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Dear ones


I’m calling to say I am here and I love you.

It’s been a stunner and a bruiser of a week for yours truly, for so many reasons. Micro marco above below.

I’m too tired for words, but they’ll come, they always do.

Right now I am just reminding you all that the arc of everything is long.

You patrons are the wind in my sails. Thank you all for carrying me homewards, towards myself.

So much more to come.

Love from our lighthouse,

I blink,






Thank you. It's been a rough one this side too and my thoughts have turned to your strength in similar situations quite often while trying to work my way through this challenge. So thank you for openly sharing when you can, because it really helps to know I am not alone.


I really needed that reminder right now that “the arc of everything is long” thank you! 🙏❤️


Hello hello. It’s a hard couple of weeks my end too. Thanks for the beautiful picture.



Laura Wellner

Blinking back at you, sending many hugs and lots of love.


good morning! i hope today is better than yesterday <3


I'm still recovering from my miscarriage. I'm starting antidepressants so I can get back to functioning. I've been surrounding myself by fellow strong women to help me survive. I know you are strong and have a support system in real life as well as us Patrons. I think beyond accepting the doughnut we also need to accept the support of others around us in times of strife. I'm trying to do that now. Accept the hugs, words of strength and empathy. We women are tough and we survive but goddamnit sometimes life sure sucks! I am thankful for you Amanda. You have created a space for all of us (including yourself) where we can be real with each other. Where we can say things like "I'm surviving grief from a miscarriage" and it's okay. I'm so thankful for that. I don't understand American society where we are only allowed to talk about happy things. I hope things start looking up for you. I love and adore you. We will survive this shit. We always do. One foot in front of the other. One day after another. One healing moment after another. We will be okay. Maybe not today or tomorrow but someday. 💜💚

Rebecca Ryan

💜 I’ve had an eyelid twitch last few days lol it’s damn annoying and random..but it will pass . Blink 🤗 We will be ok ... 🌈 🎵 ❤️

Janet in Georgia

Currently battling a migraine. This too shall pass. ❤️


We are okay. We are alive. We have survived until now. I am sending you so much love. As one who’s been there … there is no right thing to say. ♥️




Hanging in there!

Dianne Pater

Glen Phillips talked about lighthouses a bit following his divorce, how most relationships say 'I love you, be close to me' while lighthouses say 'I love you, you shouldn't be here' He wrote this brilliant song on Swallowed by the New (which was his divorce album, perfectly timed to be my divorce album) But there's no harbor here There's only danger near Cliffs above and rocks below And though I want you close This light can only glow To warn you far away from shore Saying 'I love you, now go' We all too often ignore the sounds of the foghorn, warning us away from the wreckage, Visit the lighthouse, thank it for the warning.

Erika Blumberg

Sending love...and hope, from someone who is now on the other side of divorce. Still, I feel you, and I also cry more days than not.


We’re tossed on the waves of the storm, for sure. Lighthouses reveal where some dangers lie, but it’s still up to us to ride out the storm somehow. Feels like. Constant storm now for oh 20-some years. See you in Boston (with my kiddo on crutches)!


Sending love and light ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Thank you for being there for us. You hold us and lift us up. We hold you and carry you in our hearts. Thank you, thank you, thank you.