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You can barely move... your body and his are so close to each other- to the point that you can feel his warm breath trickle down your ear and your neck... it was at that point he whispered the exact words to send your body into heat~

= = =

The New Audio featuring Professor x Listener is out now!

Hello~! Azeru Official here and we're back with another Full Version NSFW Audio! This time- featuring our Sweet and Loving Professor!

After the previous audio's failures- I may or may not have been a little traumatized quq... crashes are never fun to deal with so I spent the weekend both researching ways to prevent it- BUT also researching information for a new PC... and all thanks to the kind supporters who messaged me and donated for a new workstation quq... thank you so much!!

Now- onto the script! I wanted to portray the Professor in a more... susceptible scenario? A scenario where he isn't exactly in control~... How did you get into this situation in the first place? Well I'll leave that up to you to decide~

Technical wise- well, it's not present in the audio- but rather there's a lot of technical upgrades in the background! ( Like- software, backup solutions, organization, etc~ )

= = =

As always I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think down in the comments below~! Make sure to leave a like as well if you want more like this in the future so I know that you actually want it!

- Azeru, The Fallen Angel



Ugga Booga

I can watch this whole with a blank face and no noises coming from me with blasting headphones on☺️


Yeah, screw playing League. Listening to you is WAAAY better💜💜💜


Ara ara ~ I see you’ve been working really heard ☺️


👀 here we go again 👀


Please I was about to finally go to bed and continue with your audios tomorrow 😩 Guess I have to stay awake a little while longer now


Thank you for working hard as always 💝

EA Gorman

So are lockers bigger in the UK or Japan than they are in the US? Because the ones in schools here can only fit one extremely small person at a time. Now, a closet could work much better for this situation. [Sorry, sometimes my skeptic side shows up.] Another steamy little scenario. Bravo!!! :)


Y e s . edit: I listened to this shortly after posting the comment, but I did want to mention that these audios just keep getting better and better. The professor is what got me into your content in the first place, so I'll admit that he is definitely one of my favourite characters of yours. The script writing is top notch. Take care. :)


I have a friend overrrrrr :( Why torture me like thisssss 😫

Andrea (Andibunny)

The timing. Could not be better. Just as I’m getting ready for sleepy times… ahhh!!! Eeee! 😍💖✨ And so pleased to read that you might be able to get that new workstation soon. Anything and anyway we can support you, I know for sure I am behind you. All your hard work deserves the best support 😌👍


omg!!my favorite professor! This audio definitely offers the energy to me as I am revising my paper hahaha! I wish I could have a professor like Azeru(^з^)!



Ami Lunami

Ah yes, my favourite Professor is back~ Though if I have to be honest, if I were to be stuck in a locker with the Professor I would pass out easily from being so flustered. >///< ; Thank you again for another great audio! ^^


the locker is a magic place hhhhhh

Haruka Haru

my favorite series... 🥺 Thank you for hardworking 💕 💕💕


Haha, first time to catch the update!Let me enjoy it~


im really this early yes yes im


That crossover though! The little easter egg was a delight. I'm... honestly speechless. This was everything. *chef's kiss*


Honestly, the audio was just as wonderful without whatever technical stuff you do for it...this dynamic/plot mix was a lot of fun. It definitely allowed the brat to....brat a bit at the professor, even if we normally brat at him at least a little, and that crossover was 10/10 unexpected. The clothing sounds were wonderful, the loud as hecc locker was accurate, and the addition of that thigh bit were...much good, yes. Pretty sure I said "My arm is falling asleep." somewhere in there, too. Kek. Thank you for doing the professor again...it's been a really rough week, and he always makes me happy.


Yes. Yes yes yes. It drives me crazy. It drives me insane. ~ I don’t think I’ve ever been so excited to listen to a new audio. The YouTube version completely blew me away and I’ve been waiting in so much anticipation for this. The whispers combined with all the mouth sounds absolutely killed me they are so so SO good. I love how we get to hear the delinquent and the ‘class rep’. And that is JUST for the YouTube version… This- this full version has completely driven me insane. HOW IS IT SO GOOD?! My god, I have completely lost it. The teasing and the whispers and the slow drag of fingers across clothing… AH SO GOOD. And the aftercare…. Plz! It is phenomenal! Just the perfect amount of sexy, playful, loving and achingly sweet! Thank you Azeru, you Angel, this was everything 💙


Here in Australia our lockers (at my old schools anyway) are a small square that could maybe fit a small child if they curled into a tight enough ball lol.

Steph Cullen

Oh...oh man. Okie. Now that I've.. caught my breath...I *loved* the plot *so much* in this audio, Azzy!! It was really fun being able to be a bit of a brat this time- teasing the Prof a lil~ And the crossover!! I almost squealed!!! Hahahaha! I found it very entertaining and engaging indeed~~ My mind literally was racing hahaha!! Again, I'm really deeply touched everytime by the amount of love we feel from the Prof. and seeing him in this state of not being able to control everything is...it was exciting, actually! Haha! It had me on my toes, too~ You have done an outstanding job of this audio, Azzy~ Very well done!! Also...I'm so sorry the experience left you so stressed, Azzy... but everything will be fine now~ I'm sure of it~ ❤


Oh my ... The Professor is such a lovely character... and this .... danger to get caught is such a spicy thought ... "I want you to be good for me" I don't know why ... but this sentence... got me weak... my legs soft as Pudding ... Jello to be precise .... It's good that it's just early here and I'm still in bed x3 Thank you for another wonderful masterpiece of yours , our precious Angel ~ 💕

Rimo Huang

Professor Professor Professor!!!! I love this character so much! Thank you for your hard working~💖


This was amazing, more of this character please!!


If you didn't notice the professor mentioned how the delinquent and the school rep were in the same room. And it took me a whole day to realize that it was talking about us with the school bully; like the other video was happening while this video was taking place. I know it sounds confusing but I tried my best to explain it.


Oh fuck. I just- the plot was so good. The SFX still drive me crazy and I really enjoyed that crossover XD. Then the whispers🧍🏾‍♀️THE WHISPERS. AND THEN when he was saying what he was doing/going to do to us. The way he was enjoying it too...I- hhhhhhhh. I needa relisten. I’m relistening.


Hi, I’m broken. I’m not too sure what else to say, but this was amazing. Maybe I should go on Amazon and look up where these lockers are. Hopefully it’s big enough for me and my imagination. 🧍🏾‍♀️


This is so good! Script A+. The crossover made me happy. I feel like I need to listen to the delinquent again. The sfx was also really good. I could hear a cracking of joints when the professor got out of the locker to stretch. And then near the climax there was a bang on the door that caught my attention. I really enjoyed listening!


Best one yet! So many chills. Debating if I’m dead or not 😆


YAYYYY im excited to listen to this later ! i missed this man 😮‍💨😮‍💨😮‍💨


I love the professor character!!! He's generous, vonerable and knows exactly what he's doing.


By vonerable I mean how he reacts to her. ( it was perfect )


This is *chef kisses* ♥️✨ Thank you for your hard work 💖


Just reading the summary before listening is making me excited! Can't wait to listen to another wonderful audio 💚

Cel Ishtar

Making me really not able to walk bevause just your voice and other matters I am deed. You have too power and I will keep saying it. Gawd how?! Also I’m sorry you are traumatized. Wish you weren’t :((


Good job as always, I'm proud of you :)


Amazing work Azeru! This was so good! The thought of getting caught is such a turn on and you played it up perfectly! The little cross over was so cool! Your voice should be illegal though it’s too dangerous with what it can do! 💜💜💜


You always work so hard for us. Thank you once again, Azeru. ♥️


Again I have to wait because of work 🤣 yt version been delicious 🥵🥰 can't wait to hear full one 😍 thank you for working so hard for us Azeru 🥰


Can’t wait to listen to this after work today. Sorry you’ve been traumatized from the last audio. That’s really sad to hear *hugs~* Can’t wait to see what happens and the shenanigans happened


The ending his last words in this I adore this professor, sweet spicy and dominant in a good way.


I need to say how much I love this character of yours. he is by far one of my favorites. he's centered, direct, conveys confidence and yet has such a welcoming manner that I feel extremely comfortable. I love the sweetness he gives me, I confess that for me one of the best things is when he repeats the "shh, it's okay" af, so comfortable. I really hope there will be more audios from him in the future.


aw i’m sorry you’re traumatised a little, thats not nice :( hopefully you can sort something out so that situation doesn’t happen again! in other news, this audio is Mwah 😽👌everything is so perfect, the professor really is such a dream^^ as always too i love all the little details with the sfx and Man the whispering is the best~~ i could probably go on forever haha but thank you for your hardwork, i hope you’re doing well <33

Andrea (Andibunny)

Now that I’ve had a chance to listen, I can talk a bit more. Close quarters is always a nice concept, and the added possibility of being caught certainly infuses excitement into the encounter. But I truly love the whispers & breathing here. This starts off so soothing and then ramps up. The build is delicious. Neck & ears are very- yes. It’s difficult to impossible to resist and I have to say these longer teasing audios are very welcome. Being able to hear clothes and hands brushing so clearly and multi dimensionally as well really sent me. The noise I made at the little bonus appearance- I definitely laughed at that! 💖 The softness of Professor’s voice here, i love it. And the shift in him when we come out in the second half, oh my my. There’s something more comfortable about the audios with Professor which makes sense since this is more of an established relationship, even if it’s a secret one. It appeals to a more romantic side that I maybe don’t always indulge…Like Bartender. The spicy part once again just top tier, Especially how…”far” he gets, which is quite impressive. It’s also really nice how you’ve incorporated the character taking enjoyment in the pleasure of the subject as well. It feels more multi dimensional and really adds extra levels. I absolutely love it. The ending too, tasting… bravo. ✨💖 That extra bit with him where he adds “want to make sure you feel loved”… I might be uncomfortable hearing this in a story usually, however in the context here, the sincerity and authenticity behind the character and the development of the story makes it so believable and much richer. The feels are so intense with him because this is such a good story line and I feel such an investment in him. What a fantastic character you’ve developed…you have much to be proud of. You make every chapter with him interesting, deeper, yet also smexy. Clever and well done. I for one am feeling weak, in a nice way. 💖✨🥰


Sorry to hear you were having such hard time. Hopefully, things will improve soon. But this audio was really good. I quite enjoyed it. The up and close audio is just 🥰


You are doing an incredible work, beautiful !


"It's him and the class rep-" GASP! NO WAY! 🤣


You better pick me up and carry me home so you can make it even harder for me to walk! Great work Azzy! This character is honestly my favorite. So sexy and fun! I wish you good luck with future audios, no more crashing and corruption. ♥️

Breaking Back

This audio just get right into it huh, i.e. "Let's Get Down To Business", caught me off guard. Wonderful, delicious, absolutely beautiful. I've always thought that it'll be great if they exist in the same universe (wonder what **THEY** were doing ehek ehek, imagine if they were hiding from people by being in the class while we're stuck in a locker in said class, and we saw them doing ehek ehek and we be like "oh so they are... and they are...ohh." half expected "him" to start talking teehee vOyEuRiSm mUcH?? SFX-wise, it's a lot richer, one of the new things I heard were fingers drumming on the metallic surface, made me wonder "wow that's some high quality metal the lockers are made up of." Interesting twist of events, I must say. Not gonna lie it's dang exciting. You raised the stakes here by being almost caught. Although... Prof risking it all to calm down the listener? This audio is a lot more indulgent if anything, if i don't think too hard about it... suspension of disbelief be damned I supposed kek. Glad to see you try new things as you deal with the perils of computer (and life), and I hope that new workstation helps to ease your PTSD. Cheers Azeru~

Elaine Tasker

That crossover is just such an amazing idea! Really breathes even more life into the characters, adding whole new dimensions. I did revisit earlier audios after listening to this one, and they got me thinking *what if~* It’s masterful. I hope that more crossovers pop up here and there in the future! Sorry to hear about the problems, but I’m really glad that you went beyond and overcame the difficulties. You came back fighting with this audio, and summarily kicked major ass. Thanks for all your dedication!🙏🏻


Oooh choose your own adventure ending 😏… here for it 👍 so happy there was also character crossover/ mentions in this one…I’m a sucker for world building … among other things … other meaning the line “…can you be good for me..” 🙈… there goes my soul leaving my body… ba-bye

Rin Chan

Professor yesss 🥺 I love this man ❤️❤️

Goblin Queenie

Another wonderful audio! Thank you very much, the reassurances between bits of firmer control are a favorite! 💜 Thanks for making the work day fly faster~

Kathy Mc

Azeru, God's honest truth...I have to pace myself listening to your voice or I am a total melted pile of goo!! I love the professor so much and all those whispers send shivers down my spine. Your scripts and attention to detail are top tier! I could not love you more!!😘😘💖💖💖🔥🔥💖💥💥💥


quq Im so excited




Ohhhhh!!quq!I'm back. you know how painful it hasn't been azeru for half a month? I MISS YOU SO MUCH!!!!💕😩😩


I went back a few audios and then came back here to compare, and I can actually hear the improvements. Sound effects, dialogue, story flow, even the seggsy - you get better and better with each audio. Very impressed, and you do all these by yourself! So goooood, well done! ♥


hahaha,I'm back


There is a way to download the audio?


i love how sweet and seductive you make the professor 🥺 and gosh, that “can you be good for me” and the praising at the end really got to me. my soul left my body because it was so hot 😳 i was finally able to listen to this and i was not disappointed, as usual 💕 thank you for this Azeru, and i hope you’re taking care of yourself!! 💕💕


I love the fact that multiple stories are happening within this audio. And chances are they were stuck in the same locker as the delinquent and rep lol! I love this school 😂 amazing as always Azeru ❤️❤️❤️


You honestly make the best audios


Lol egad not in a locker 😍🤣


Sleep can wait I’m gonna listen to all of these amazing audios first 😼

Pammizzz ☀️

You are good at whispering in ear arent you? Actually quite my weak spot as you say in the audio. This is the best feeling haha


This was the first audio I listened to on YouTube and here I am days later down the rabbit a hole, a patreon member😂


I heard a Easter egg in this one 😍😍😍😍

Chris Y

Why I found this only now. I’m killed. ..Can you be good.. Ohhmhm. Plot, SFX, voice, everything is fantastic and brilliant. Undoubtedly, Professor is my favorite OC. Thank you as always a lot, you’re doing great! ^^


Sjbdndjxbsbnx god please help the naughty and the lewd 🙏