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The Link to secure a space at Campersand 2023 is now LIVE, for patrons only!!

If you missed my post about what this whole thing is about, it's here. The link to attend is at the bottom of this post - I really want you to read this quickly before you order a spot.

To recap...I am hosting a Gathering Of Patrons for 100 PEOPLE ONLY the week of July 2-7th (Arts Week!) at The Omega Institute/Retreat Center in super-lovely-woodsy Upstate New York (Rhinebeck, to be exact). 

It's so beautiful at Omega, which is a sprawling campus that hosts all kinds of retreats. It's a local treasure around here, I am really lucky I onlu have to travel about an hour to get there.

We had a blast doing this camp with just 50 people in 2019 and we are heading back for more. (If the 2019 people wanna comment below, I'd love you to pimp how awesome it was. It was awesome.)

This is FOR US. It's also for ME. I love the internet but I also hate it. I also love shows but I also hate them. There's a distance.

It's just, in the end, a chance for us to HANG OUT IN FLESH SPACE. I really like doing this. It won't make much money. It's about getting off the internet and into our lives, off our computers and into the woods, and it's GONNA BE FANTASTIC. IT'S OUR TIME. OUR TIME DOWN HERE.

This 2023 gathering is going to be a little less deep-dive/therapeutic (our theme in 2019 was "Real Compassion", and oh boy, did we GO THERE).... and a little more light/campfire/get-to-know-each-other.

All sorts of things will be on offer every day. Little music/song workshops, yoga, movement & martial arts, writing, journaling sharing time, there will be something for everyone, and if you don't want to take part in anything, you don't gotta. Come for the food, the company, and the fresh, fresh air and walks in the woods. (Bring bug spray and sunscreen!).

We're going to provide a little gift tote with CAMPERSAND 2023 stuff in it for all guests. We're currently aiming for Water Bottles, towels, pens, pencils, and journals...but no promises. Shit always happens. We're gonna try.

I will be there all week to host, and Alex and Michael from Team AFP will be there too, along with (hopefully) Team AFP alum and ever-loved Hayley (it's her BIRTHDAY THAT WEEK, AGAIN).

Most of the information that you need can be found on Omega's website here, but if you have specific questions that are not covered on their website, please feel free to ask and we will do our best to get you an answer ASAP.


Omega is located approximately 90 miles north of New York City right by the Hudson River.  They have detailed instructions on their website covering all directions and all modes of transportation here 


There are two costs. The program/retreat cost itself is $495.  That pays for all the admin costs from Omega as well as the paying all the educators and workshop leaders that will be there all week. Then there's the cost for lodging, which includes three buffet-style meals a day in the dining hall (with Gluten-free, vegan and vegetarian options) is anywhere from $475 for a camping spot if you bring your own gear to $1,500 for a fancy shmancy cabin. Or, if you're local, or want to stay off campus, the commuter fee to cover all your meals is $225.  It'll all make sense when you go to buy your space. More info on lodgings here.


A typical day will include moseying over to the dining hall for the breakfast buffet, meeting and eating with other patrons you've met and maybe mingling with some other people who are attending other workshops at Omega (Chris Wells is going to be doing his writing workshop the same week we are there, and there's gonna lots of art energy on campus, it's ARTS WEEK!). 

After breakfast we'll probably all gather and check in as a group and do some talking and sharing moving around. WE may pare off in small groups to get to know each other a little better. I might challenge us all to write and share a little something. 

Then grab lunch with some new friends, or eat outside alone under a beautiful tree while you ponder your existence. Choose between doing some yoga or a chocolate tasting, or doing a little songwriting workshop in the afternoon....or go on a hike with a group. Feel.

Splurge on a massage at the Omega healing arts center. See god.

Grab a plate at dinner and talk with a new pal, start to feel sleepy, wonder if you have it in your to make it to the concert Amanda is giving that night with a surprise special guest. Decide to go. Be glad you did. 

Take a forest bath, gaze at the stars, hug a new friend goodnight. Go to bed and cry from happiness.


Omega has plenty about this in their FAQ, but bring COMFY summer clothes that you can hike, walk and move around it. Hats and long sleeves/pants are good, it's the woods. We are not here to impress each other with our evening wear. That being said, we'll probably do one open-mic, concert night and if you wanna bring something shiny, go for it.


Some of you have asked about bringing children.  Children are *allowed* at Omega, but please note that this is not a kid-friendly retreat.  If you want to attend and bring a nanny/child care provider and have them stay nearby so you can focus on the workshops & activities during the day and see your kiddo at night, that is up to you, but we can't accommodate little ones and Omega does not have any childcare facilities or kid activities to offer.  If you have an infant, Amanda has said that "babes in arms" are welcome, but might pose difficulties if you're doing it solo.  This is a retreat for community building, however, so if you are a parent and would like to attend, perhaps you can take this opportunity to take a break.


YES! The whole point is to connect with the Community, so if you want to bring a friend along to Camp, please make sure that they are an active Patron.


Thanks to your incredible generosity we were able to offer 10 Scholarships to members in the community from all over the globe  All 10 have been notified and have confirmed that they are coming!

We are very bummed that we weren't able to award them to the almost 100 people (!) who applied. The selection process was pure torture, because everyone was deserving.

A note regarding the Scholarships from Michael:

Hi Everyone!  Thank you so much for taking the time to write in and fill out the application.  We received 99 applications and each and every one of them was read with care and consideration.

Oh man, so many people have been through so much and reading your stories and your reasons for wanting to attend Campersand made me want to have an entire retreat for free JUST for you. . . but sadly that is not the way of the world.  Please know that I am sending so many hugs to everyone who wrote in asking for help.  It's not an easy thing to do and you all should be proud of yourselves just for that.

One common thread in the applications that I want to point out (at the risk of becoming a little long-winded for this post) was that almost everyone who wrote in mentioned how not only Amanda, but how much this community has meant to them.  You all really do look out for each other and take care of each other and that is just fucking beautiful and I want you all to know how proud I am to be part of this amazing group of humans who really get it.  

So thank you for trusting me with your stories, thank you for having the courage to ask for help, and thank you for being the amazing community that you are.  I love you.

Love, Michael 



And that's all the info as we have it.  If you have any questions that aren't answered, please head over to Omega's site which has tons of info or give them a call.  Right now it's just Amanda and Michael running this on our end while Omega have an entire staff dedicated to fielding any and all questions or concerns you might have.

(Please.....read everything above carefully before clicking the shiny link to reserve your space!!!)




Amanda & Michael



D. Franklin

Greatly looking forward to this!

Stephanie Rowe

I adore you guys and wish I could swing it. ($ and timing were not on my side) Can't wait to hear how it went!


darn, was hoping you might be there Stephanie! maybe next time.

Stephanie Rowe

It would be amazing to see you and catch up! I'll talk to hubby about it again, but the week away part if where I'm most unsure.


If only... My life, including my geography, simply makes this impossible, but I cannot imagine an event / gathering that I would rather be at. I look forward to a full experience report from as many of the attendees who feel so moved, and from Amanda herself of course - those that are there will be the lucky few, and despite my disappointment I am very, very happy for you all.


Registered and hopeful.


Thank you. Know that things change. I couldn’t imagine being able to do this last year and today it is possible. Much love and light to you ❤️❤️❤️


Is there a social platform that fellow campers will be nerding out about campersand for the next few months? like a Facebook group but I don't think most people use fb anymore.

Nathan Williams

Silly question ..but I’m So old and out of touch lol -what DO people use for social media nowadays? I’ve used fb mostly -but barely dabbled elsewhere -insta?


I'm not a social media person either, but I imagine most people have moved to insta or TikTok or more independent platforms.

Len Tower Jr.

We have a topic on Amanda's Forum, theshadowbox. Link in next comment. -Len

Len Tower Jr.

https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-amandas-retreat-at-the-omega-institute-ny-jul-2-7/11151/57 -Len

Monster Zine

Are there any covid precautions in place? Like asking folks to be vaccinated or take a rapid test before coming?

Rebecca Ryan

So looking forward to this! I mean..I’m in Australia other side of the world and not going BUT excited for you all..much needed time out I’m sure 💜


Just received my official confirmation - so excited!

Pamela Kirsch

Oh my goodness! I was mentioning the retreat to my parents this morning and they said if it’s really important to me I can go and pay them back! I got the second to last ticket and can’t remember the last time I have been this excited !!! Now I’ll have to check out the shadow box!!! If you’ve been on the fence there is only ONE spot left!!!!!

Len Tower Jr. (edited)

Comment edits

2023-03-08 20:40:27 btw, Campersand 2023 has a thread on Amanda's forum: https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-amandas-retreat-at-the-omega-institute-ny-jul-2-7/11151?u=lentower Best -Len
2023-02-27 21:01:50 Campersand 2023 has a thread on Amanda's forum to ask questions, info, etc. https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-amandas-retreat-at-the-omega-institute-ny-jul-2-7/11151?u=lentower Best -Len

Campersand 2023 has a thread on Amanda's forum to ask questions, info, etc. https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-amandas-retreat-at-the-omega-institute-ny-jul-2-7/11151?u=lentower Best -Len


Sadly I don't think I can justify the price with my current salary, but I live 20 mins from here, so if you need anybody to work there let me know