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(patron-only post)

hello loves.

first of all: WELCOME to a ton of new patrons - there's a whole handful of new brisbane folks here....HELLO LOVES. it feels espeically heart-warming to have you here given the polticial world situation here.

a HUGE THANKS to nat and her daughter olive who helped sign up all the new people at the merch table!! what a novel idea - i don't know why i didn't think of it before until nat volunteered - but if ANYBODY WHO IS A PATRON wants to volunteer for any of the upcoming shows to hold the hands of people who don't really "get" patreon but want to join - comment here with your email and i'll put you to work!! it was really great to have an actual patron there at the merch table explaining the system to people. 

THERE ARE STILL a few tickets left for brisbane tonight (only a handful! like, 30). if you're coming, tell people!! and/or tweet/FB that there are still a few tickets. there are also still tickets for ADELAIDE, both nights, if you can help me spread the word about that one. (feb 25 and 26 @ her majesty's theater!)

meanwhile - beyonce is pregnant with twins. justine told me that she saw a hilarious and heartbreaking meme/comment on the net this morning : there are now more black people inside of beyonce than there are in donald trump's administration. 

nice one.

i tweeted and facebooked this astonishing image this morning:

 read the whole story behind the new yorker's decision to run this as their cover instead of their usual man-and-monocle image for their anniversary, it's awesome:


the show last night (1 of 2 in brisbane, at the powerhouse) was phenomenal...i'm really hitting my stride with these solo shows and plopping down at the piano and ukulele station like it's just an extension of the day - it's feeling more and more like a living room. last night i invited seven people to come up and play piano during an american-australian friendship reading of "goodnight moon" and some wonderful volunteers from the front row periscoped the whole gig, including improvising a charger. (if that was you, THANK YOU AND I LOVE YOU).

a quick FAVOR, before i hit the strangers on twitter and facebook:

DOES ANYBODY IN TASMANIA/HOBART know someone who can watch ash? we'll be there for about a week and we need an experienced sitter!!! if you're game, comment below....and even better, email justine: justinemarzack@gmail.com. 

we've been really lucky using friends-of-friends as sitters, but hobart....we've asked around but have come up dry.

we'll need someone from this sunday night to the following sunday to put in a few hours a day! will also give this person ample tickets and merch if they're a fan, and we've been paying the oz sitters $25 an hour.



p.s. above photo by roisin mchugh!!! found via twitter. roisin, if you're a patron, heads me up here!!!


-----------THE NEVER-ENDING AS ALWAYS-----------

1. if you’re a patron, please click through to comment on this post. at the very least, if you’ve read it, indicate that by using the heart symbol. i know, i know. 

2. see All the Things i've made so far on patreon: http://amandapalmer.net/patreon-things/

3. join the official AFP-patron facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/afpland/

4. AFP-patreon-related questions? ask away, someone will answer:




I'm keen to help out in Melbourne. I'm flying over from Perth just to see your show on March 10th (I'm there 8th - 15th). My email is rebeccarb@uk2.net !


Ive got tickets to Sat 25th Adelaide show but can help at the merch table for both 24th and 25th. Cant wait to see your show live. Liathana@hotmail.com


I'd love to volunteer in Melbourne but haven't been able to get a ticket for another gaso show, could do 2 March since it's not covered yet kiri.bear@gmail.com


If you end up back in Seattle i'd be happy to sign people up for Patreon for you. nafsinala@gmail.com I would also love to send you a pic i took with you and my daughter at the Humane Society shindig you did this time last year with Jason, I tagged you in it on Facebook, but imagine you get a zillion tags over there, I titled it "Two of the most beautiful women i know"


Awesome photo :)


Hi Amanda, can you please update us when you find a babysitter? I'll be travelling down on Thursday, I'll be at your show on Friday. Have a few friends and family in Tasmania, but they might not be on Patreon. Was wondering if you're ok with me sharing Justine's email on my facebook page, see if anyone is available. Sorry I don't think I can personally be of assistance, although I've got the experience and Working with Children checks etc however I'll be in the Meander Valley for 2 weeks, after I leave Hobart. So just a little bit too far for the logistics of babysitting. Give me a shout out if you travel up that way though. <3


not relevant to tasmanian babysitting needs, but if you ever need a sitter in denver i have nannied/babysat for kids ages 1-11, and been a camp counselor for kids ages 6-17 :) cpr/first aid certified! how i wish i could fly to tasmania to help you now! i just broke my arm on wednesday night (fell at work - need surgery but my job and worker comp are amazing, as are my partner family and friends so i'm in good spirits) so i'm gonna dive in to all the stuff as just's come out. thank you for arting 💖


This is just a fantastic photo. I remember the feisty piano-playing bass key woman. GREAT idea for this set-up. Please come back soon!!


I wasn't sure where else to put this. It's not really relevant to this post, but... Here. It’s not the first or the last time that I’ll hear it. I’m walking along, minding my own business, doing my job, and a male in my vicinity makes the mildest of eye contact with me and takes this as a signal that he can call me whatever he wants. “Hey, sweetie.” I spit venom almost instantly. It’s work not to say “fuck you” or “what the hell did you just call me” but I don’t. I just say, “Don’t call me sweetie. You don’t even know me.” He says, “Oh.” As I round the corner, I hear him say, “You can’t even say sweetie anymore….” Complaining as if he’s the one that’s been wronged, inconvenienced, disrespected, and sexualized. It’s not the first time. I know it won’t be the last. For some reason I keep thinking about it, though. Why does that hurt me so much? Why does it inspire such anger in me? My answer is quick. Because what if, deep down, he’s in the right? What if I’m just someone to be sexualized? What if it’s okay to disrespect me and I’m wrong to be upset? What if I really did inconvenience him and cross a line by saying, “Don’t call me that?” Trying to write at IHOP later, I catch today of myself in the window. I have strands of black hair that are unruly and dirty and sticking out from under a baseball cap. I don’t have on any makeup. I’m wearing a drug rug that’s too big for me. My jeans have holes all over the place. I’m breaking out. And I realize that I believe all these lies, that I’m not the woman that said, with as much dignity as she could muster, “Don’t call me sweetie.” I’m not the woman that went into her management job at a coffee shop and worked a shift as the lead. I’m not the woman that made her way to class this morning to learn one of the most difficult dead languages of all the dead languages. (Attic Greek.) I’m not the woman that’s begun exhibiting sexual independence over the past six months, making her own decisions and allowing herself to be the one who initiates instead of waiting. I feel like a scrappy nobody. I don’t particularly feel like I imagine a woman is supposed to feel (aren’t women buxom? Don’t they usually wear perfume that knocks you right off your feet when you get too much of it in your lungs?) Do real women curl up in IHOP booths and draw diagrams of the three act structure and stuff themselves with red velvet pancakes? Is it okay to be a woman that does that? What I’m really asking myself is, “Is it okay to be a real person? Am I allowed to be a real human being?” Why am I making myself a low res copy? Why don’t I accept that I did do all of those things? Why don’t I accept that I’m damn good at making up shit, and that I’m going to spend my whole life making up shit?


Thanks for the brilliant show in Brisbane. I've never been to one of your shows, and I was truly honored to have been there. Your music is amazing...I was brought to tears more than once.....your wonderful, thank you so much ❤❤


You are always close to mind when I need some Shakti power. Thank you for the inspirations 💕✨🌾