. I wanted to celebrate it a little- so I made this~ The other brothers will still be on my To-Do list, no worries!

I actually started the audio as if it's an AU/continuation of the Anime's first Episode!!

Technical wise- well... Originally I wanted to add a much more pronounced and varied SFX for the table creaking as the scene happens. Of course, that took a long time to edit... this version still features a subtle creaking- but it's much less complex than the original... I was actually really proud of the original's SFX too... But- it is what it is!

Now- I am sad. I am stressed, I don't deny. But- I hope you enjoy this still!! Especially the softer aftercare~

I go slep now! Maybe! quq

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel




dsgbshabswebfabsfbgfa the quoting from the game usfhuarweaurwe

Oz What

The way my clothes disappeared‼️

Wendy ShadowGaming

I hope you do more characters from Obey Me! ^_^


QuQ 终于等到了 yeah いよいよ待ちました! ! ! 音声を再録音するのにさらに5時間かかり、patreonに更新されました〜お疲れ~ゆっくり休んでください!

Ren ✨

I- ...go to sleep!


Thank you azeru for your hard work! Please rest well 💕💕💕😢

Haley Cordova

Get some rest! Take care of yourself!


Really? Is it done already? Don't be too tired!(O∆O)


Ok Dude, you are amazing for powering through and fixing the corrupted file. But please for your health go to bed and take a few days off to rest and recoup! I love your work and all that you do, but mother mode is kicking in qwq SLEEP! Hug~ and get better


Omg you worked so hard for this 🥺 Please take some rest~ Lucifer's my fave from obey meee I can't wait to treat this to myself tonighhhht~~

Rimo Huang

Good night ~!

Lynna Moon

You take your time on things and rest up. Not a big deal if we need to wait


Rest well Azeru, thank you for your hard work luv, you never disappoint

Haley Cordova

Thank you for the amazing content but please take care of yourself!

Haruka Haru

Very very thank you for hardworking speedrun... Please... Go sleep now... Love you 💕💕


You worked so hard for this, and we genuinely appreciate that! But please don’t overwork yourself hun!! Get some well deserved rest, and relax yourself. You’ve earned it; ten fold, if I must say ❤️


Thank you very much! Please relax now, you're the best!


Take care of yourself, have a good night~

Ami Lunami

Aww Azzy you didn't have to do this for us quq. Please don't feel bad having to remake the entire audio. You're already stressed out enough so please get some rest, okay? *Hugs* 🥰💕


Rest well Azeru🥺don’t be too tired!


Azeru 😭 hot didn’t have to do this right now!!! You need to come first!! Please rest!!


you have a lot of patience 😭 thanks you but once again dont over work ❤


Sleep well azeru! 💞


Oh Azeru! I was worried about you after your first post talking about this audio going wrong. And now you have me even more concerned! You are so awesome for doing it again and I’m so looking forward to listening to it tonight. BUT please please please don’t stress yourself for us! You work so hard and do so amazing! Please rest and take some time for you! 💜💜💜


Way to go man! You definitely deserve some well need RR. 💜💜 Dealing with corrupted files are frustrating, believe me. If it helps, we all appreciate your work ethic and skills.


You're crazy. 😲 Good night and again, thank you for your hard work!😄

Dark Queen

Aw sweet baby

Ana dlç

Sleep well love 💕 You're amazing, no matter what 💕 I'm sure we'll all love this one, i can't wait to hear ✨Please take care of yourself okay? Don't overload yourself always like you're doing, you're just a human, we can always understand ❤️❤️ Sending love to you


Oh Azzy ... Sleep well... Rest well ... You deserve it so much ❤


Tbh - at this point i'm just impressed by your working speed. I think we all can agree on, this shows how much you care about your followers ♡ and now - get some sleep, I bet many of us won't after your upload 😄

Sandra See

rest well azeru thank you soooo much 🥺💜


azeruuu go to sleep darling, you work too hard <3


Please get some well earned rest. Thank you 🙏🏻🙏🏻


Newly discovered you and seriously - wow - I have misophonia but have very recently learned that my sensitive hearing isn’t always pain/anxiety inflicting. Your stuff is incredible and easy (yet exciting) to listen to. Thank you for doing what you do!


With all love and respect, I'm gonna start telling you to work harder just to see if reverse psychology works, just kidding. You really go beyond above and beyond, please sleep.


You did it! Now please rest easy 😅 Can’t wait to listen later! Lucifer and Beel are my favorites 🥰


oh my god! you made it! please have some rest! Awww!!Thanks so much for your devotion!


what a lovely gift for good night!💕 thanks for this and go get some rest darling~

Arcana (He Him)

Go look after yourself you precious bean. 🤗 Being a one-man show is hard work, don't be so hard on yourself. And thank you for bringing my favourite demon to life

zealnote .

Make sure you rest, you work so hard for us all. ❤️

Izaya Orihara

Sweetie go rest a bit. You‘re overworking yourself. Take some selfcare and sleep in. <33

Andrea (Andibunny)

The dedication and integrity you have…I admire you as a human so much. You really truly didn’t have to do this. Go rest dear Angel. In a work meeting rn but as soon as it’s over I’ll listen… *gentle hug* 💖

EA Gorman

Oh wow. That was intense and beautiful at the end...now please, Azeru dear, get some rest.

Kayla Taylor

Good night Azeru 👋☺️


Thank you very much Azeru! You're really awesome to record it for us, but please, take care of yourself! You deserve some rest now, sleep well <3


Azeru, hun, no one would have been mad if they had to wait a little longer for it. You need to take care of yourself more then you can record. Rest well and get a fresh start next time. 💙


this was the hottest thing ever thankyu😭


Damn this hit different especially the end. You never cease to impress. Now get some well earned sleep.


>3< *kissesss*


wow you’re incredible!! now yes get some well deserved sleep~ we appreciate you <3


I promise you we all appreciate your work and dedication, but please take care of yourself! It’s hard because you sound a lot like me, and I recognize the feeling of blaming yourself when things go wrong and desperately not wanting to disappoint others. Don’t worry though - we are all here to support you, and we don’t want you to burn yourself out! The file corrupting wasn’t your fault, and I’m sure we all understand the strain of technical difficulties. Try to put your health first before worrying so much about us!


Never mind posting on time. Please put yourself first and think about your own health. ⭐️💗 You are important to all of us and we care about you. Please, take a rest and sleep.


One question am I the only one that can heard a ticking clock in every azeru audio ? If so is it part the audio ?


this was so hot omg 😳 that slight degrading and the slapping was delish 😳 but sir! as everyone has said already, we wouldn’t have minded the wait. not at all! please do put your needs and your health first. we dearly appreciate your hard work, but sleep is more important ^-^ sending hugs! 💕💕


I also hear it most of the time. I think it's intentional.

Mandy May

Sorry you had problems with this one. It's always super frustrating when a project goes south. It's spooky the Lucifer audios get corrupted, haha. 😈 It's really good though, I love the softer Lucifer. Make sure to get some sleep, you work way too hard! 😂 In Obey Me, the top three brothers are my favorite, so I can't wait to see what you eventually do with Leviathan! He can come off kinda cringey in the game, but your audios are never cringey, so I think you will do amazing bringing our shy otaku to life!


Really, really appreciate that, despite the issues you’ve faced, you still wanted to put this out. You portray the Obey Me boys so well, and they are among my top favorites, and there’s an extra level of gratitude I feel when I know you put such effort into this and the original. I do hope that you are doing okay, and that you are taking care of yourself. Find whatever you can to ease your stress, and again, know that because of how meticulously dedicated you are, and the quality of the work you put out, your efforts are acknowledged and you have the following that you do as a result. But be sure not to push yourself too hard, and have a nice balance with work and all else. Thank you so much again and again! 💙


Sweet mother mercy. Yep, you do too good a job with these.


I didn't get a notification 😭 just found it now. Azeru thank you 😊 🙏 especially after the issues you had with this audio 🥰 its much appreciated 🥰 please rest a bit 🥺

Dorkus McDingus

Oh dear God I knew I wasn't ready for this. I'm a broken woman! Also, as someone who uh... Owns quite a large sum of Lucifer's cards, your portrayal of him felt like it was straight out of one of his Devilgram stories! Good job! Now imma go calm down from my near heart attack because my god that was HOT! 🥵


Thank you Azeru for another audio once again, make sure you don't overwork yourself and make sure getting the sleep and energy you need. Can't wait to see(more like hear) what audio you make next time!


I guess you're like me, in that you wouldn't have been able to rest until you finished. Another masterpiece. Now PLEASE REST.


Just listened to this Azeru and WOW! Its so damn good! When you quoted the line from the surprise guest I lost it! It’s one of my favourite lines from the game and you said it perfectly! I’m a massive Obey Me fan and you portray the boys so well! I cannot wait for Asmo, Belphie and especially my otaku boy Levi! 💜💜💜




Please take care of yourself love, thank you for being a hard worker and an amazing VA but don't forget about your health too ! Though the audio may not have come out how you originally planned it was amazing 🥰. The script and the sfx were just perfect. Now sleep 🔫😌


Homie, go to sleep 😎 Ik I will


This audio is grape. Now, please go to sleep. We love to get content, but not if the Ruru is dried up Spongebob at the expense. Sleep is good, sleep is great! Please get some sleep. You work too hard for us and we will always appreciate you for it, but please take care of yourself.

Andrea (Andibunny)

I’m still contemplating life, that was… so SO good. The ending… how I keep getting pulled into feels?! It’s the intensity of pleasure and then the emotional satisfaction that blows my whole mind. I.. don’t have much coherent thought right now yet I’m still just total jelly but wow… wow was that good… 🔥😭🥺😍🔥(((I’m red faced over the *spanks*))))


Okay... My first thought Was... "Oh no... Azzy .. you shouldn't have done that ... please don't overwork ... i'm really worried " my second : "you seriously took the trouble and recorded and edited everything again ... God .... we are blessed with you .. Q.Q" My thirdt: "I'm listening to this now ... and I appreciate this audio all the more ... I'm so grateful to you" And i did... and i love it ... Absolute... i have no words HOW much i appreciate this... <3


Azeru, you spoil us too much!! 🥺 Although it wasn’t what you planned, this audio still turned out great!! You are seriously amazing at what you do but PLEASE take care of yourself! I truly appreciate what you do for all of us but don’t overwork yourself too much!


I think I'll just keep it short and sweet this time and say well done, azzy. 10/10 on the aftercare and thank you for the gift, even though I feel like you really shouldn't have pushed yourself like that. Either way, it was still very good!


I got to say that the spank made me blushed at the very moment I hear it ⁄(⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄)⁄

Steph Cullen

Hmmmmm~ dearest Azzy~ this piece...this piece left me electrified multiple times- and consecutively...a first for me!! It's a wonderful continuation of the new anime as well! The AU/continuation's transition pulled smoothy into the audio, so well done indeed! The SFX were still very well done and the plot still ran smoothy~ Especially considering the timeframe you had with also editing it and adding SFX- GEEZ that's alot of work to pull off in one night, Azzy!! Truly incredible! Truly! You definitely are an Angel- being able to pull that all off and it still being class A stuff in my books~~ I do hope you take a spa day for yourself at some point, though, Azzy~ or a massage day, maybe~? Anyway~ outstanding work, Azzy and know we all here to give you our strength, support and hugs~ ❤


1. Thank you so much for taking your time out and pushing through to finish this audio. Thats insane! I hope you did get plenty of rest 2. Yeah this audio man...I’m maybe gonna have to listen at least once a day. It’s just so good. I love how you connected it to the anime in the beginning that was funny and then how the audio progressed was just omg😳. Ofc SFX n spiciness on point as usual. I just- I- wow.


Luci, Luci, Luci... Personally I like to tease our dear Lucifer more, but that's just me. This audio was very well done and I love the nod to the anime. Personally, I feel his dynamic with listener is a bit off, given the timeline of where the anime would fall in the overall story, but as this is an AU I can overlook it. Just a personal opinion. As always, your work and attention to detail is astounding, Azzy, and I always look forward ro your next audio! Please rest up though. We don't want our precious angel running himself into the ground just for us.


Rest well Azeru san! I really enjoy the audio!!




ooooh, an announcement for the other brothers? 😍 i swear if you do mammon after the "you always ride shotgun" story everyone is going to melt under your passionate acting 🤫

Kathy Mc

That was amazing, Azeru! Hot and sweet, rough and tender! I am a smitten 🐱 kitten!! Get some rest now! 💋💋💋💋💕💕

Try It

Only my vampire master can discipline me 😤 ….oh dang he’s nicer tho. “Hold back” be still my heart. Omg he said the line 😵‍💫 Ojeezus that slap-my soul left my body Top tier dirty talk 🙊🥵🤤 A-after care???! 😳🥺 Umm… vampire master, who? 👀


I should sleep since it's nearly 4am, but... You know. Listening to your work is quite addicting so I'm stuck in it for literal hours now 😗.. Two hours ago I remind myself saying "Only one more!" Here we are deciding that I prefer this over sleep I guess.


Alright. As the Listener, we are 100% Lucifer's love. No more other demons, he has marked us! ❤🧡💛💚💙💜


I like that BDSM shit buuut you're the creator. Do you! EDIT: I just read the previous update 😥 I hate it when I'm editing videos and I lose all my work too. It's so frustrating. Hang in there! We still love you and we know you work hard! 找油!!


This is phenomenal 😻😻 Please Please more Lucifer and Beel in the future!


"And even for a fallen angel like me, I want my soul to be soothed... by you" I died over this line 🥺🥺❤.. I want my own fallen one!


“You’ve also been studying the language,” he says as he starts to speak Japanese and I have no clue what he’s saying 😭


I really love this one 😻 pls more of that 🥰


Sorry to hear you had issues with this one- I’m sure that was frustrating. Despite all of that, it turned out amazing and was as immersive as always. The sfx, script, and aftercare were all just perfection 😌✨

Misty_ Morningstar78

Jeez Azeru-san! That was totally AWESOME 😊. Could you do a round two please 😸

Misty_ Morningstar78

Is it me..but does anyone else hear a ticking clock in the background?

Lillith the First

We can't let the brat tamers know this is how you tame a brat. Telling the brat that you know they want this.... So you will be going to the extreme. Because we implied we wanted it.


“Who knew a human like you could stir up feelings in me.” It’s an actual quote he says! Great little detail!


The way I actually spent 3 hours listening to your audios and now it's 3 AM 🥺😳 your voice is my favorite thing ever


I just play this game bc of u and it's actually relaxing and fun which has a really amazing storyline.May u make more audios of them in the future?Though i think i love the whole story or the 7 brothers gathering together more than love the individuals of them,still the character of them have their unique charm and it's perfect if they can be roleplayed more.


I'm more than obsessed with this 💕


You did so amazing with this lov, not everyone can capture Lucifer like this and this is coming from someone who played the game before finding out and screaming when they saw your Lucifer voices

Tommie meow

You know with the British you pull off you could probably do a good lucifer morningstar just sayin 👀