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Hello My topper-level patrons (that's about 200 of you)

TL;DR: I'm asking my richer patrons to help out the less rich ones. There's a GoFundMe scholarship to help people pay their way to the Campersand week-long patron-only retreat this summer. Here's the link, please donate! We're already at $1,000 of a $7,500 goal:



This is going out to you Art In The Mail and above folks (above $25). I figure you are the sorts who I should directly hit up for this, because you're the generally generous types who aren't broke and like to help people.

If you missed the announcement day before yesterday, I'm holding a patron-only retreat/gathering for the patron community, it's called CAMPERSAND, and it's taking place at a beautiful retreat center in Upstate New York on July 2nd to 7th. 

It's open to 100 people (we did 50 last time, and it was phenomenal)...and according to a poll I did a few weeks ago, a LOT of people would love to come and could afford the travel, but can't afford the the retreat itself (it isn't cheap).

That's why I'm coming to YOU.

Michael and I set up a GoFundMe "Scholarship"/fund so that wealthier patrons could give a hand to poorer ones.

So even if you have zero interest in attending the retreat...if you're feeling generous and wanna donate to the fund, it would mean a lot to the people who REALLY want to come but can't afford it. We've set aside 15 spaces of the 100 to be scholarship spaces, and if the fund doesn't make enough money. I'll still cover 10 out of my own pocket. If there's dough left over or we make more than we need, we'll put it towards making the retreat nicer, or towards next year's retreat.

So please, DONATE!



More about Campersand:

People can apply for the scholarship itself HERE using this form, and we've already had a ton of applicants. All the nitty-gritty/timing info about the scholarship itself is the Campersand Announcement post, here.

In housekeeping...art-in-the-mail from Joni is in production, and I'm about to announce a webcast for y'all in the next few weeks, keep your eyes peeled. I'm still stumbling home from New Zealand and solo mothering and trying to get tickets sold and the Dresden Dolls fetal-album off the ground....mostly burning the candle at a number of ends.


I'm really looking forward to this week. It'll be nourishing, to say the least.

And thank you, for being generous, and wonderful, and all that.






Done. If circumstances allow, I'll kick in a bit more next month.


Am on the very broke side of the wallet here, but hoping to donate a little soon and maybe start saving up for the next one. 💜


Donated. 💕


I upgraded from the $5 tier to $25 this month thanks to new and sudden patronage I have received and want to pass on to someone i respect, appreciate and am grateful for having been born. I am on SSDI, SNAP, Medicare, Medicaid, etc. I get a small check each month to survive on, barely. It's definitely less than the higher end cost of Campersand. In fact, despite apparently being considered an upper-level "richer" patron now, I live below the federal poverty guidelines and have already completed a scholarship application for myself. Maybe my priorities are skewed but art and music saved me so many times the least I can do is help keep ONE of my saviors afloat while also getting in on the $10+ webchats. Lol. I struggle, we struggle, humanity struggles. I really hope to get a brief reprieve from the struggle at Campersand with some like-minded folx but if it's not in my cards, then so be it. I just want to point out patron status/tier level is not indicative of or correlated with someone's personal financial status. AFP has given me so much and asks so little in return I actually have guilt for not being able to answer this ask. Amanda once quoted "if you can, then you must". Thanks for understanding this time I just can't but am eternally hopeful someday I can.


Amanda, I've been here since your Kickstarter morphed into this and I've learned a lot from you about how to communicate and find community in these interWeb days. I came for the music and stayed for the community. I figure if I'm going to enjoy your Art of Asking, then I should employ the Art of Giving. So here's my drip into the scholarship pool. As for the retreat... today's thinking is that I shouldn't let my age of 71 stop me, but I'm a bit worried about being an old fart in a sparkling pool. I have a week to think about that.


donated already, and will kick in again next month like Ted. no sincere effort is ever wasted! (((AFP)))


hi Jeffrey. my thinking is in agreement that you should go to the retreat, for what it's worth.

Teresa Toro

We're all ages Jeffrey – you of course can feel how you feel but I turn 57 this year and plan to be there – our age range is a rainbow XOXO


Jeffrey - thank you. There will be a vast rainbow of ages, for sure. Come!! I know at least one other person in their 60s/70s planning to join.

Mike C.


Teresa Toro

Halfway to goal already, this is so exciting!


Jeffrey - i'm a frequent flyer at Omega and there are people of all ages there. You will not feel out of place AT ALL. So - come! Hope to meet you there. best ~ sarah