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 (public post)

hello loves.

i just wrote a public apology to the australians. you can read it here.


goddmit, world. WHAT IS GOING ON?

i'm backstage in brisbane right now, about to do the 1st of 2 shows...and i'm going to do some special goodnight mooning. it feels like we need it.

i'm going to try to hand my phone to someone to periscope tonight's gig, so stay tuned on twitter if you want to watch. if not the whole gig, at least the goodnight moon part. ughhhhhhh

and now in better news....MY DEAR KIWIS!!

oi vey. i’ve been trying to get a little new zealand tour together but time slipped away from me and i just couldn’t quite get it together. for those of y’all in auckland and wellington, i’m sorry. but i think i’ll be back before you know it.

BUT, gulp….i really wanted to nip over for the weekend and visit my friend kya and her three wonderful daughters in napier (they really want to see the baby, and i really want THEM to see the baby) and i couldn’t resist squeezing a single weird gig in.

so i'm playing in NAPIER, NEW ZEALAND: SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19th!!

and it's ART DECO WEEKEND there, the pride and joy of the village… so if you wanna road trip from auckland, bring your flapper clothes and your fancy cars.

napier has the most beautiful art deco architecture due to the fact that it was mainly destroyed in an earthquake in 1931 and the rebuilding happened to capture the deco zeitgeist .... it's gorgeous.

i wound up at art deco weekend a few years ago, while visiting kya, and it’s AWESOME.

and it’s a TINY venue, and it should be an incredibly sweet and special show…i hope some of you can make it.

i haven't announced this to the mailing list yet but will within the next 24 hours...so hop on getting tickets if you're around.



AND FOR GODS SAKE IF YOU KNOW ANYONE IN NAPIER, please tell them to come to this show!! it's a weird one!!

AND IF YOU'RE A PATRON AND ABLE TO COME, COMMENT HERE~!! there's probably few enough of you coming (it's remote, yo!!!) that we can all grab a drink!!!! let's see what we got!

lots of love to you.




-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




Tickets are purchased. Dog sitter is booked. Wine is ready. Bring on Napier.


So excited! Got my ticket, accommodation booked..can't wait! Awesome excuse to a first visit in Napier too :)

Jin N Tonic

omg - my first visit to new zealand completely coincides with that date.. except I'll be volunteering at the Splore festival in Auckland XD


Thanks so much Amanda, I live in Hastings, so this venue is perfect!


Thanks so much for coming to Napier! I live here and meeting up for a drink would be fantastic! :)


Drunkenly bought two tickets on Friday night so I guess I'm dragging my girlfriend on a roadtrip from Auckland to Napier! Thanks drunk Hayley, might have made more boring choices if I was sober :P Now to find accommodation... And I'm totally keen for drinks!!


dear amanda, i've been abroad to iceland & staying at an international hostel in reykjavik. i was so happy to read your apology because it is the same energy i've been bringing to my new connections. the incredible understanding that folks express in response reminds me that we are always so much more than any nationalist bullshit pressed upon us since birth. inspite of that, we are the ones who participate most intimately with the US political-economy/military-industrial war machine. in-between the lines of this apology is a promise to fight trump with absolute love. we can make the changes the world so desperately needs, together. thank you for being part of the words-as-conversation-as-action. you're lovely. blessings&much love, peace,kim g. ps, i picked up a copy of neil's trigger warning at the hostel in exchange for a book i brought about climate change. everything is beautifully, bizarrely, interconnected.


Hi! Yes, I am so excited about this gig. I bought tickets immediately and will be road tripping up from Welly! Would definitely be keen for drinks too - yes please!


You are growing on me day by day. I have a lot of catching up to do with your work. I have girl anachronism running through my head but can't seem to find a non pixelated version anywhere. Any suggestions peeps?


I didn't think I was going to be able to make it-- but then a chance opened up and I took it. I'm so excited to be there!!!


Thank you Amanda for an awesome night in Napier! Arohanui xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

