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Was supposed to be “catch up” day.

The rains came.

The floods came.

The basement at Graveside Variety became a toxic swimming pool.

Two feet of water.

The fire department came.

We figured it out. (And before you start talking to me about the furnace and the sump pump: stop. We figured it out).

But the day was lost.



This still happened

Things were hung on the tree

I don’t know what else to say but

I probably won’t catch up


It is hard not to be in Boston where my friend is very very sick


I am trying my fucking best.

I hope you are being gentle with yourselves


Trying your fucking bests.

All is one



David Nevarrez

I work in a museum (2 locations) in Seattle, and the water always finds a way. The David Tennant DOCTOR WHO episode "Waters of Mars" had a wonderful explanation about its unrelenting tenacity. And humans being made up more than half of water, is probably why we are so tenacious.

Skyeanna Malito

Some days are just like that. Today our car battery died while we were at the grocery store, my husband and I, and our three kids, with frozen groceries in the car, right as the store was closing, so there wasn't even anyone around to help. TO add to that fun, neither of us have any data on our phones, so there were only a few people we could reach out to. Thankfully a friend came and rescued us after about an hour. And then when we finally got home, my five year old gave me a hug attack so intense that he knocked us backwards in my computer chair. I hit my ankle and wrist and head on the way down, but he was alright, and I'm mostly okay now, though there will be bruising tomorrow.