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Hallo loves.

Random post of randomness...and why not....I made a tiny frazzled kitchen video for you...and I just wanted to do a little check-in and housekeeping. 

I'm fragile. Divorce is hard. Parenting is hard. I love it...but it's hard. To top it all off: living alone in the woods in the dead of winter is also VERY hard. I love the woods in the summer. Winter....harder. I twisted my goddamn knee and have to go see an orthopedist because it's not healing. My body feels slow and sticky. That's hard. Things are taking shape too slowly for my taste. I feel hungry and anti-social at the same time. But as Glennon Doyle reminds us, WE CAN DO HARD THINGS!!!

I am doing them daily!!

I know you are, too. I am fucking proud of you. Whatever hard thing you are doing....I am proud of you. Really. (And having read through the Omega Scholarship applications....fuck, are some of you doing some Hard Things. Good God).

I'm also feeling huge daily doses of perspective. 40,000 fucking people dead in the earthquake? My friends in New Zealand flooded and without electricity? The post-covid (and long-covid) vibe in America in general? Oof. Many of the the little kids around here seem anxious and sad. Hard to tell what's winter, what's divorce, what's me, what's covid, what's The Woods. Who knows? The soup tastes a little bitter, but I know I fucking have soup to eat, and I know many people right now have no soup, or are ... dead. No eating any soup when yer dead.

So....I count my blessings every minute that I can give Ash a life of relative safety, ease and bounty. There's always food on the table. I have my patreon. I can roast vegetables (and do, almost daily). My friends are increasingly incredible and empathetic as they learn what I'm going through and hear the long, winding horror story of the past three years and what I've had to hide from the world and struggle with internally. 

From all of this, from the ashes of this winter: the dolls record. Really. It's time to write it. From the cracks of this sidewalk's end....will come the weeds that will sprout into the tree that will sprout into the album. Or something like that.

UPSIDES: I'm scouting around here for a space to do an UPSTATE NINJA GIG. We need it. Yeah?? You down??

And a couple housekeeping things...

1. WEBCAST TOMORRROW!!! It's been a while.

IF you haven't RSVP'd to tomorrow's webcast, please DO. I'm over there chatting right now and the vibe is always so sweet and connected and mellow. I'll be webcasting from 11:11am EST til about 1ish (probably later) and talking songwriting, upcoming record, surviving hard things, answering questions....and the usual. If you've never tuned into a webcast, it's always fun and I always feel better for having done it and I think everybody else does too.

It's for $10+ patrons only to keep it small, and there's about 100 people already RSVP'd. You can  up your patronage just to check it out and see if it's your speed and then drop down if you wanna. Start leaving questions in the box!

Link to RSVP now is here: https://www.crowdcast.io/e/v5xbotyj

2. CAMPERSAND 2023!!!!....is

THERE ARE ONLY EIGHT SPOTS LEFT!!!!! The majority of the tickets flew in the first 24 hours....so these could go any minute. If you've been on the fence about coming, HOP OFF.

It's July 2-7th in upstate New York, you'll be with me and a bunch of artists and writers and poets and movement people, and you'll make friends for life. All the info about it is HERE in this patron-only post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/78463483

next up...

3. THE TOUR!!!

My tiny solo piano tour is selling beautifully. Boston and Poughkeepsie are near sold out (Boston is very very close, just about 100 tickets left), and Tacoma (which holds about 2,000) is getting there.

HELP ME SPREAD THE WORD ABOUT THE TOUR, please, and get tickets if you haven't already. All the tickets are here: https://amandapalmer.net/events/

...and here's a FB post to share & a tweet to RT. 

HEADS UP, VANCOUVER....my usual NINJA TED BENEFIT is gonna happen in APRIL!!!! Hold the phone, announcement coming....


WHILE I HAVE YOU HERE....if you live in Vancouver or Seattle, Michael and I are looking for places to crash. We're working hard and have long show days, so we need beds and quiet (no pull-out couches in the living room this time round)....but as long as we can both get a bed and closing door and it's near the venue, HOUSE US! We wanted to reach out to the patrons before booking hotels near the venues.

(fill in details)

....and don't worry, CATS ARE A BONUS. We are nice house guests and do not bite. Email Michael at:  xxxx





so down for a ninja gig if I can swing the timing, hell yes please! 💜 😃 re. living in the woods: I feel that, I don't even have kids. as wonderful as it can be to live in the country, like, how hard can it be to get the simplest thing done? that if I was in a city, would be one and done on the way to the subway? also, it's too goddamn quiet sometimes, i'd kill for a basic pigeon, or even a raccoon tearing up some garbage, even the wolves sound lonely out here! terribly sorry to hear about your knee, sending it healing ocean vibes 🌊🌊🌊 x LOVE YOU

Gabrielle Shearer

Heya, my sister has a nifty little guest house near Seward Park in Seattle that might be free, let me know if you want me to check. It would be comfy and super private


100% yes to upstate ninja gig!

Dianne Pater

upstate ninja gig!

Laura Wellner

Busy and lonely, yeah, it is a thing. I'm getting used to it, and then when the boys come home from work, I'm suddenly overwhelmed by sensory wtf, OMG I've been home alone all day with cats, a wee donkey, and a tinier goat, and you two come in, and blah, blah, blah, piss and moan about your days, I want to cover my ears and run to a quiet place. (It's funny; I have to laugh at myself.) Hard things can be done! Always. Discipline and patience, always patience with yourself and that pile of shit to do. That sucks that you hurt your knee; getting older is a bitch. I have found that this sort of shit takes longer to heal. It's so annoying. I have knee braces for such things and compression socks for the achy feet, especially the plantar fuck-it-itis. Wrist braces for those tiny wrists that get fucked up by too much repetitive motion or the vibrations from my weed whacker. And the Sacroiliac support belt to support the pelvic region so I don't get that horrific sciatic nerve pain. (I also have a TENS unit for taking care of that.) I've become an expert at pain management without the hardcore drugs, mind over matter. I power through, but I know when to rest. Some days I feel like I'm wearing armor before I leave the house just to work in the garden. Winter is hard. This winter has been weird. 60 degrees and sunny like a day in early May, then back to bitter cold and snow fucking February as it should be. It's bullshit. I count my blessings every day. I'm upright, walking forward; it's a good day. Love you, hugs! I wish my magic wand could tap you on the head and make you feel better, and everybody else too. Happy thoughts!

Marguerita Tajibnapis

My two cents because it’s usually hard for me to put this first and then I discover I would have been better off if I had. Health first! Make the doctor appointments! Chances are you won’t be able to get in right away but if you wait, it will be even later and you’ll physically feel worse and maybe damage your knee more. (Speaking as someone with a chronic knee injury that I aggravated AGAIN by being thinking I could do anything just as it had healed. Once you’ve got the appointments in your calendar, you can plan around them. I would love living in the woods and wouldn’t feel alone, but for that I need a dog to be there. Maybe you can borrow someone’s dog or pet sit for a friend who’s needing to go out of town. You’ve been busy putting Ash first and now it’s time to attend to you and your needs. Lots of love ❤️

TMR Bennett

This is such a wonderfully human summary of (part of a) life. "Some days I feel like I'm wearing armor before I leave the house just to work in the garden" resonated with me especially. I definitely feel at times as I put on my hat and boots that I am armoring myself against the world. You have a powerful heart in your willingness to take on the difficulties of life in this way, especially to be vulnerable in communicating about it!

Laura Wellner

Thank you! I think I am able to be open about my experiences because I was surrounded by adults who were unwilling to offer much guidance, very on the surface, awkward, and on a "need to know" basis. I'm 60 years old, and I feel it's important to share knowledge and experiences from my size 6 1/2's. If anything I write, say, do, helps one person, or makes someone's day, I'll be glad.


We live in between Vancouver BC and Seattle and near the famous tulip festival that happens in March/April. So if you need a night between and want to try to see some tulips and take some amazing photos in tulip fields hit me up for a virtual tea and happy to discuss logistics: https://calendly.com/peacepractice/virtual-tea


Divorce is insanely hard and it's insanely hard to understand how hard it will be until you're in the thick of it. Lots of dealing with it energy your way.

Rebecca Ryan

I hope your knee is ok. Ouch..No good. We need our knees. They are connected to the leg bone.:etc..which is connected to the…other bone…get on it ..good luck x

Regina Holt

music helps loneliness lol just saying 💙🍑

Len Tower Jr.

Campersand 2023 has a thread on Amanda's forum to ask questions, info, etc. https://forum.theshadowbox.net/t/campersand-2023-amandas-retreat-at-the-omega-institute-ny-jul-2-7/11151?u=lentower Best -Len