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Hello my loves.

HOOO BOY. IT'S A LOT RIGHT NOW. Yep. Presidents getting indicted, kids getting shot, lighthouses blinking, Amanda crying in her kitchen...I'll try to keep it together.

This is a really LONG one. I suggest you take your time, read it when you have a moment, earmark it for later. It's all over the place. It's a whole magazine.

Here's the basic contents of this month's Althing, in order:




Another month, another Althing.


I made this lighthouse video yesterday morning for you.

Hello, hello, hello.

Trump just got indicted. Which is just....historic.

He is the first President to ever get indicted in AMERICAN HISTORY. This is huge.

It's a victory for a lot of people - especially women who were not pleased that a man who openly bragged about being so powerful that he could grab women by the pussy without consequence. 

Guess what, women? The arc of justice is slow and long.

So many men get away with so much horrific behavior, simply because they have the power and money to cover it up. It is nice to believe that sometimes, it catches up with them. Sometimes you gotta wait. But wouldn't it be nice to believe that at the end of the day, the system works...

However, it feels like a bit of a hollow victory at the moment.

There is more than one mass shooting a day in America. A few days ago, three children - nine years old - and three adults were shot and killed at a tiny school in Nashville.

This picture taken by Nicole Hester (for The Tennessean via Associated Press says it all).

While this is a slow season and I'm trying hard to suck the marrow out of being home, settling in, cracking out new material, making new friendships, and generally appreciating the melting of the frost and the appearance of the crocuses, I'm finding it difficult to stay cheerful given the all the news coming in.

Just today, a school in our district dealt with a "Swatting", a prank call about a shooter, and a school in nearby Kingston shut down over a bomb threat. It feels a bit like the walls are caving in.

I don't want to bore you at the top of the Althing with an endless gun control rant (you can read that here if you'd like), but for fuck's sake.

This morning, I took to my ukulele and went to the kitchen and tried to nail a couple live-streamed performances of "Everybody Knows Somebody" - even though it's been a second since I played that song - because it felt like the only thing I could do.

Facebook stream is here. I did that one first. Instagram is here, and it's a little better. 

I would love if you would just go and share them both. 

I don't know anymore. I just don't know.

If you weren't a patron few years ago, this song was created in the wake of another spate of US school shootings - it's endless, isn't it - with a bunch of patrons singing with me in Woodstock. 

The father of one of the victims of the Marjorie Stoneman-Douglas shootings made the art, and we gave all the momey from the song to his charity. The charity is still there and you can still give. The whole story and the original song and art is here.

The patreon is amazing. It's just amazing. You're all amazing.

The arc arcs on.


Back in my little hidey-hole in the woods, I'm moving slowly, rehearsing, writing, cleaning, gathering my wits, and nursing a janky right knee.

I twisted it about two months ago, skiing with Ash, and then it got better, and then it didn't. It's been two months of ice bags and Advil and heat and bodywork and it's just a bit shit.

I just got an MRI and the good news is that nothing is torn - it's officially a sprained ACL. No surgery needed, but I am definitely in old-lady-land going up and down stairs. I hope it heals quickly, send knee love. I knee-d it.


I'm making a nice new mycelia of friends in the area, and I'm feeling more at home in my upstate New York skin.

At the same time, my skin is crawling constantly.

I ran into an old friend from Massachusetts who has a teenager who is trans. They are considering leaving the country.

I ran into a neighborhood kid who is trans; she just had to transfer schools after being constantly threatened. Kids were sidling over to her and pulling down their shirts, revealing their confederate flag tattoos with meaningful glares.

I was in a sporting goods store the other day, in Kingston, to buy Ash a new pair of sneakers. It's a store we've been in a half dozen times. To buy a sled, a jacket, a pair of gloves, a pair of winter boots, a Pickleball paddle. I like the place. It gives me a warm feeling.

He wanted to wander over to the fishing gear. To look. We went out on a few fishing expeditions in New Zealand. He was curious. Off we wandered. Look, Ash, a tackle box! Look Ash, bags of dead fish!

Then Ash wandered a little to the left into a part of the store I hadn't known existed, and there we were.

Three aisles of guns and ammunition.

A cardboard box, right in front of our eyes, with a colorful picture of an AK-1. (An air rifle version of an AK-1, but still).

I froze.

Look, Ash, quick, look over there! Camouflage hats.

He did not ask me about the three aisles of guns.

I am not sure what I would have said if he had.

I am not quite ready.

I am not quite ready for any of this.

Meanwhile, all hell has broken loose in our beloved New Zealand over the Posie Parker palaver. She is an anti-trans activist who came to speak in Auckland. She was not welcome, and it got rowdy. Right-wingers all over the globe are now boycotting New Zealand. I think New Zealand might be all the better for their absence, frankly.

I am writing music constantly, taking notes constantly, and thinking about what I am going to play at my upcoming solo shows. What to play, what to say, what to do. It's coming together. So slowly.

The Dresden Dolls shows all sold out quickly, which feels wonderful. My big solo theater shows in April (Tacoma, Poughkeepsie, Boston) are doing great and nearing selling out, only Tacoma needs a push. I might ask you all for some help with that. 

That's all for now.

Oh wait, no:

I'm reading two really great books at the moment. 

Sorry for all the blood-imagery in this post, but hey.

THE DEATH OF THE ARTIST: https://www.amazon.com/Death-Artist-Creators-Struggling-Billionaires/dp/1250125510

This book is astounding, and could have been a companion to "The Art of Asking". Great read for any artists out there who are banging their heads against the general walls, and especially the internet wall.

Also - very local - I am currently digging

MOHONK AND THE SMILEYS: This is a local The-Shining-like hotel about 30 minutes from my house in Woodstock. I am only just starting to comprehend how epic and beautifully the story behind the joint is...including the early history, in which the tavern owner - from whom the owners bought the land and original building - used to chain guests to trees when they got too wasted. It's a plan.

I love the idea of doing something with the patrons up there, though. Not chaining you. But maybe a field trip / day out. There's an epic lake and kayaking.

If you want to nerd out on my local history: https://www.amazon.com/Mohonk-Smileys-National-Historic-Landmark/dp/1883789915/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=9781883789916&linkCode=qs&qid=1680217281&s=books&sr=1-1


I just performed at:


This past Saturday night, I drove down to National Sawdust in Brooklyn, New York just for a couple hours. I was there at the behest of my very longtime pal, Maria Popova, of The Marginalian (formerly Brainpickings).

It was a night of poems, science, music and feelings about relativity.

The occasion was called “SPACE & TIME - AN EVENING OF MUSIC AND LITERATURE” and every guest was soul food.

I got to remember, for a moment, what happens when people who care about the same things all get together in the same venue and Do The Things.

On the bill (and here in a sampling of photos and videos I took):

The curator, Maria. The incredible friend Zoe Keating, who spun magic with her bow and looping (I have collaborated with her many times, incliding on the patron-funded "Mother" video).

There was Jad Abumrad - of @radiolab - spinning together stories of Einstein and Spacetime. And there was Joan Wasserman, aka @joanaspolicewoman, a New York avant-music icon, threading Walt Whitman into piano form.

Also James Gleick, author of “Chaos”, pontificating about What Time Is. Then Marie Howe, reading the poem she wrote about The Big Bang that brought me (and others) to tears. And Stephon Alexander, who wore two hats: deep improv physicist and deep improv saxophonist.

Hard to say which of these guests was more powerful...it all hit me like a ton of poetic scientific bricks.

I needed all of this like food. People, heart, art, science, connection.

Maria is a blessing to this universe, the way she tied things and ideas and people together in The Marginalian, and also real flesh life.

I read a poem by Rebecca Elson and told a story about Ash. 

Here's the poem:

Some Thoughts about the Ocean and the Universe  

If the ocean is like the universe

Then waves are stars.  

If space is like the ocean, Then matter is the waves,

Dictating the rise and fall Of floating things.  

If being is like ocean 

We are waves, Swelling, traveling, breaking

On some shore.  

If ocean is like universe then waves  

Are the dark wells of gravity

Where stars will grow.  

All waves run shorewards But there is no centre to the ocean  

Where they all arise.


Read more about the event here.

Links to all the artists:

Maria Popova - The Marginalian

Zoe Keating

Joan as Policewoman

Jad Abumrad of Radiolab

Marie Howe

Stephon Alexander




We did an all-patron Living Room Livestream on the 17th and about 800 of you tuned in.

Glen Hansard  (and his beautiful guest vocalist Raquel Acevedo Klein) showed up last minute.

The house-cast included performances, readings, and conversations with Sophie Strand, Gracie Coates (of Gracie and Rachel), Sxip Shirey, Coco Karol, Raquel Acevedo Klein, Glen Hansard, Holly Miranda, and Father Nathan Monk

Thank you for making this all possible. 

Patreon fueled the whole thing.

It was such a glorious experiment and we learned a LOT, and we are ready for more, more, more.  

House concerts broadcast across the universe. We're still learning so much.

See below for the setlist & links.....

Sxip Shirey on the Celeste, while Sophie Strand reads and Gracie Coates on the piano

Glen Hansard and Rachel Acevedo Klein

Holly Miranda


Ampersand -Amanda Palmer

Runs in the Family -Amanda Palmer

Now -Sophie Strand

Pencil - Gracie Coates

Uncomfortable -Gracie Coates

The Thing About Things -Amanda Palmer

Little Amal: Nowhere to Sleep -Sxip Shirey, Coco Karol, Raquel Acevedo Klein

Fool’s Game - Glen Hansard with Sxip Shirey

Falling Slowly - Glen Hansard with Raquel Acevedo Klein & Sxip Shirey

Excerpt from “Russian Sleeper Cell” - Father Nathan Monk

Until Now - Holly Miranda with Sxip Shirey

These Days - Nico cover by Holly Miranda and Amanda Palmer, with Sxip Shirey

Intimacy and Ghost Pipe - Sophie Strand, w Amanda Palmer, Gracie Coates, and Sxip Shirey

Read more about the Living Room Livestream here. Watch the whole archive of the webcast here

WE ALSO MAILED A BONUS VIDEO CLIP  of "FALLING SLOWLY" with Glen Hansard and Rachel Acevedo Klein, to all patrons. Enjoy!!!!



Riding high off that day, I got very inspired the whole next week, and I WROTE. 

This piece really scratched an itch for me. And it was substantial and meaningful enough that I put it out as an official Thing, which seemed to bother nobody (in fact, I was tearfully surprised to see that lots of people needed and loved this kind of thing). I miss writing. I'll do more.




The Dresden Dolls shows around four weird small cities this spring and summer went on sale... as expected, almost all tickets went pretty much immediately to the mailing list, we held a few back for public sale on Friday, and they are now ALL SOLD OUT.

There will be more shows later this year, and next year, and wherever possible we will always, always, always be trying to get the mailing list first access to try and do what we can to get tickets in the hands of fans first and not scalpers and bots.

So... in case you missed the memo, and missed these tickets, GET ON THE MAILING LIST for next time.

And HERE IS LYTE, the anti-scalping ticketing system we are working with. You can get rid of unusable tickets or get on the waiting list for tickets here:




Ninja Woodstock...

We did a poll! Nearly 40% of you who responded - that's about 275 souls - are down to attend ninja Woodstock gig with the right circumstances.  If you haven't already, you can read the post and respond to the poll here.

671 votes? One joker is missing, clearly.



The Evening With AFP solo shows are coming up quick... Boston and Poughkeepsie are looking very close to sold out, Tacoma's got a few tickets left.

These will probably be the ONLY US solo shows I'm playing this year before focusing full-force on the Dolls, so come on down.

Tickets are at https://amandapalmer.net/events/


PLUS - in case you missed it, we announced my semi-annual benefit gig NinjaTED happening up in Vancouver at the Vogue Theatre.  ALL PROFITS WILL GO TO THE GREATER VANCOUVER FOOD BANK. And it's only $20.

I’ll be in Vancouver for the TED conference in April, so….WE ARE BACK with the 4th EDITION OF NINJATED.

If you aren’t familiar with NinjaTED… I first started doing these thrown-together variety concerts back in 2014, when I was attending the TED conference. I tweeted around to local theaters to see if anyone wanted to host a salon of random TED speakers and local performers, so that the community of Vancouver could share in the talent and brains that TED brings to town, without having to pay a gazillion dollars to get into the conference itself.

I already have some INCREDIBLE ACTS LINED UP, including a comedian, a drag queen, a scientist, a balkan band, and a few poets. IT'S GONNA BE GOOD.

Again, tickets for this are also available at https://amandapalmer.net/events/



From Alex:

Hi hi patrons!

I'm writing this from my sick-bed (aka my sofa) - covid got me again, almost a year to the day since my first bout last March. I'm alright so far (I've been napping throughout Buffy, and we just binged the first season of Happy Valley in two sittings, so that's been nice), but my writing will be brief this month.

Mostly I'll just leave you with a music recommendation - I'd heard Self Esteem as a name bandied around for the last year or so, her album Prioritise Pleasure was nominated for the Mercury Prize... and then a couple of weeks ago, I was listening to the album and it just CLICKED and I absolutely fell in love.

I ended up going on a whim to see her live show literally three days after hearing the album, and was just blown away by what a PERFORMER she is.

If you're looking for pop music that's intelligent and tongue-in-cheek, ruminating on self-worth, self-respect, self-empowerment, backed by perfect pop choreography and choral vocals, part St Vincent, part Marina & The Diamonds, part Madonna, I can't recommend this album enough.

Here's a starting point - the title track Prioritise Pleasure


Listen to my body,

We haven't been in touch much lately,

Never have I calmly

Dealt with anything they ever gave me

You should always know

That I cannot let go of

Anything that's wronged me

Anything that made me secondary

So many of them clearly

Liked the idea of me in theory

I shrunk, moved and changed

And still, you felt the same

So I'm breathing in

One, two, three

Prioritise pleasuring me

No need to wait for bended knee

I'm free

... Alright, I'm off to go fall asleep in front of another Buffy episode.



{WE love you queen. Heal and rest up. We need you. xxx AFP}



Liz is an old, old friend and longtime Dolls fan and brigade member. Her background is all the right things, and she's been a part of the community for so long that it all feels real natural, and she lives a mere 35 minute drive from me up in the sticks. She's gonna be giving a hand with all sorts of things upstate and online.

From Elizabeth Grammaticas:

Hello lovely patrons!

You may have seen me on the Living Room Livestream not holding the mic close enough to my mouth, or scurrying around cleaning up paint during the Dolls’ Woodstock shows last fall. If you've been a long time fan of Amanda's and the Dolls, you may have know me from waaaaay back, the Dresden Dolls Brigade since ’05, or working here and there for random Amanda events. Before recently, the last time I worked for Amanda was a decade ago as the VIP liaison for Amanda’s NYE Prince covers show at Terminal 5 in NYC.  Holy shit that was an incredible show….and holy shit that was a LONG time ago.

I caught “There Will Be No Intermission” when she toured in in NYC, and I was floored, astounded, impressed, connected, devastated, and inspired. It reminded me at my core of the power of Amanda’s work, why I was drawn in in the first place, why she is an artist and human I will always support, and respect. I wanted to reconnect, but, understatement of the year, that show was A LOT, and figured we’d cross paths soon one way or another.

::::Enter pandemic:::

I moved to the Hudson Valley while Amanda was in NZ.  I made it through the first year of the pandemic in NYC still, but all my anxiety and health issues that I was struggling with before the pandemic were amplified to the point of my body finally demanding of my brain to make some real changes. I needed nature. I needed space. I needed to find calm again.  I needed to choose my people and my work wisely. (Sound familiar to anyone? ). The more I looked with intention, the more I found what was right for me was now right around me.

Things have a way of circling back.

I’m so very very happy to be working for Amanda at this point in my life and meeting so many incredible people through this community.  This is the first job I’ve had where I’ve cried not from being overworked and underappreciated but because of ART and beautiful real human connection.  As things gear up again, right now I'm helping the team out wherever needed, including this post!

I had the privilege of reading your beautiful comments and conversations during the living room livestream...they were incredible. The compassion and emotional intelligence of this community is truly beautiful and special.  I look forward to getting to know even more of you, and working alongside this inspiring team.  I’ll be at Amanda’s Poughkeepsie & Boston solo shows this spring, as well as at the Omega retreat. Please free to come say hi!

- Elizabeth or Liz (I go by both! my name is long...)

Here's me back in 2007 last minute filling in for a member of the Danger Ensemble, pouring water on Amanda during her nightly utterly DELIGHTFUL cover of Rihanna's "Umbrella" during her residency at Edinburgh Fringe Festival. Here you can see one of those performances, complete with Reggie Watts, and the Danger Ensemble....no on-call Marie Antoinette water pourers needed...but I am always willing.

{Welcome to the circus, Liz!!!!! We love you so much and it's so good to have some upstate partners in art-crime. xxx AFP}


From Michael -

Hello Patrons!

I’m squeezing in a few minutes to give you a short update in the middle of an otherwise very busy work day!

There’s lots of things coming down the pike, which means I’m trying to keep so many different plates spinning. AFP Solo Tour, Dolls Tour, Campersand, Reviving Old Projects, Starting New Projects, Archiving Old Merch, Helping New Merch get made. . . and on and on and on. Plus all the life stuff that happens outside of work. Ooof! It’s a lot, but . . . it’s just a ride!

One thing that I’ve been getting back into lately is listening to instrumental music while I work. I vacillate between many different styles, but I’ve learned that it has to be instrumental with no words or with the way my brain works, I will start typing lyrics in the middle of an email. For example if I was listening to a certain song with lyrics right now I’d never be able to write this Althing update and I’d never give you up, never let you down, never run around and. . . see what I mean?! Back when I was a Data Analyst I could listen to any kind of music because song lyrics and crunching numbers and writing SQL queries occupy different parts of my brain. But I’m always on the hunt for engaging, entrancing, instrumental music to fit my mood.

One amazing artist that has been on heavy rotation lately to help me be productive while keeping the aforementioned plates spinning has been Ludovico Einaudi. I was fortunate to see him perform live back in January of 2020 at Mona Foma with Jordan and it was an incredible experience. And, since it’s March and there’s always St. Patrick’s Day to celebrate here in NYC, I’ve also been listening to some Celtic Instrumental Music, especially on days when I need a little pick me up.

So on that note I’m going to fire up the tunes, put in my headphones, and get back to work!

I can’t wait to see so many of you at the upcoming shows in April, May, & June! Until there, here are a few pictures of the last couple of months!

(snuggling with the incomparable Lulu)

(A cozy fire on a chilly night)

(The brothers McComiskey in NYC for St. Patrick’s Day)

Sláinte Mhath,


{It just gets better, working with you, my friend. I am sorry it’s all so strange all the time. And that your boss is sometimes a mysterious pain in the ass. You make me a better person. More always and I hope it gets easier and easier as we ride. -xxxAFP}


As of this writing there are about 10,300 patrons pledging about $33,000 for the first Thing each month.

A VERY IMPORTANT NOTE FOR NEWCOMERS: you are welcome to (and encouraged to) CAP YOUR PLEDGE!

I sometime release one thing a month; sometimes three. We know this can create financial insecurity and uncertainty - so Patreon allows you to cap your pledge. This is, essentially, setting a MAXIMUM amount that you want to pay per month.

YOU CAN BUDGET. Say for example, you're happy to pay $3 per Thing, but you don't want to pay more than $10 a month. In that's the case, you can "cap" your pledge at $10, and whether I release 4 Things or 4,400 Things, you won't be charged more than $10. But MOST IMPORTANTLY, you will still have access to ALL the things/posts/links, even if you cap your pledge!!! It doesn't effect your access.

You can read all about capping your pledge here.

I go over this stuff in every Althing, but if you're new to all this: Patreon charges you monthly & retroactively, meaning that you get billed on the 1st of the month for all the Things released the month prior.

Because people have their pledges capped (SEE ABOVE), the first "Thing" raises the most money by far, and anything released thereafter raises less and less. I LIKE THIS! THIS IS GOOD! It means I never feel guilty about releasing TOO MUCH!!

So really. Please, cap your pledge.


In February, I Thanged TWO Things:

Neither Here Nor There: a sunset 4-handed piano performance, which earned about $37,505 from 10,318 patrons

The State of All Things: February 2023, which earned about $15,848 from 5,695 patrons.

(we say "about" because patreon may be still trying to process some pledges that have yet to go through...we never know, you know.)

Them's the numbers.

And remember: these numbers are gross. Not net. Meaning: it's the money raised before fees were deducted by patreon and is not the total deposited to me. patreon takes a 5% fee (which they use to build and sustain the platform, which is GOOD) and then there's a payment processing fee, which varies on a ton of factors and is usually between 5-9% of the total collected.

These numbers also do not reflect the money I SPENT MAKING THE ART, paying my staff, paying the office rent, paying for crowdcast, getting myself around, getting the team around and fed and slept, all the collaborators, and my actual staff payroll, etc.

I don't share that level of nitty-detail-stuff with you because I assume it would bore you to fucking tears. but you can trust me: paying for a full-time staff, office, manager, accountant, and massive team of art-collaborators ain't cheap. sometimes we barely break even.



Auckland Council’s draft budget for 2023/2024, proposes to cut $36.5M from regional arts, events, and community initiatives.

This will have long-term negative impacts on Auckland’s arts and creative sector, sending our city backwards socially and economically.

But there’s still hope! Many councillors have expressed a deep discomfort with the proposed cuts. We need to act now to encourage them to stand up for Auckland and invest in our city’s future.

Arts and culture advocacy body Te Taumata Toi-a-Iwi has created a website where you can see the cuts and be guided through how to make a submission:


Please make your submission before the Council’s deadline of 28 March.

Auckland’s arts, culture and creative sector generates billions in GDP and employs nearly 50,000 Aucklanders. But much of this activity is dependent on a delicate ecosystem of funders.

The Council’s funding for arts and culture is just a tiny proportion of the total council budget, but delivers a big impact for Aucklanders by supporting theatre, comedy, music, dance, and events like:  Polyfest, Matariki Festival, Big Gay Out, Diwali, The Lantern Festival, Music in Parks, UpTempo, the Arts Festival, the Art Fair, the Writers Festival and CultureFest.

These events bring communities together, attract tourism and make Aucklanders feel proud.   If you value living in a city alive with culture art and creativity, we need you to let Council know not to proceed with these cuts.




This video was sent to me by a patron named Josh - and I was transfixed. It’s an epic piece of songwriting. Theater. It’s what would have come out of me instead of “Girl Anachronism” if I had been male and playing guitar.





I met and saw them open up for Glen! Via is Composer + Recording/touring artist + thereminist (is that a word?) inspired by film music, classical, exotica, spaghetti western, noir.  Her music is beautiful, haunting, and weird.  You will love it. When she opened for Glen Hansard at Levon Helm Studios - and I guested - I handed her the camera and you can check out that video she filmed from the show here.


Walter Masterson

I have loved Walter for a lonnnng time, mostly via his posts online. He's the provocative anti-fascist comedian undercover trolling the right wing that you didn't know you needed.  

Check out his instagram, and even better, consider becoming a patron.  Here's a great clip about parents being upset about EMPATHY being taught in schools... the way he dead pans to the camera is just....everything.


The "Fucking Cancelled" Podcast by Clementine Morrigan and Jay Lesoleil...

HAVE YOU BEEN CANCELLED? I HAVE! More times than I can count. Actual nuanced analysis about what it is and how it happens is pretty much overlooked in our public media discourse.  

In my opinion: that's how we wind up getting into trouble and further dividing ourselves.  

This podcast brings nuance and thoughtful analysis to where it's extremely needed, the reactionary culture of inflammatory cancellation responses.

From the podcast:

Fucking Cancelled is a podcast with three aims. First, we analyze and critique a phenomenon on the left that we call the nexus: a synthesis of identitarianism, social media, and cancel culture. Second, we offer emotional, spiritual, and ethical insights into the process of rejecting and exiting the nexus. Third, we move toward a different vision for the left grounded in solidarity, freedom, and responsibility.

We are leftists who have spent many years inside the nexus. We have been too afraid to critique it and we have suffered the consequences of critiquing it. We know all too well the destructive impact the nexus has on our communities, our movements, our spiritual, emotional, and mental health, and our capacity to be responsible, ethical actors. We are also recovering addicts who live our lives by a set of spiritual and ethical principles which are starkly at odds with the rules of the nexus. We offer these principles as a guiding light toward a different left.

A podcast for people who have been cancelled, who are afraid of getting cancelled, or who have taken part in the cancellation of others and wondered if it was right. Fucking Cancelled is a podcast for leftists who dream of a left grounded in solidarity, freedom, and responsibility, rather than coercion, authoritarianism, and punishment.

The podcast has a patreon, and is about to go on tour.

Tell Clementine Amanda sent you.


Counterclockwise Radio

Dawn McCarthy and Nils Frykdahl of longtime Dresden Dolls friends Faun Fables, have created a rad new audiowork project.  A work years in the making, taking from their collective love of theater, literature, reading aloud and music.. all fermented and fortified with years of parenthood - and making a place for it to live.

First up is Nils' show (a podcast of sorts) called 'The NOTHING SHOW'.  They just put up the pilot episode, and the first audiobook (there also will be some interviews, radio theater.. possible interactive bits with listeners..)  At least to start, Nils is kind of going through the story of his muse (which has been a riddle to a lot of folks - how he arrived at the vision & music he did), something he coined 'Rock Against Rock' way back when.

There is a short intro to the pilot episode that anyone can listen to, check it out: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=87485517

This was brought to my attention by the longtime friend and Cloud Club housemate, Mali Sastri.  You may know the ethereal music of her band Jaggery She's an incredible human and performer annnd a voice movement therapist!



Absolutely stunning portrait by Al Davison. I posted this online ages ahgo, but don't think we ever shared it here.


Al Davison Patreon


When you answer the "tell me about yourself" on a first date with the lyrics from Girl Anachronism. 🙌  🙌  🙌

View post from mysweet666angel on tiktok here.



This section of the Althing is for YOU PATRONS - if you have anything you want to shout about and advertise to the community, email alex@amandapalmer.net with some links, some words about what you're doing... anything goes!

Here's what we have this month...FRUITION CHOCOLATE WORKS  are seeking Chocolatiers / Chocolate Makers!

These are the kind and delicious folks that made our Coin-Operated Bar and Automatic Joy Peanut Butter Truffles for the Dresden Dolls last year.  Fruition is a small batch bean-to-bar chocolate company located in Shokan, NY.  You may be seeing more from them soon at upcoming shows....

From Fruition:


Join Fruition Chocolate Works in crafting award-winning chocolate bars and confections from bean to bar in New York's Catskill Mountains. Less than 30 minutes from Kingston or Saugerties, and about 15 minutes from Woodstock of Phoenicia.

We're seeking an individual with attention to detail, stamina to work on their feet all day, physical strength to lift up to 50 lbs, and who is tech-savvy to operate machinery (training provided). Experience in a food related facility is a must, and experience in the chocolate industry is preferred.

Tasks may include chocolate making (roasting cocoa beans, winnowing, scaling batches, operating equipment), and chocolatier confectionery work (bar moulding, pan coating, shell moulding, enrobing, and preparing fillings).

Will provide training, but some related experience a plus.

Job Listing.


From patron Kylie Burton:


Bad Dad Rad Dad Podcast

Kylie and Elliott love each other, they love movies, and they love talking to each other about movies. They also have complicated relationships with their dads. Every Thursday, they unpack the movies they watch each week, spoiler-free, and discuss how they make them think and feel about the world around them. The movies span decades, genres, countries, and languages. And, along the way in their conversations, they think about what it means to parent and be parented.......


And a pal of Alex from Team AFP is directing this theatre production up in Edinburgh...

It’s the last day of school and a raggle-taggle group of friends are bunking off. They break into some fancy private gardens to have a party. In a world that feels like it’s falling apart, they are trying to hold themselves together. Others cast them as the outsiders; the geeks, the queer kids, the school dropouts. But they know they are a community, a family.

Except for Amber. She always feels slightly on the outside of things. Amber’s friends couldn’t be kinder, but something feels out of kilter.  Like she’s looking in on her own life, trying to work out what is wrong.

However, as the garden revels begin, Amber, who has always felt slightly on the outside of their own identity, accidentally stumbles through a portal that launches them in flight across the Multiverse, where they meet an eclectic mix of characters who force them to question who they are and who they want to become. As they tumble through time and space, will they finally find somewhere they belong?

‘The Multiverse is Gay: A play for everyone, from every Universe!; is a wild, playful, and joyful rollercoaster through life in High School, the multiverse, and finding yourself, over and over and over again...



That's all I got babes.

It was a long one....but there was a lot.

I'm here, reading all comments.




1. if you are a patron and new to my work, don’t forget your patronage allows you access to ALL of my patreon releases to date. HERE is the link to download my latest big solo record, “There Will Be No Intermission”, and HERE is a link to download the PDF of the art/essay book that goes with it.

2. if you’re a patron reading this post via an email notification, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. that's always nice for me to see, so i know who's reading.

3. see All the Things (over 150 of them) i've made so far on patreon:


4. JOIN THE SHADOWBOX COMMUNITY FORUM, find your people, and discuss everything: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/

5. new to my music and TOTALLY OVERWHELMED? TAKE A WALK THROUGH AMANDALANDA….we made a basic list of my greatest hits n stuff (at least up until a few years ago, this desperately needs updating) on this lovely page: http://amandalanda.amandapalmer.net/

6. general AFP/patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer: patronhelp@amandapalmer.net


Tracey Stokes



so much good stuff to absorb, but I came down to the comments for a sec to just say, those blue glasses really are next level! :) 💙 and omg that Ren performance completely blew my mind, I saw that recently. and holy smokes, congrats on all the songwriting!! I imagine you jotting things madly wherever there is a napkin and not necessarily going into the office :D either way, so happy for you 🎹🎵🎶


Have you and Luis Mojica found each other yet? If you haven't, he's a somatic practitioner/musician in Bearsville and you defo have people in common.


Michael! I hear you on the instrumental only when writing! I like Einaudi too, and Jon Hopkins and Max Richter. Score soundtracks are my go to at the moment though, Cliff Martinez and Geoff Barrow are in high rotation.


One more recommendation for Michael! Also for Amanda... although I know you're working on your own stuff, maybe not so much listening to new music. But this is truly refreshing: check out Polish musician, HANIA RANI! <3

Laura Wellner

There are two lighthouses at Sodus Point/Sodus Bay, New York, on Lake Ontario, my old stomping grounds growing up, (I was born in Lyons, NY south of Sodus.) Lake Ontario was often our family Sunday drive destination. One lighthouse is very old, perched on a bluff, it is now a museum and has a beautiful garden. The other is modern and stands on a concrete pier that can look very dramatic in stormy weather with the waves breaking around it.


I'm about 4 hours South of that lighthouse, in Parsippany until Monday. If you pull any ninja gigs this weekend in day time hours at the lighthouse, I could make it with at least 4 hours of notice. Super cool spot, I love lighthouses. I've seen almost every lighthouse on the West Coast and eradicated my fear of heights climbing a lighthouse in Germany in 2014. Lighthouses are magical. <3


Does anyone want my extra ticket to Amanda's Boston show? I don't need anything in return, I just don't want the seat to be empty.

Ashleigh M. Ferreira-Bartlett

Aaaaammmaaannnddddaa Pallllmaaaaa! (sorry, the NE leaked) I know you might already be way ahead and totally on top of this, but I reached out to the amazing folx who provide those sex and safety boxes who were more than happy to provide me a box to bring to the NOLA show I'm attending (that I would be more than happy to help with / like bringing a table even or whatever) and they are super available and willing to help provide them throughout the tour! Just wanted to let you know however I could, so I just posted everywhere lol

Rebecca Ryan

Love this so much A..it’s a lot right now. I feel it for you, for everyone..from afar..I do .it aches. Love x

Issa Rodri

Thanks for the update and reminder about Everybody Knows Somebody! Shared it to IG and got a few interesting DMs from younger teen relatives and cousins saying how... seen they feel by it. It's one thing to make a digestible infographic, another to make a song that resonates; good work to you and the team ✨️ Also happy to say I'll be seeing the Dolls in NOLA! Making the drive from Texas will be exhilarating and exhausting, but I'm sure I'll have a blast. Can't wait to see you bring the house down 🤙🏽🔥 have a great day!


Happy new month! I am behind on all things including the AllThing and the house concert and and. Indictments are nice but not convictions and all the minions are still rallying around him, I am exhausted by the fact that he is never going to go away. And shootings and scary bad storms and yet another friend has just passed away. People keep leaving. I’m sorry to be whiny, I will pull myself up as I always do. I will watch the house concert and catch up on music I have missed. Cheers to everyone and get well soon, Alex! 💓

Len Tower Jr.

You might also offer your ticket in these Facebook groups: the Sloths of Greater Boston https://www.facebook.com/groups/BostonSloths/ Amanda’s Officialgroup: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/ The Unofficial AFPatreons group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/414049798762802/ -Len

Sara Wright

I always associate the word resilience with you Amanda, and so you are right on, lighthouses are the perfect thing. Thanks for being a light in all of this darkness. 'Everybody knows somebody' is striking such a chord with me, it's such an anthem of our time, it makes me dream. Could you see shooting a music video in one take where you walk through the streets and accrue thousands of people by the end in a sing along? It feels like it's a song you could take from your kitchen to the streets. Big love, xx Sara


Ahhh, thanks, I will post something there. I appreciate it!




I have had no luck getting into the FB group. Keep getting declined because I haven't "accepted" group rules. Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. 😕