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Hi loves

I made it back from California.

Spent the day doing hospital shuffle, back and forth twice, just barely made it before 5pm to the shop in Boston that may be the only place on earth I could get Ash’s desired present, am completely behind on work, posting show photos, finishing projects and promoting all of my tours and shows, and am going to just need to let it all go once again. I’m trying really hard to finish a holiday(ish) song for you.


Priorities, ever-shifting.

You all know.

Beaming massive love at all of you from the late night. It’s going to be like this forever, it seems. No intermission, but I’m getting goddamn good at this kinda durational performance.

I played my beautiful piano last night. I was too tired to write.

Home Base.


On the other side






Scott Meekins

Get some rest. Stay energized with your priorities. What was Ash's gift?

Stephanie Quinlan

Dear Amanda, let the holiday song be the very least, last and smallest of your worries. we're here and we love you. Let yourself rest.