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So I wanted to update those waiting on the newest Lucifer Audio. But- there's a few problems that I encountered during.

As I was finalizing the Audio- it crashed and the entire file got corrupted. Which means that aside from the YT version- the entire 30+ minute Full Version is gone and I have to re-record it if I want to remake it... Which would be easy if I hadn't already spent 5+ hours at minimum editing the Full Version.

I won't lie that between this and other things I'm extremely stressed- but I wanted to be transparent as possible.

I'm really beginning to think that Lucifer Audios are cursed since the first time I had a corruption was the first Lucifer Audio too.

I promise that I will be re-recording the Lucifer NSFW part in the future. And I strongly apologize that I could not deliver this.

Attached to this post is the proof that the project was edited and that it's currently fully corrupted and empty.

I can really only guess that this is because my Audio Files are getting more and more complicated. Getting bigger and bigger.... The only way to fix that is by getting a better PC or making the audios less complicated...

quq... I want to cry.




Oh no 😭 I’m so sorry that happened, Azeru!!


oh, man, I'm sorry, that happened that really sucks


Ahh I‘m so sorry that happened. Please take your time and don‘t rush it because you‘re stressed. We can wait a little, it‘s okay! <3


It's alright. These things happen. This isn't in your control. Thanks for the heads up, don't stress yourself over it


I’m sorry to hear that it corrupted! If anything take your time! We understand and I’m sure I’m not the only one wishing for you to take care of yourself!!!

Lady Naive

Condolences. It stinks when tech cant keep up with inspiration.


Oh no!! Don't stress too much Azeru, we don't mind waiting, make sure to take care of yourself!


Oh my 😭 I'm so sorry for that! We will all be patient for the next audios, but please do have some time to rest, Azeru! We always got your back


It's alrightttt. Don't cry or stress over it, our angel; T_T


It happens man, all you gotta do is step away and take a breather from the project. 💜

krista B tidwell

So sorry! Please don't let this stress you, these audios are always worth the wait and you're doing the best you can with what you have. 💙


I know how that feels 💔 Listen, u r one of the most amazing, dedicated and immaculate artists I have ever come across. So what if a hiccup happened, we’ll all still be here! Take care of yourself 💖☺️


Pls don't stress. Skip it or put it aside, and rest. Whatever u create next will be awesome, and you already spoil us enough


😢😢😢Sorry that happened … *Sending virtual hug*


I'm sorry Az...and hey don't stress yourself out babes, just take ur time we support you 🥰 I'm sorry that happened though. I know it's gotta be frustrating. But if it means anything, we appreciate all your hard work regardless.


don't be too stressed out by it azeru, we know you put in a lot of effort into producing these audios, shit happens :/ we're already thankful for all you have provided so please do take your time if u wish to re-record <3


I’m so sorry it happened 😔 Please don’t be too harsh on yourself, we all understand and what matter the most is you well being. Take as long as you need to redo the audio, do others before if you think you need a breather from this one - it should not become a new source of stress for you. We know you do your best for each and every videos, and that sometimes, unpredictable things happen. Please take care of yourself 🙏🏻


And I'm sure most of us would be happy to contribute to a better pc, your audios are only getting bigger and better. U deserve it


oh no ... that's sad ... but please don't stress yourself, ... gone is gone and if in the future you have time to record it again then do that ... but if it doesn't work now then PLEASE PLEASE leave it ... The last thing we want is for you to overwork Still, it's sad and I can feel the pain until here ... so many hours of work just gone ... that is a bad feeling ... I hope that's ok: I *pat pat* you from afar... and send you some positive vibes !!


Please don't stress about this. We will patiently wait for the audios. These always worth the wait. I know it's easier said then done. We're so thankful for all you do. And please don't cry. Sending virtual hugs your way ❤


It’s a sign that you should take a short break ☺️ Breathe for a while


Its alright man. I hope you take time to recover and get back some strength. You dont need to rush, we can wait


I am so sorry about what happened, you must feel very frustrated. Please, don't stress about what happened. These things can happen to anyone. Rest and take your time. ❤️


Azeru!Please dont be sad,this can happen to anyone! I feel so sorry for your loss cause I believe all the fans know how devoted you are! I just want you to know your happiness and well being is the most important!And …life is full of ups and downs,we cant control it,just take time and relax . Every piece of you work brings us joy and surprise,you r absolutely wonderful. Dont blame yourself with uncontrollable things,love you!Be happy, best wishes!


Don't worry. I'm not mad. I'm very sorry that happened. :< Relax and breath in and out. It's okay to me. ♡

Kay Pagli

Azeru I am so sorry you're stressed out! It's never a good time when a file you've worked on corrupts. Please take it easy and take a deep breath. We all understand and I hope you know that none of us want to put pressure on you. We're grateful for everything you do, but we all want you to look after yourself first and foremost! Don't forget to drink lots of water 😊 x


Don’t push yourself!! We all understand, I assure you!! Please take breaks whenever you need and don’t worry about any kind of delays! We’ll love it either way!! Take your time, take care of yourself! You got this! 💕 :D


hey all is ok. Stuff like that can happen! I had important data for a research project just go poof due to a corruption meaning my research paper is now in deep trouble. Please stay hydrated have some food and have some rest. I can only imagine the stress and frustration you must be feeling


Don't be sad, no matter, I only hope you don't too tired, audio can slow update, I wait for you! mua(ˊ˘ˋ*)♡

Ana dlç

Oh no ç_ç i'm so sorry that happened 😭 I wished be able to help you more.. No because the audio, but because I know how stressful this things could be, and you don't deserve this at all! You such a dedicated person T-T but it's Azeru! Don't rush things we can always wait and understand! You are just a person ❤️ please take care of yourself ❤️


I'm sorry to hear that and I understand your frustration. There are some things that you just don't have an control over and are simply an inconvenience - shoganai. Please don't rush, we are all adults who understands those audios are not done over the night or few hours. I am sure that as a community we rather have you well rested and in good health than stressed over it. Thank you for the transparency! Take your time 😌


It's ok Azzy, this is sad news but things like this happens. I just hope that your day will better, so just relax, eat something you like and try to smile :)


Don't worry too much! Everything will be fine! As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, so you have reason to change a new computer [doge].


Of course Lucifer's audios are cursed, he's literally the Devil xD No worries Azzy

Ami Lunami

I can totally understand your frustration and the amount of work you've put in, please don't stress out too much about it!! I wouldn't mind being delayed in all honesty. Just take it easy and be sure make backup copy in case it happens again if that's possible. The best for now is for you to take a break and have positive vibes. Sending you all the hugs to the hard working Angel~🥰💕

Breaking Back

Pats pats, there there now. You must've done some really funky magic til your computer couldn't handle the heat from Lucifer XD. Get some food, photosynthesise a little, game a little, take as long as you need, then try again. Frustration do be real, but it's alright. We'll wait for you very patiently~~


I can imagine how frustrating and stressful this is 🥺 but please don't feel presssured i'm sure no one here would ever pressure you into anything, everyone is just so supportive so please take your time❣️ we love uuuuu


This can happen to any of us, don’t be too hard on yourself 💖


I know it's frustrating but that could've happened to anyone. We definitely don't blame you for it. Take care of yourself ~


No.. no cry. Your fine. Stuff happens just remember to take time for yourself!


Please, don't stress yourself so much :-( ... We all can wait, okay? Sit down, take a deep breath, calm down and here... a cup of hot chocolate 😊 ... We are not mad.

Haruka Haru

It's okey.... I know that feel.... Take your time and please don't push yourself 🥺 *Big hagu 🤗


So sorry to hear that, we understand perfectly but we also prefer that you take your time for yourself first ❤


Don't worry, it's totaly fine!! Think about your health first and take care of yourself <3


That really sucks I'm so sorry you've been having such a hard time with the audio. Don't worry about us we understand crap happens. You're amazing and we will be fine take care of what you need to hun. We'll be here.


No worries dear we understand but relax I don’t want you to get sick 🥺


Oh no! Dude, I’m so sorry that the file corrupted. Hug~ That really sucks. I suggest taking a quick breather and a step back to help ya destress a bit and let some of the tension out. Sending you extra hugs and good thoughts


Didn’t your first Lucifer audio have an issue too?! Poor babe


Omg noo! I’m so sorry that happened to you but please don’t stress yourself out too much! At the end of the day, I’m sure that everyone here will be happy with anything you decide to put out no matter how long it takes before you post it. As long as you’re happy and healthy, that’s all that matters! Next time, make sure you do backups of your backups though, I hate when my work crashes or gets corrupted too! The amount of times I cried and panicked before a deadline 😭 Anyways, please take care of yourself!! xo

Chihime Nanami

Please don’t worry. Take your time and relax. *hugs* Just focus on you for now. The audio can wait. You are way more important Azeru!!


Don't stress yourself we understand! You can't help that the file got corrupted, take some time and rest. I'm sure we'll all understand you needing a break. You shouldn't stress over this. We'll still be right here whenever you're feeling better.


Thats awful and I can 100% relate! I don't know if your audio editing program has this, but a lot of video editing software has a built in autosave feature. That might be useful in the future. After a few corruption issues like this, I now have my stuff set to autosave every 3 minutes lol. It's a pain in the ass, but better than the alternative.


I totally feel your pain 😭 I say have the breakdown and shikkari shinsai Azeru san! You have many people cheering for you… kitto zenbu umaku iku yo! 🙌💪🥳

Kayla Taylor

It's okay, Azeru. 😊😌 Just a breather for a while and beat the problem next time.

Zachalee Vazquez

Oo noo! That’s messed up that sucks big time, but I agree with the others it’s ok things happen, take time do what you need to do and we’ll be here 😊 your awesome we will wait. Feel better and relax a little. 🙂🤗

Andrea (Andibunny)

Please know, I understand things like this happen. Granted on a much different scale but I’ve been doing hours long product adds to our web site when the system crashed and I had to start over. When you mentioned how long it takes to edit every 10 minutes… oh my. *hug* grateful for everything you do already. Labyu. 💖✨


oh no!! i feel your frustration because i, too, have worked with software that sometimes crashes or doesn’t export as expected. we’re all here for you and we understand. 💕 please don’t be stressed! and no crying! *hugs* take a moment to rest and feel better, we’ll wait for you. 💕💕


Oh Azeru! ;_; it’s okay! please don’t work yourself to death just for us!! it really is okay, please just take your time with things! we are all very very understanding, i promise you that! *hugs and pats!*🤍 we want you to rest up and relax!! It’s okay! We love everything you do and even if this happened, it’s not your fault. We’re here for you always!! 🖤😇

Kanisha James

Its ok Azeru, don't stress yourself out. Don't overwork yourself. If you need a break take some time off. We'll be here when you come back :)


The irony...


Next time you do a Lucifer audio, start reading bible verses or get a cross when you're editing to repel the demon. Lol But no stress! Shit happens. we understand.

Fleur Pouvior

I know the pain. It wasn't an audio recording, but I was 320 some pages into a project I had been working on for a writing compatition, and the whole thing got corrupted. I lost all of it. I was on the last chapter, and all of it was just gone. I haven't been able to even look for writing compatitions since, or write anything near as long, and that happened in 2014. Take all the time you need, I know not a single person on here will judge you, or think less of you for it. And anyone scrolling through comments: let me know if you need a cookie recipe, I got your back


It’s gonna be okay Azeru. I completely feel your frustration and can relate to it with my own work. It’s not an easy thing to deal with, but just know, no matter what, we’re so grateful for everything you do. Please take a break to relax and reset. Sending you hugs and positive vibes. 💙


Deep breath and as those before me stated, rest and reset. Let yourself wind down from this. Watch a movie, play a game, great big bath or something like that. Just: Self-Care Maybe a nice big walk. Something to give you a chance to relax. Also, the evils of tehnology really like showing up at the worst times. We will be here when you return :3


Man I want to cry for you 😭 That’s definitely one of the worse feelings but don’t sweat it too much! At least you were able to get the one version out so not all the work was wasted ☺️


Oh nos its ok Azeru, you do qhat you think is best. Thanks for keeping us in the loop. Try not to stress yourself too much. 🙂

Ren ✨

Yikes- I’m so sorry that happened :(( especially after all that work. I’ll admit I was looking forward to the audio but it’s not the end of the world. Thank you for being transparent with us. Please don’t stress!! Try to take some time to relax darling and please don’t cry 😭💕


I’m so sorry that happened!! I can only imagine how frustrating that is, keep your head up!!


I'm really sorry to hear this. I had to edit a 2 minute video not long ago and it was pain so I can only imagine how you feel for losing this audio. I would understand if you want to just leave it at the YouTube version and not re-record. From the other comments I can see we care for you and support you. I don't know what else is going on in your life right now but if you think taking time off would help, please consider it; you deserve it.


The computer couldn't handle the spiciness of the audio, hee hee 😆 But seriously, take a break and recharge your creative batteries. You'll bounce back and make something even spicier.


It really is just the Lucifer audios it crashes on huh lol. Don't worry about it! The YouTube version will suffice. If you need to invest in a new computer, go for it! Sorry this happened to you (again) and thank you for keeping us updated Azzy. As the saying goes, "Shit happens"


You’re doing your absolute best Azeru. Through your hard work and with the quality you put in, you’ve created so much as it is, and it’s all wonderful work. I take into consideration that you’ve already put out two audios recently, and it goes to show how much you’ve done as a result and how dedicated you are. I’m sure you can’t help but feel quite upset at the unfortunate circumstance you’ve come across, but you can take time to find ways to lift yourself up, (relaxing, taking a break for a bit, finding positivities in your life) and know you’ll have a good amount of support and understanding from your followers. ❤️ And I hope you feel better and thank you so much for your efforts!


I'm sorry to hear that happened! And this is something you can't control - tech can be like that sometimes and it's really frustrating to lose all the work, time and efford you put on your project. Take a little break just for yourself and do something you enjoy!


Come up with an angel OC and maybe it’ll balance out the bad luck 😭😂


aw azeru we know how much time and effort you put into your work, it must be so frustrating whats happened. im sorry you’re dealing with that right now T-T and it’s completely understandable to be upset ! though i hope you can relax n do some nice things that make you feel better~ *hug* it’s okay to come back to the lucifer audio whenever you’re ready. well-being is always more important than work, please take as much time as you need for yourself, yknow angels need rest too~!! we lav ya <33


I am so sorry this happened!! Please do not stress over this things happen and we are happy to wait patiently for anything you put out!

Haley Cordova

Don’t over work yourself! It’s important to take care of your mental and physical health first. We all support you! Take some time to yourself! Everything is going to be ok :)

黯 汲

hh.it is life


That’s really so frustrating, I’m so sorry that this happened. I know you’ve been working mad hard and as you said dealing with some other issues so please don’t worry too much on releasing Lucifer! The SFW version keeps me going too! Please please please rest up when you can!


Oof. That image looks pretty bleak. I'd hold you and let you cry as much as you needed bc that was a lot of work and time and care just undone. My angel has fallen and all i would want is to catch you and patch you up (= i'd find a way to relieve some of that stress from your bones first, so that you could tackle that computer issue, and reconcile the safety of your future projects. All the best, angel Azeru.


I'm sorry to hear that. That's so frustrating. But thank you for your hard work. ❤️


This happened last time you did a obey me lucifer audio


First and foremost, Thank You Azeru! for all of the hard work and effort you put into each and every audio you post. Maybe a backup drive with versioning software is your next upgrade? Versioning is also helpful if you want to go back to a previous save because you don’t like the new changes you make. And well, having backups is always important *just in case*. Hope you are able to relax, do something fun, and/or get lots of rest now. 💙


Dude relax it's okay I'm pretty sure most of these people are very understanding you're not perfect you make mistakes that's okay


*hugs* do not feel sad or guilty ever! You do so much for us and we love it all. Take care of yourself!! Thank you for everything, angel!

Lady Fenikkusu

If you are stressed please take time to yourself and do whatever you need to do to care for yourself, no one will be mad or unhappy if you need to take time to care for yourself. I know I never mind waiting for a creator to take time out to deal with whatever real life is throwing at them.


They're only cursed because you are doing too good a job. On the serious side, do take care of yourself. As much as we all love your content, you need to be in good condition to produce it.


I’m so sorry this happened but please know that we will support you even if there’s fewer audios or if there’s a delay. The quality of your audios is always amazing, thank you for all your hard work and please take a good care of yourself 💙


take care of yourself before TvT We will still be there T~T

Kathy Mc

Oh, Azeru! That's ok! Don't be stressed. It's not good for your health. We can wait. Every thing you do is so wonderful, nobody can fault you at all. Don't cry. Just take a deep breath and relax. Have some tea and rest. All will be ok, I promise. We love you so much!!!💞💞💖💖💖💕💕💕😢😢😢😢😂😂😂😂


Ik this is kinda late, but please don’t overwork yourself! 🙁

Angela R.

Oh you poor thing! All that work… I can’t imagine how terrible that feels. I feel terribly that happened to you! 😩🤭

damaged goddess angel !

it's like i have to jump out of my screen sometimes to yell at you... it's okay that it happened you just have to stop pushing yourself so hard to get the audios out. and don't cry bc if you do i will too... it'll be okay ya know? we still love you and won't leave you(: just rest and well try not to worry so much about it, since mistakes do happen and please Azzy stop overworking yourself i don't think it's a good thing to do. we can wait - just have time for yourself some day and don't worry about us(: ❤️❤️


Cursed you say?...... hm, could it..?.... *wanders off to the library** Satan! Belphegor! I think we need to have a little talk, right now.....