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I am so shattered.

So much going on.

I had no time to do this and wound up flailing a little bit to even be in the studio for three hours, but …

These three chords.

This song. These sounds. My heart.

It happened fast, when Holly Miranda mentioned something about needing to keep her hands busy over the holidays to not fall into despair.


Every year (almost) I make a holiday-season song for my patrons.

You deserve it. You all deserve a Christmas special present.

So right now, for this year, Holly and I are scraping out the bottoms of our souls to put out the saddest Madonna cover known to humankind…with lyrics that speak to our hearts.

Today we tracked the piano and vocal right here in Bearsville, five minutes from my house.

Raise your hand if you know the tune. Raise your hand if you’re gonna cry. Raise your hand if you’re one of the people just following but not paying - and are gonna finally gonna join my Patreon to get this little jewel in your inbox. Should be out in the next week or so.

I’m flailing but I’m making. You make me make.

Please join, if you can. If you’re just following but not joined, it takes two seconds to subscribe and actually support the art for $1 a month.

It’d mean the world to me, and the support helps us keep the lights on.

And this is just for patrons, because it’s nice to keep it close sometimes. This one isn’t going to the public.

If I ran away?

I’d never have the strength to go very far.




Amie Gillingham

I know the song well. I even sang it once at a talent show as a child. Those three resonate notes hit me right in the soul.

Joelle trousdale

Instant goosebumps. Love this song so much.