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Hello beautiful

Lots to catch y'all up on but this one first...

Over 40 people have donated and we are at almost $4k of a $7,500 goal for the Campersand Scholarship fund!!!!! 

THANK YOUUUUUUUU all who donated. My love for this community, and the way you all help each other, is, as usual, endless.

You're all just amazing. 

If anyone still wants to donate to bring us over the top of the goal, here:


THE DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP TO CAMPERSAND, our all-patron retreat in the woods of Upstate New York July 2-7th, 2023, is TOMORROW (Feb 7th) at 5pm EST.

We're already gotten over 60 applications!!!!!!! IT IS GOING TO BE VERY VERY HARD TO CHOOSE. Michael and I are sifting through them. Fuck, you people have been through A LOT.

And...don't forget, the on-sale for tickets for the retreat is THIS FRIDAY (the 10th), at noon. Scholarship applicants will find out if they got the scholarship on Thursday by 5pm, so they can plan one way or another. 



Last of all, I just posted about Campersand to Instagram and Facebook, from in front of my cosy house fire! Not the most obvious thing to share on your feed, but if you have people who might be curious about it, go ahead!

More about actual life and art soon.

Admin for the day over!





Nikki D. May

I can’t wait for registration to open!! I hope I get in there fast enough to get a spot and can find a place nearby to park my skoolie!! 😍😍😍


I've applied. Keeping fingers crossed for the next few days. After the year I had, some positivity would really do me a lot of good. 🔮


This is so awesome...wish travel expenses weren't so batpoo, I'd be there like a bear xx


I really hoped to try to grab a spot once they go on sale but with solo parenting, I don't think I'm going to be able to leave the kids that long. I wish there was an option to split the week with someone - go halfsies for time and cost!


There is no kids program this year, and my kid wouldn't want me leaving them behind again. So since I can't go again, I will donate some more to the scholarship fund. Have a wonderful time, all!

Bethany Olson

I applied for the scholarship but I also donated. They aren’t mutually exclusive. Love you, heart sister.

Jen Kiaba

Wish I could join but donated and hope everyone has an amazing experience


Hey. Have the successful applicants been announced? Did I miss it? X

Len Tower Jr.

From https://www.patreon.com/posts/campersand-2023-78021501 "DEADLINE TO APPLY FOR A SCHOLARSHIP IS 5pm EST, Tuesday Feb 7th. We will contact you by 5pm EST, Thursday Feb 9th if you're selected, and we'll also put up a patreon post when the whole thing closes shop. (If you don't hear from us, sorry, but you didn't make it)." I haven't seen any announcement yet. -Len